Saturday, July 4, 2009

Headlines - Saturday

Happy 4th, everyone!
What better way for Alaskans to celebrate than to hear their governor is resigning! 
It seems another shoe, apparently a big one, will indeed be dropping, likely within the next week or so. Perhaps earlier now that everyone will be poking around up there. Bradblog:
Okay, I've now been able to get independent information from multiple sources that all of this precedes what are said to be possible federal indictments against Palin, concerning an embezzlement scandal related to the building of Palin's house and the Wasilla Sports Complex, built during her tenure as Mayor. Both structures, it is said, feature the "same windows, same wood, same products." Federal investigators have been looking into this for some time, and indictments could be imminent, according to the Alaska sources.

The BRAD BLOG has not been able to receive confirm from any federal sources on this. Our information comes from local Alaskans who follow Palin, and who have been keeping an eye on this for some time, while keeping it quiet at the request of federal investigators.

Her rambling resignation speech is here:


Public option: $1 trillion; Bush's tax cuts $1.8 trillion
Krugman makes a good point re: the relative cost of fixing our health care system versus George Bush's tax cuts.
Oh good.....
The Bushbama administration will proceed with a Bush-era plan to use National Security Agency assistance in screening government computer traffic on private-sector networks, with AT&T as the likely test site, according to three current and former government officials.

The Justice Department argues that the volume of material it needs to go through in the CIA's 2004 inspector general report is just too great to meet any pre-August 31 timetable. Not only is the IG report itself 200 pages, that's just one of 319 documents under review as part of the case.

The ACLU replies that the CIA and the Justice Department have already missed three deadlines for the agreed-upon disclosure, and lawyer Amrit Singh writes that she's "disturbed by the clear trend emerging in the government's repeated delays in disclosure of documents critical to a complete understanding of the CIA's interrogation program." She says that instead of delaying, Judge Alvin Hellerstein should order the "expediting the reprocessing and release of all CIA documents at issue."

This is the previous administration's screwup. This is the previous administration's regime of total and complete and nonstop screwuppery. All this report will reveal is how Bush and his people screwed up, from day one, from the day they were handed a joystick and the keys to a Humvee. How they tortured people, for hours, for months, for no good reason, to the detriment of the very things they purported to be trying to accomplish. That's all that's in here.

So this isn't your deal, this won't make you or even the America of the present look bad. It'll just remind us all how grateful we are that that administration, the one that authorized such things, is no more. It'll just remind everyone that we no longer do shit like this, and won't we all — Americans, everybody all over the world — be happy to hear that?

Unless you make it your deal. Unless you make yourself complicit in this and every other Bush atrocity by continuing to cover up their crimes. Unless you continue to deny and delay and flap around with excuses and have your people blither on about how it's hard to read books really fast, like that's the biggest problem here. Every day you sit on things like this, and send your lawyers into court to argue that people can't handle pictures, or hearing about torture, or how it's hard to do the right thing really, is a day you get in deeper. The more time you spend hanging out with the horrors, the harder they become to disavow.

This isn't yours unless you make it yours. Stop making it yours.


Obama's like Hitler - except the Nazis hate him:


Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal has come up with a sure-fire way to improving the performance of students in the low-ranked state: lower the academic standards so more students can pass! Story here.

This is a brilliant idea. Consider all of the problems that we could solve by simply creating an "alternative" system — previously known as flunking. We could have zero drunk drivers, completely clean air, and no rickets. World hunger can be a thing of the past if Jindal simply defines a full nutritional diet as 200 calories a day.

It is all a matter of definition. No child will be left behind because no child can fail in Louisiana. Under the Jindal educational system, kids will soon be counting by thumping their feet on the ground. One does not have to know one's ABCs — A and B will be sufficient (Cs are overblown anyway).

Of course, Jindal may be taking a lesson from Washington where failure is often redefined as success. The Bush administration repeatedly tried (and in some cases succeeded) in lowering environmental standards to show success, here and here and here.

For the full story, click here.


An interesting poll from Rasmussen shows that the founding fathers might be in trouble if they were trying to get that Declaration thing going today.

  • 89% of American adults agree that "we are all endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" while 7% disagree
  • 74% agree that "all men are created equal" while 23% disagree
  • 56% agree that governments derive their only just authority from the "consent of the governed" while 25% disagree

So more people think we have God-given rights to live and pursue our goals than think we all have that right equally? And only a little more than half of us think the government's authority should come from us? Has America become the land of scary loonies?


This is the rational view of the universe. Accept no less.


Yesterday, we thought that the Obama Administration, after two delays, was finally going to release a CIA memo revealing the breadth and knowing criminality of U.S. government torture under George W. Bush. Obama didn't release the memo.

This morning, we thought that Obama's delay in releasing the memo would be just three or four days, until the end of the 4th of July weekend.

obama torture truth

This evening, we're finding out that Barack Obama is using the occasion of the anniversary of America's struggle for liberty to announce that he will keep secrets about torture from the American people from another two months, at which time, of course, he may just announce another delay.

The government has held this memo for years already. What on earth does Barack Obama need another two months for to decide whether to release the memo? How hard is it for Obama to choose whether to tell us the truth? How long does Obama need to figure out whether to keep his promises of a government of openness, accountability, and respect for constitutional rights?


While the British are pursuing wind and wave power on a large scale and while China ramps up its capabilities to produce wind turbines and solar plants, we dither and bicker and the Republicans keep trying to throw sand in the gears. Part of the argument put forth by the GOP ("because the "biblical worldview sees the world and ecosystems as the work of a wise God," humankind couldn't possibly be affecting the climate" and "Wind is God's way of balancing heat. Wind is the way you shift heat from areas where it's hotter to areas where it's cooler.") has been nothing more than propounding the notions of whackjobs and morons as scientific counterweights.

Note that China is planning to reach its 2020 goal of producing 30 gigawatts of electricity from wind turbines before next year is out. China is exceeding its own targets while
our politicians keep watering down our targets. In this country, with the party of Hoover expounding on the latest version of a flat Earth theory, don't expect much to happen. 


Jailers let accused murderer of Dr. Tiller mail pamphlets justifying murder:


US missiles kill 17 in Pakistan:


Apparently the Chinese weren't content to just sell us corrosive and toxic drywall  but it might be radioactive, too.  Some of the drywall shipped to the United States by at least four different Chinese firms was made with radioactive phosphogypsum, a waste byproduct.


Audacity personified

Operation Rescue, it would seem, has asked the Department of Justice to provide them with protection from their political adversaries because in the wake of the murder of Wichita physician George Tiller, they have been on the receiving end of a couple of threatening phone calls.  

Let me see if I can screw up an appropriate amount of outrage on their behalf....I'm trying real, real hard...yeah...I can do this...


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