Poor Ruth. U.S. Marshals took possession of her $7 million Manhattan penthouse and they wouldn't let her keep her $48,000 fur coat:
Thanks to the eternal vigilance of radio host Rush Limbaugh, we already knew that President Obama has the U.S. on a march towards socialism. And we also knew that Obama's policies caused South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford to disappear to Argentina for what turned out to be one last tryst with Maria Belen Chapur.
Now, we hear that Obama may have even caused the death of the King of Pop.
On his show Wednesday, Limbaugh didn't go quite so far as to suggest Obama was responsible for Michael Jackson's death -- but then, there didn't seem to be any other point to his remarks, except to sing the praises of former President Ronald Reagan. "Jackson's success, if you stop and think of it -- and this is going to really irritate some people, which I will enjoy doing -- Jackson's success paralleled the rebound of the United States under Ronaldus Magnus," Limbaugh said, continuing:
"Like Woody Allen, Al Franken is just another pointy-headed liberal intellectual jew, but at least Woody knew that 90% of life was just showing up."
Let's not all act shocked that the new Miss California is also against gay marriage. Of course they're conservative. They're beauty pageant contestants. If they were liberals, they'd be in college. - Bill Maher
Interesting - Obama's agenda involves saving lives.
The GOP is about stealing thru murder at three times the price.
Looking at their innocent-looking mug shot, it was hard to imagine that the Vioxx Gang had been responsible for 27,000 hear attacks.
Obama covers up for the Bushies once again: http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2009/07/02-11
Prove your patriotism - go to a tea party
Fireworks, barbecues, family gatherings — that's all well and good. But Real Americans will show their True Grit by attending a Tea Party on July Fourth. They were such a smashing success last April — boy, did we show that commie in the White House a thing or three — let's do it again.
As you probably know, the "Tea" in Tea Party stands for Taxed Enough Already. If you're sick and tired of Big Government and Class Warfare, you WILL get out there on July Fourth and do some teabagging.
Government bureaucrats standing between you and your doctor, successful Americans paying higher taxes than the riffraff — Enough!
These tax-and-spend Democrats are ruining this great nation. If you're longing for the huge budget surpluses we had during George W. Bush's presidency, let everybody know. Ask yourself: what have you done for Big Business lately?
Update: according to the ADL, white supremacists and neo-Nazi hate groups plan to take advantage of the tea parties by handing out racist fliers and other materials and attempting to recruit others to their cause.
Morford - Confirmed: God was slightly gay
Just ask the animals. As soon as they stop having all that homosexual sex
The Old Gray 4th of July Ain't What It Used to Be: http://casadelogo.typepad.com/factesque/2009/07/the-old-gray-4th-of-july-aint-what-it-used-to-be.html#more
If you publicly wish for a terrorist attack, your wish may come true
The country has moved away from it's core values. There's a commie in the White House who loves terrorists (and may not even be a citizen) and our first response to riots in the streets in Tehran wasn't naked belligerence. Democrats control both chambers of congress and are set on socializing the health care system, handing out your tax dollars to the undeserving, and enshrining abortion and homosexuality as respected institutions. Only one man can save us. Only one person has the wherewithal to drag America back to its true path. Only one individual can wake America up from this socialist nightmare.
And that man is Osama Bin Laden.
More: http://griperblade.blogspot.com/2009/07/if-you-publicly-wish-for-terrorist.html
Sally Kern asks Sarah Palin to spare nation using God's power of attorney
Rep. Sally Kern
Oklahoma House of Representatives
Dear Rep Kern,
Your Proclamation of Morality is absolutely the best work you've done since winning the fight to keep amphibiosexual relationship books on Oklahoma's library shelves. It's a masterpiece, really. You identify the point source for every problem our nation faces in just seventeen preamble clauses. And I do mean every point source; the whole ball of vasoline from divorce and homosexuality to the secretly Amish Obama's refusal to participate in the National Prayer Breakfast.
But it's in the last of three resolution clauses where you really shine:
BE IT RESOLVED that we, the undersigned, humbly call upon Holy God, our Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer, to have mercy on this nation, to stay His hand of judgment, and grant a national awakening of righteousness and Christian renewal as we repent of our great sin.Praise Jesus, that is beautiful. I teared up from simply reading it. No doubt it will touch Our Lord and Savior's immaculate heart as well.
That is if He actually reads it.
My guess is that He doesn't really follow the Oklahoma legislature all that closely. I mean, why should He? You do a great job of persecuting the gay, the brown, and the poor all by yourself. He knows you have his back, so He focuses His attention where it's needed--like in Africa; somebody has to smite all those hungry children.

[Palin] wrote the e-mail not in her own name but in God's, and signed it "Trig's Creator, Your Heavenly Father."So that should be your plan. Deliver the resolution to Gov. Palin and have her spare the nation using her God-given power of attorney.
Amphibiosexual supportingly yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
The Washington Pimp under fire for arranging dinners between reporters, lobbyists and politicians.
Evidently God said "Thanks, but no thanks" to Joe the Plumber in regards to running for public office. But that's okay. He will continue to preach the sanctity of tea parties. After all, he does have a mission to fill.
Dispatch from a parallel universe
From Fox Nation:
Yeah - I realize it's practically inconceivable, but can you imagine if this had been done by Bush?
Before you've eaten, check out this video of a strange pulsing blob found in a North Carolina sewer inspection.
He's not talking about his wife
Mark Sanford: "I will be able to die knowing that I had met my soul mate."
His non-soulmate says she's ready to forgive him.
No comment.
Amnesty International said on Thursday Israel inflicted "wanton destruction" in the Gaza Strip in attacks that often targeted Palestinian civilians during an offensive in December and January in the Hamas-run enclave.
The London-based rights group, in a 117-page report on the 22 days of fighting, also criticized the Islamist movement Hamas for rocket attacks on Israel, which it called "war crimes."
Among other conclusions, Amnesty said it found no evidence to support Israeli claims that Gaza guerrillas deliberately used civilians as "human shields," but it did, however, cite evidence that Israeli troops put children and other civilians in harm's way by forcing them to remain in homes taken over by soldiers.
'There Is No Way I Will Deploy to Afghanistan' - Seeds of Dissent in the U.S. Military Are Growing
4,321 soldiers killed in Iraq; 717 in Afghanistan.
ROVE: This White House has carried pre-packaged, organized, controlled, scripted events to a new height, and they're getting away with things that in any previous White House, the media would have eviscerated the press secretary and the White House for it.
Of course, pre-screening for political ideology is exactly what the Bush administration did.
In March 2005, people seeking tickets to a Social Security event were quizzed about their support of President Bush and his Social Security plan ahead of time. In April 2005, Bush's security detail threw out three people from an event in Colorado because they had a bumper sticker reading "No More Blood For Oil." White House spokesman Trent Duffy said that if there's any evidence people might "disrupt the president," they "have the right to exclude those people from those events."
Bush even screened the assembled group of soldiers he would meet in Iraq during a 2003 Thanksgiving visit: Soldiers had to fill out a questionnaire asking whether they supported Bush.
Iran's nuclear threat was never in doubt during its presidential campaign, but the post-election resistance raised the possibility of some sort of regime change. That prospect seems lost for the near future or for at least as long as it will take Iran to finalize a deliverable nuclear weapons capability.
Accordingly, with no other timely option, the already compelling logic for an Israeli strike is nearly inexorable. [...]
Those who oppose Iran acquiring nuclear weapons are left in the near term with only the option of targeted military force against its weapons facilities. Significantly, the uprising in Iran also makes it more likely that an effective public diplomacy campaign could be waged in the country to explain to Iranians that such an attack is directed against the regime, not against the Iranian people.
Despite his suggestion that now is time for an attack, in reality, it's always a great time to attack Iran if you're John Bolton, considering he never passes up an opportunity to use turmoil in the Middle East to suggest war with Iran.
Once upon a time, this nobody governor in, uhh, one of the southern states, but not a famous one like Florida, got a book deal. He was supposed to write about how to be conservative or something, A Southern Gentleman's Guide To Being Conservative, but then this nobody governor turned into Mark Sanford, the Sparkin' Thing, with his soulmate The Argentine Firecracker, and his nice wife The Kindly Wife Who Kept It Together, and basically we were in teevee miniseries territory, so of course Sanford's publisher has killed his book. What? http://wonkette.com/409632/mark-sanfords-love-novel-killed-by-mean-new-york-publishers#more-409632
Taliban seize US soldier and "sell" to militant clan: http://news.antiwar.com/2009/07/02/taliban-seize-us-soldier-sell-to-militant-clan/
Political realities: Translation: Don't piss off the Blue Dogs because they're so mean we can't control them
Useless sacks of shi*.
Isn't it funny how Republicans never thought like this? They had 51 seats, they were king of the world. But Harry Reid is folded in a fetal position in the corner, lest Ben Nelson and Evan Bayh and the other corporatist suckups say mean things.
Can we please vote these weasels out of office and get some Democrats with some stones in there? It's things that make me miss Paul Wellstone more every day. And even though Al Franken has finally taken back that seat from the people who murdered Sen. Wellstone, I'm not convinced he's going to be significantly more progressive than the blue dogs.
I am hoping he'll surprise me.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Mountaintop removal coal mining is the worst environmental tragedy in American history. When will the Obama administration finally stop this Appalachian apocalypse?
In the latest edition of Time, Michael Scherer has an article on Vice President Joe Biden's efforts "to ride herd on the stampede for dollars known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act," and today at the Swampland, Scherer notes that:
One interesting fact that didn't make it into the story. Since March, Biden has talked, usually in conference calls, to dozens of mayors and 47 of the 50 state governors about the Recovery Act. The three governors who have not yet been on the line, though they have been invited: Alaska's Sarah Palin, Texas' Rick Perry and Louisiana's Bobby Jindal. You can draw your own conclusions.
We can also probably conclude that Mark Sanford would have made the list if he hadn't been busy milking his so-called rejection of the stimulus money for every drop of publicity he could get ... or hiking the Appalachian Trail.
Bring on phase two of the Madoff mess Another SEC official has turned up who tried to warn the agency that something wasn't kosher in Bernie's business but she was headed off and told to concentrate on other matters - by an SEC official who later married Madoff's niece.
A victory for wildlife and wild spaces On June 30, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California threw out Bush-era attempts to weaken rules governing management of America's 155 national forests and 20 national grasslands. The rules just tossed by the court repealed key protections for national forests mandated under the National Forest Management Act, but the ruling by the court restored the protections and the federal government is now required to manage national forests in a way that makes protecting wildlife populations a top priority.
Something to remember on the 4th of July
The American officials who, in the name of our precious Constitution, justified, approved and committed torture against human beings continue to roam free, desecrating our claim to civilization and democracy with every unprosecuted breath they take.
The interrogation and detention regime implemented by the U.S. resulted in the deaths of over 100 detainees in U.S. custody -- at least. While some of those deaths were the result of "rogue" interrogators and agents, many were caused by the methods authorized at the highest levels of the Bush White House, including extreme stress positions, hypothermia, sleep deprivation and others. Aside from the fact that they cause immense pain, that's one reason we've always considered those tactics to be "torture" when used by others -- because they inflict serious harm, and can even kill people. Those arguing against investigations and prosecutions -- that we Look to the Future, not the Past -- are thus literally advocating that numerous people get away with murder.The record could not be clearer regarding the fact that we caused numerous detainee deaths, many of which have gone completely uninvestigated and thus unpunished. Instead, the media and political class have misleadingly caused the debate to consist of the myth that these tactics were limited and confined. As Gen. Barry McCaffrey recently put it:
We should never, as a policy, maltreat people under our control, detainees. We tortured people unmercifully. We probably murdered dozens of them during the course of that, both the armed forces and the C.I.A.
Journalist and Human Rights Watch researcher John Sifton similarly documented that "approximately 100 detainees, including CIA-held detainees, have died during U.S. interrogations, and some are known to have been tortured to death."
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