"I am not so sure that, if we hadn't married, she'd have voted for me." - the worst president ever, talking about Pickles. Link
She would have voted for you if she used a Diebold machine.
Shame on you... President Obama - by Rachel Maddow Link ; Video
We begin tonight with a tale of two speeches -- both from the same man, President Obama. One speech that could have been billed as a ballad to the Constitution -- a proclamation of American values, a repudiation of the lawless behavior of the last presidential administration. And another speech -- announcing a radical new claim of presidentialpower that is not afforded by the Constitution and that has never been attempted in American history, even by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.
Remarkably, President Obama today made both those speeches simultaneously. Standing in front of the actual, original Constitution, Obama delivered a blistering critique of Bush in which he called his legacy literally a mess.
It's gotta be tough times for Rachel Maddow, who shamelessly whored herself to get Obama elected.
I remember one example, when one of the Clintons said something totally harmless - it might've been Bill's "incredibly racist" comparison of Obama to Jesse Jackson (which never made any sense) Rachel said she was overcome with physical nausea at the sheer viciousness of his blatant racism (my recollection)
That was pure horseshit and Rachel knew it was horseshit when she said it, but she wanted her candidate to win and her credibility went out the window. Basically, Rachel was Randi Rhodes with better manners.
Well, if any criticism of Obama is racism, isn't she the racist now? I'm kidding, just to turn her own prejudices back on her.
Bill Maher on Greed.
Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad -- a 24-year-old Little Rock resident formerly known as Carlos Bledsoe -- faces a first-degree murder charge and 15 counts of engaging in a terrorist act, Little Rock Police Chief Stuart Thomas said. The terrorist counts stem from the shots fired at an occupied building.
That got me to wondering about what charges were brought against Scott Roeder, who is accused of shooting abortion doctor George Tiller to death in his church yesterday. I was surprised at the fact that Roeder actually hasn't been charged with anything yet - but what really interested me was what he may be charged with:
Now, this may simply be a case of different charges applying in different jurisdictions - but if Muhammad is subject to a terrorism charge for shooting into an occupied building, shouldn't Roeder be liable for the same charges?
Marcus Epstein
Executive Director
Team America PAC
Dear Mr. Epstein,
I want to thank you for all the good work you've been doing at Team America PAC to oppose the Sotomayor nomination. Your bosses, Tom Tancredo and Bay Buchanan, were among the first to call her a racist, and are currently among the last to let it go. Now, it's your turn.
It's time Sotomayor was given a taste of your famous Epstein Street Treatment. You know what I mean: that thing where you expose "reverse-racists" by randomly accosting brown people on the sidewalk and giving them a karate chop as you shout the word "nigger" in a high-pitched Bruce-Lee-like shriek--just like you did according to this account from the US Attorney's office.
On July 7, 2007, at approximately 7:15 p.m. at Jefferson and M Street, Northwest, in Washington, D.C., defendant [Marcus Epstein] was walking down the street making offensive remarks when he encountered the complainant, Ms. [REDACTED], who is African-American. The defendant uttered, "Nigger," as he delivered a karate chop to Ms. [REDACTED]'s head.You know Sotomayor would fold like a Limbaugh critic in Congress the moment you gave her the treatment. Hopefully, you'll get your chance before you're sentenced on July 8. If not, maybe you could videotape yourself delivering the treatment to some of your cellmates and send it to her. That may be enough.
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
How much did President Barack Obama receive in contributions from those employed in the financial sector?
$69,823,872 if you include real estate, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. (Sen. John McCain got $60,605,254, with the total between the two exceeding $130 million). (That works out about a dollar per vote, and just about perfectly maps the margin of victory. W)
The biggest donor to the presidential campaigns? The banks. Followed by lawyers and lobbyists, at $95 million. The banking and financial services industry have their own lobbyists, so the total donations of the industry are undercounted.
All told, according to the New York Times, financial sector employees gave $152 million in political donations from 2007 to 2008. Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Credit Suisse gave $22.7 million and spent a combined total of $25 million on lobbying activities — in a single year.
My own opinion? No fair peeking at the answer now... was it most likely:
A. Because he's a fricking crook
B. Because he's a fricking crook
C. Because he's a fricking crook
D. All of the above
If you picked D you won... well... nothing... but you did show yourself to be an astute observer how things work in our government where "I'll scratch your back and you give my company 42 million bucks.", is the basis on which you, the OTHER 99% of the population, are bought, traded and sold by the one percenters.
When someone is given the job of overseeing corporations from whom he's gotten... I hate it when the media uses the word "earned" for something like this... eight million dollars just in the previous year, I have no trouble picking D myself.
You could take 90% of the swingin' whatevers in Washington, put them in a room with every swingin' whatever on Wall street and the whole fricking bunch of them combined couldn't raise an ounce of honesty or integrity among them.
It's as if they had summoned up the essences of every crooked robber baron and politician that ever lived, boiled it all together with some bat wings, a lizard tail and the eye of a newt and mainlined it straight into their fricking brains.
More here:The fact that the banks invested in the company just a few months after Summers resigned suggests the appearance of corruption, because it suggests to other firms that if you hire Larry Summers onto your board, large banks will want to invest as a favor to a politically-connected director.
Last month, it was revealed that Summers, whom President Obama appointed to essentially run the economy from his perch in the National Economic Council, earned nearly $8 million in 2008 from Wall Street banks, some of which, like Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, were now receiving tens of billions of taxpayer funds from the same Larry Summers. It turns out now that those two banks have continued paying into Summers-related businesses.
How the hell does a public servant... in a position where he is supposed to be keeping major banks from ripping us off... manage to have "earned" eight fricking million dollars from those same fricking banks???
As usual there's a lot more info at the link(s) if you're interested but the point is that anyone who thinks things are magically going to smell better simply because we trade a black skunk with white stripes for a white skunk with black stripes is seriously delusional and probably a danger to himself.
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