It's better than that - the stock market tanked at 6800 or so and it's at 10,558 as I type this. My math says that's about a 55% increase in one year. That's Clinton-esque!
"I don't believe for a minute we got everything right, the Commission was set up to fail. People should keep asking questions about 9/11, and that the 9/11 debate should continue..." former 9-11 commission chair Lee Hamilton, who agreed to cover-up Iran-Contra AND 9-11 for the Bush bastards Link
Democrats said on Thursday that they would go it alone in an effort to pass an overhaul of financial regulation, increasing the likelihood of a bitter partisan showdown.
Senator Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, said he would put forward his own bill on Monday, despite the lack of a single Republican endorsement. Democrats concluded that bipartisan talks were not making enough progress and that going their own way was the only realistic hope of getting the legislation adopted in an election year, he said.
Mr. Dodd said the bill would rewrite the rules of Wall Street, end the "too big to fail" phenomenon and protect consumers from risky or abusive financial products. The Congressional calendar meant that further delay could imperil the legislation's chances, he said.
Those of you who are thinking about places to move after Palin wins in 2012 might want to cross the home of the Lord of the Rings, Bondi Beach and Tuscany from your list if you want to keep reading Balloon Juice:
Ha ha! Actual mainstream racism!
So this would become a criminal instrument in a restaurant kitchen in New York, if that jerkoff's bill were to become law:
The true joke, of course, is the NY State Legislature, the Official State Circus.
PZ Meyers: I predict that Constance McMillen will be one of the progressive young people who will be fleeing Small Town America as fast as she can, as soon as she can. And the old geezers and flea bag preachers will sit around in their shrinking, backwards-looking community and wonder why the young people are so anxious to abandon them.
Eric Massa gets under Glenn Beck's skin:
Last night, Glenn Beck mocked Woody Guthrie and his anthem, This Land Is Your Land.
"This song is about a progressive utopia where there are no owners of anything. We all just share it. It's made for you — it's your land, it's my land. We all have it together. Some people have property now, and some people don't. We can all think of this song as an American song. Yes, it is — an American progressive song."
Here's the revolting clip:
Mario Piperni: Stupid elitist libruls want your loved ones to live
Make what you will from the following talking point used by Republican Representative Mike Pence. He was warning his audience of the dreadful consequences should health care reform come to pass.
"Once the American public becomes dependent on the federal government during that most vulnerable moment of illness of a loved one, a spouse, a parent, a child, a grandchild, those on the elite leadership of the left know…they'll never let it [public healthcare] go."
Good point, Mikey. Much more honorable, I imagine, for a parent to watch their 5-year old daughter die because some health insurance flunky patriot deemed their child's illness a preexisting condition than to allow the government to pass legislation which would disallow ANY health insurer from EVER canceling a policy over a preexisting condition.
Stupid elitist libruls caring about your loved ones, parents, spouses, children and grandchildren. How dare they. Much smarter to let your loved ones die needlessly than to cave in to elitist propaganda.
Check out this tidbit MadDog found:
In 2008, CIA head Michael Hayden told Congress it had only been used on three high-profile al-Qaeda detainees, and not for the past five years.
One of those was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a key suspect in the 9/11 attacks.
Mr Rove said US soldiers were subjected to waterboarding as a regular part of their training.
A less severe form of the technique was used on the three suspects interrogated at the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay, he added.
Maybe this is a typo. But it appears to feature Turdblossom, boasting that three Gitmo prisoners (as DOD detainees, not included among the three CIA detainees who got waterboarded), got waterboarded in some "less severe" form.
"I believe, as we stand on the abyss tonight, that those Americans who want to turn to God for answers that this is a time to be doing that. To ask for his help, supernaturally, so that we don't make this fatal step pushing our nation into socialized medicine." – Congressman Todd Akin, R- Missouri
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