"Sonia Sotomayor fractured her ankle in an airport on her way to senate meetings. Would a white male judge have fractured his ankle in the same way?" - the vulgar Pigboy, a funny racist pig Link
Would a single man need to take Viagra to the Dominican Republic while on a men-only vacation there, or score Hillbilly Heroin in the parking lot at Denny's?
The hate within our borders
The parade of domestic terrorists and eliminationists continues. (CNN):
The suspect in Wednesday's shooting at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum is James von Brunn, an 88-year-old white supremacist from Maryland, two law enforcement officials told CNN.
Gunfire at the entrance of the museum wounded at least two people Wednesday, emergency officials said.
A private security guard and the shooting suspect were wounded, according to officials of the D.C. police.
Sgt. David Schlosser, a spokesman for U.S. Park Police, told reporters a man armed with a "long gun" entered the museum at 12:50 p.m. and fired at a security officer, and both were wounded in the exchange of gunfire.
Wow. I'm betting his daughter Angelina Jolie is mighty embarrassed right about now
Jon Voight is this crazy? Link
Jon Voight blasted Obama at the Nazi fundraiser dinner last night in Washington D.C. Here are snippets:
"Are we supposed to sitting and waiting, watching for the possibility of a new Holocaust? Who's going to take the responsibility to keep America, I mean Israel, safe. I'll tell you why this really scares the hell out of me. Everything Obama has recommended has turned out to be disastrous."
"It saddens me greatly to think we were the great powerful good in the world. We as Americans knew America to be strong. We were the liberators of the entire world. We are becoming a weak nation."
"Obama really thinks he is a soft-spoken Julius Caeser. He think he's going to conquer the world with his soft-spoken sweet talk and really think he's going to bring all of the enemies of the world into a little playground, where they'll swing each other back and forth."
Damn, I had no idea Voight was this insane.
Obama brought us nothing but disaster? Can you name one, Jon?
I can name at least twenty that Bush brought.
We were powerful until Obama made us weak?
Is that how Bush won both his wars? With all our power?
If Voight thinks we need to kidnap, rape, torture and murder everyone then I hope they give him 30 minutes to speak at Nazi-Con 2012.
Betty Bowers explains prayer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5QqEmBi8iw
Isn't it comforting to know that rightist fruitcakes like James Von Brunn, Scott Roeder, and Jim Adkisson are running around loose, packing lethal heat?
Health care industry: Competition??? No!!! http://www.teambio.org/2009/06/09/health-insurance-industry-%e2%80%9ccompetition-nooooo%e2%80%9d/
C-SPAN - 9 June 2009: Rep. Dennis Kucinich speaks on the floor of the house:
"It's good our administration is reaching out to the muslim world. It's bad to spend another $100 billion to keep wars going which will kill innocent muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. It's good we try to create an incentive for people to buy efficient cars. It's bad that the car vouchers will not be expressly for the purpose of purchase of cars made in American. It's even worse that we tie such an incentive to a war funding bill. Cash for clunkers and bunkers in the same bill. Cash for more war... Meanwhile back in the U.S. of A., factories and auto dealers are closing, people are losing their businesses, their jobs, their homes, their health care, their investments, their retirement security. Who are these people who keep coming up with these innovative ideas to keep wars going and to move jobs out of America. Who are these people?"
After milking every ounce of publicity out of the hoopla around not firing Miss California, Carrie Prejean, last month for lying about having posed for nude photos, making bigoted remarks and consorting with the National Organization for Marriage, an anti-gay hate group, Donald Trump reversed himself and terminated Prejean today.
"To me she was the sweetest thing. Everyone else — she treated like shit," Trump said.
Being a jerk is not necessarily a firing offense, even for beauty queens. Technically, Prejean was fired over for breach of contract:
No news if she has to return her Jugs for Jesus that the pageant paid for.
Politician/investors bailed out their investments
In a development that should come as a surprise to no one but Timmy Geithner, WaPo staff writers Carol Leonnig and Paul Kane discover that key figures in Congress responsible for piushing the bank bail-out bills through in record time and with little allowed in the way of investigation or thoughtful analysis just happen to have been fairly heavy investors in the corpo's they were being asked to save using our money. And before you ask, Yes of course there are as many Dems as Pubs.
Southern California home prices are approaching 1989 levels. Calculated Risk thinks that 1979 levels are possible after the next foreclosure wave hits.
Imagine: 30 year deflation in housing prices.
And in the Inland-Empire where suburban ghost towns were left in the wake of the housing bubble, the vacant housing is not just a sign of the foreclosures but of overbuilding.
Coca Cola is a corporate partner with the Creation "Museum".
Heaven for sale
Now, for the low, low price of $12.79, you can reserve a spot in heaven for yourself. This is a real business selling tickets, certificates and ID cards that claims to give you a direct line to an afterlife in paradise, with a money-back guarantee. You might think it's just a gag…but it's the same thing as Catholic indulgences, so it's a gag with a little bite.
Oh, and if you don't like the prospect of eternity in heaven, you can also reserve a spot in hell. That one probably has a stronger seal of theological approval.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints excommunicates any church member who practices polygamy. The Church has publicly disowned Mormon fundamentalists, representing the sects of Mormonism which embrace early Mormon teachings that made polygamy a central part of the Mormon faith — the ongoing legacy of Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism.
So why are they baptizing dead polygamists and their wives that they excommunicated? http://www.pensitoreview.com/2009/06/10/the-mormon-church-polygamy-a-double-standard/
Minnesota election court orders Norm Coleman to pay Franken almost $100,000.
Wow. Even Fox News is frightened by their viewers: http://tpmtv.talkingpointsmemo.com/?id=2706277&ref=fpblg
Rupuert Murdoch
After egging on right-wing extremists who now are murdering doctors and police in America ..
During the debate on the economic recovery package shortly after President Obama assumed office, News Corp's New York Post ran a cartoon likening Obama to a dead chimpanzee. After protests and extended criticism, the Post editorialized that they apologize "to those who were offended by the image" while News Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch later issued a personal apology. Now, the company has formed a diversity council in response the controversy:
News Corp. has agreed to form an external diversity council after meeting with civil rights groups about a New York Post cartoon that critics said likened President Barack Obama to a dead chimpanzee.
The company will form a "diversity community council" in New York City that will meet with senior company executives twice a year, NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous said Wednesday. It also will include a statement of commitment to diversity in its annual report.
Representatives from the NAACP, Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network, the National Urban League, and 100 Black Men of America met with News Corp. executives on May 19, but it is unclear how diverse the council will be.
$3 billion, $405 million, $669 thousand, $482
That's BILLION, with a "B."
Lotsa money. About $1,000 dollars for every living man, woman, and child in the ENTIRE country.
It's what the Health Insurance Parasites and Big Pharma have spent, in the last 10 years, to ensure that you and I will never have comprehensive, universal health care. I betcha wish they'd have given it to you instead of the regulators, doncha?
But that money's well spent because it went to guarantee that, whatsoever the eventual Obama health-care compromise looks like, it will NOT in any way diminish the revenues - and therefore the clout - of the Health Insurance and Big Pharma parasites, or reduce their influence in patient-care decisions. If it happens by some fluke that there are some benefits to the people, well you know what they say: Shit happens.
Down With Tyranny has a semi-hopeful (and, to the extent that it is optimistic, also delusional) post about the matter, along with names and phone numbers of the relevant legislators who can be counted upon to reply politely to your query, look thoughtful, and only then totally ignore your pleadings...
Greg Sargent asks a good question:
A side question raised by the D.C. shooting: Will GOP members of Congress who have pushed so-called "birther" legislation in Congress drop this crusade, now that it's emerging that the suspected shooter may have been a "birther," too?
TPM has unearthed a writing of James von Brunn that seems to show that he's a "birther," one of those hearty souls who's questioning the legitimacy of Obama's election because he isn't a natural born American citizen.
The point is not that the "birther" talk is directly to blame for violence like this. But it seems fair to ask whether this kind of stuff, and related fringe wackitude, is playing some kind of role in helping egg it on at a moment when Obama's agenda is coming into focus.
I think the answer is probably "no". The members who are pushing it are the lunatic fringe of a party that is itself the lunatic fringe of the country. I don't see them backing down now.
Scary fact: A report written in 2005 showed that there have been over 60 plots thwarted by right wing extremists in this country since 1995. And that was 4 years before we got a black president.
The GOP faithful didn't open their wallets as they have in the recent past at the annual Senate-House fundraising dinner. The event, led by [bloviating adulterer] Newt Gingrich, took in $14.5 million, the lowest total in at least five years.
Let me know when a special prosecutor is doing the investigating (instead of complicit Congresscritters) and I might get excited about the prospect of Cheney paying for his crimes...
Cheney still in crosshairs of Senate intelligence probe: http://rawstory.com/08/news/2009/06/10/cheney-still-in-crosshairs-of-senate-intelligence-probe/
This is Special Police Officer Stephen T. Johns, the man who was murdered at the Holocaust Museum:

Obama Administration: Naked Political Cowardice:
SAN ANGELO, Texas (AP) — The mayor of this West Texas sheep ranching town offered a stunning explanation when he suddenly resigned: He was in love with a man who was an illegal immigrant and had gone to Mexico.
They had to move, he said, because there was no legal way for them to remain together in the United States.
First the Republicons gave us an alternative budget proposal without any numbers. Now they have introduced their alternative energy plan, which won't take into consideration greenhouse gases:
Instead, their solution is to give billions of dollars in new tax breaks and subsidies to the oil, coal, and nuclear industries.
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