Sadly, the idea makes far too much sense to be a plausible goal for our violence-addicted culture, especially when you consider that many of our leaders have track records of slavish devotion to the makers of Things That Go Bang in the Night. And that said leaders themselves are, all too often, wealthy white male draft-dodgers with pneumatic Caymans accounts in need of constant feeding. But you never know - perhaps we can get Halliburton, Lockheed Martin, SAIC, et alia, interested in the dove-breeding and butter-distributing business?
I like this method better than emailing members, namely because staffers can't delete wall posts without a risk of people getting upset that they're trying to hide the fact that constituents are demanding that they support healthcare reform. Calling is of course great because unlike email they can't just filter it into a folder, but the visible plea that you get on Facebook puts them in a difficult situation of having to either host a difficult question or be faced with accusations of censoring them.
Glenn Beck
Dear Mr. Beck,
Many people laughed and called you insane, delirious, and "just plain fucking crazy" when you warned us that Obamaslamunistofascists at FEMA were building concentration camps for regular Credulous-Americans like ourselves. But all that laughter is going to stop on July 27th. That's the day FEMA launches National Level Exercise 2009! And yes, it is as sinister as it sounds.
The Arizona Citizen's Militia has all the intelligence on this. According to them:
- The federal government will use the this "to murder everyone who has ever owned a firearm."
- Sarah Palin knows about it. That's why she's resigning on the 26th.
- DHS Secretary Janet Napalitano announced it in a press conference, declaring: "Anyone exhibiting symptoms is being referred to an isolation room where they can be evaluated by a public health official before proceeding to their destruction."
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
Airman Colton Read, 20, went into the David grant Medical Center at Travis Air Force Base near Sacramento for a simple gallbladder operation — only to end up a double amputee due to malpractice.
Teenage pregnancies and syphilis have risen sharply among a generation of American school girls who were urged to avoid sex before marriage under George Bush's evangelically-driven education policy, according to a new report by the US's major public health body.
If you want to boil down the position of Republicans on healthcare reform, this from Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, in response to a question about the uninsured, says it all: "Well, they don't go without health care, because they can just go to the emergency room."
The hypocrites who whine about the costs of a 'public option' have no qualms about recommending the uninsured get the most expensive care possible. That's because their masters in the insurance industry and Big Hospital have ways of recouping those losses.
Your Republican Party: Corporations Über Alles!
Listening to the recording now, it's kind of embarrassing to hear how very wrong Reagan's attacks on Medicare were at the time. In 1961, Reagan was a GE spokesperson, known for his conservative politics. When he lashed out at the idea of Medicare, it wasn't surprising, but it was the message itself that was so bizarre.
According to Reagan, Medicare would lead federal officials to dictate where physicians could practice medicine, and open the door to government control over where Americans were allowed to live. In fact, Reagan warned that if Medicare became law, there was a real possibility that the federal government would control where Americans go and what they do for a living.
In a line that may sound familiar to Sarah Palin fans, Reagan added, "If you don't stop Medicare and I don't do it, one of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in America when men were free."
This is the same stupid shit we're hearing now.
I tell ya what, you Republicans who feel so strongly about a 'public option' and the downfall of our society it portends, give up your Medicare for a while and see how well you do.
Never before, however, has the AK-47 been used to sell cars in Missouri. For all its gimmickry, the interest in Mr Muller's newest promotion reflects rising concern among gun owners that President Barack Obama will eventually seek to tighten the rules on ownership, despite his promises to the contrary.
Yesterday, Barack Obama met with leaders of the Mormon church and with the Apollo 11 astronauts. Not at the same time, which is a shame because they surely must have loads in common. For example, the former wear magic underpants, the latter pooped in their space suits.
Mysteriously, there seem to be no pictures of the meeting with the Mormons, but Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and the, you know, other one, faked their White House footage on a sound stage in a Northrop Grumman hangar.

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