"One need not demonize today's GOP, for it's doing a terrific job of that all by itself."
Republicans are writing the book on how to be poor losers by vowing to repeal the just-passed health care reform bill.-- From here.
The party of 'no' image will backfire on the GOP if this negative campaign continues. Stephen Hess of the Brookings Institution in Washington says that the Republicans "overplayed their hand" in attempting to block the health care legislation by banning together. The bigoted and hateful behavior of tea partiers have further damaged the image of conservatives.
There comes a point that conservatives will have to accept the new law. Even down the road if the Republicans gain many more seats, what would they accomplish by yanking health care coverage from 32 million children and adults?
As the teabagger element of the Republican party continues to ratchet up their threatening rhetoric and criminal acts against Democratic lawmakers, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) is being credited with "decrying the violence" based on this email statement:
I know many Americans are angry over this health care bill and that Washington Democrats just aren't listening. But, as I've said, violence and threats are unacceptable. That's not the American way. We need to take that anger and channel it into positive change. Call your congressman, go out and register people to vote, go volunteer on a political campaign, make your voice heard — but let's do it the right way.
Let's review: the Republican party spent months spewing lies about the health care reform bill, with dire warnings about death panels, killing granny, rationed health care, and yes, even Armageddon. With their eye on handing President Obama his "Waterloo," the GOP, with an able assist from their media arm Fox News, whipped the lunatic fringe of their base into a frenzy ... and now that the fruits of their labor is paying off with civil rights-era icons being spit on and called "niggers," with pictures of nooses being sent to congressmen's offices, with acts of vandalism, and with death threats being made, John Boehner wants to do things "the right way."
Which apparently would be to reward the Republican party for the atmosphere of hate and violence that they themselves created.
Hope and change works its magic on Dem genitalia
Democrats rip Sen. Grasshole a new one after Mr. Death Panels starts taking credit for part of health care bill:
"Chuck Grassley has been in Washington for too long if he thinks Iowans did not notice his strenuous, strident, and spirited opposition to health care reform," DSCC spokesperson Eric Schultz said in a statement. "This is someone who did everything he could to stop the bill, but now thinks it is worth touting."
"Either he is a total hypocrite or he has taken March Madness to a whole new level," Schultz added.
White Powder Mailed To Rep. Anthony Weiner's New York Office

Emergency service units evacuated the Democratic congressman's fifth-floor office in Kew Gardens, officials said. "They came over the loudspeaker: 'Don't be alarmed. Just the fifth floor is being evacuated,'" said Kathy Farrell, 44, who works at an orthopedic surgeon's office next door. "They weren't in too much of a rush to get us out." The package was received about 1 p.m. No one was injured, but Hazardous Materials experts were still analyzing the contents. Weiner issued a statement saying: "Earlier today an envelope containing white powder and a threatening letter was delivered to my community office in Kew Gardens. The NYPD was immediately alerted and have responded appropriately by sending a Haz-Mat team. Any questions related to their response should be directed to the NYPD. My first priority is the safety of my staff and neighbors, and the authorities are currently taking steps to investigate and resolve the situation."Remember, the GOP's incendiary language isn't responsible for this.
Kudos to him: Man who threw money at Parkinson's patient calls his behavior 'shameful'.
Yesterday Eric Cantor tried to get a piece of the "I'm Being Threatened By American Terrorists" action by claiming that one of his offices had been hit by a bullet:
"Just recently I have been directly threatened. A bullet was shot through the window of my campaign office in Richmond this week."Too bad he didn't read the police report which indicates a stray bullet, rather than a violent attempt on someone's life (especially since it happened at 1 AM):
A preliminary investigation shows that a bullet was fired into the air and struck the window in a downward direction, landing on the floor about a foot from the window. The round struck with enough force to break the windowpane but did not penetrate the window blinds. There was no other damage to the room, which is used occasionally for meetings by the congressman.I know they think we're stupid, but even those of us who are not gun nuts know that if you are firing to make a threat, you do not fire in the air.
Nice try, asshole. Close, but no cigar.
Who would Jesus molest? http://brilliantatbreakfast.blogspot.com/2010/03/who-would-jesus-molest.html
"Ah wonder if anyone's got a gee-tar ah kin pretend to play down here."
Looks like trying to appear concerned about poor people is still hard work for Dubya.
Tim Tebow gets a lesson
Tebow is an obnoxious hyper-religious football player. He recently had to take some kind of test with a group of other players, and this is what happened:
At the Scouting Combine, the Wonderlic exam is administered to players in groups. The 12-minute test is preceded by some brief instructions and comments from the person administering the test.
Per a league source, after the person administering the test to Tebow's group had finished, Tebow made a request that the players bow their heads in prayer before taking the 50-question exam.
Said one of the other players in response: "Shut the f--k up." Others players in the room then laughed.
I think a lot of people are getting fed up with the excessive piety, and I'm glad some are speaking out. Tebow wants to pray, fine; Tebow wants to drag others into his delusion, fire back.
By the way, Tebow got a 22 out of 50 on the test. I had to look up this Wonderlic test — it seems to be a remarkably trivial 'intelligence' test of the sort you might see in a grade school, I would think. "When rope is selling at $.10 a foot, how many feet can you buy for sixty cents?" and "A boy is 16 years old and his sister is twice as old. When the boy is 22 years old, what will be the age of his sister?", that sort of thing, nothing that requires any reasoning beyond elementary algebra.
I'm shocked that a grown man could get below 50% on this thing.
GOP Governor of GA: "We need to file a lawsuit to block Obamacare."
GA's Dem AG: "Sorry, wasting money filing frivolous lawsuits wouldn't be fiscally conservative."
Something to bee concerned about.
You can pick one up here.
The conservative American Enterprise Institute parts ways with David Frum after seven years -- and just four days after he told the truth and called the passage of health care reform the GOP's "Waterloo."
Condom sent to Democrat who voted for health care reform.
Her office also reported receiving part of a shredded American flag doused in gasoline and a typed letter addressed to McCollum, Rep. Keith Ellison, Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Sen. Al Franken - all Democrats from Minnesota.
"Each of you receives part of a shredded American flag," the letter read. "It represents Obama and your liberal filth. Open the bag, it's covered in the stench you've brought to our government ... Because of you, we are now a country of dirt, shame, corruption and slime."
Rethuglicans take credit for 'home scare reform' - by Don Davis
Thumbs up for this one: An open letter to Republicans.
This is how wingnuts think - an actual email from today:
Me: It is despicable that you are condoning this violence. The blood will be on your hands when these loonies are whipped into a bloodthirsty frenzy and kill someone.
Her: NO, the blood will be on YOUR friends and YOUR President because of his sleazy underhanded methods and the lies that slip off his tongue so naturally. Your party is ruining our Country. by breaking every campaign promise, by its underhanded tricks and back room deals. By the radicals and revolutionists that occupy the White House .... and those who visit YOUR president on a regular basis. YOUR party is creating an atmosphere of hate, of arrogance, of control, of evil while at the same time ruining our economy and our freedoms. AND if you think that isn't creating a backlash ... think again. BUT all of our leaders are URGING everyone to STOP any form of violence and get busy readying ourselves for the 2010 election .... because that is where the vengeance should be placed ..... in getting rid of the "bums" who are destroying America... every last one. VOTE THEM ALL OUT and start over is the overwhelming cry from our people .... before this Administration plunges us more into debt, before they take over any more companies, before they give amnesty to millions upon millions of illegals. BUT DO WE ADVOCATE VIOLENCE? ABSOLUTELY NOT! That is unproductive, wrong, and would be stupid. NO .... we say NO violence whatsoever .... we just beg everyone to have GOOD memories in November.
While Senate Democrats held a press conference celebrating their latest health care reform victory on Thursday afternoon, a Republican slipped into the chamber to move a bill that would extend soon-to-expire enhanced unemployment benefits -- paid for with $10 billion in unused funds from the stimulus bill.
With Democrats caught off guard, the clock started ticking on the bill's slog through the legislative process. Democratic leaders, who had planned to introduce the same bill without using funds committed to the stimulus, trudged into the chamber as Sen. Tom Coburn launched into an epic speech on the perils of deficit spending.
Repukes use the old blame the rape victim 'cause she wore a miniskirt "defense."
As the number of rightwing death threats against Dems rise, the cranially-challenged Glenn Beck says Democrat are for "trying to provoke an armed revolution." The rest of the fair and balanced comments from Fux Noise hosts aren't much better. Either is CNN.
The Vitter amendment
Louisiana Democrats to GOP Sen Coburn: Why stop at sex offenders? Why not deny Viagra to anyone caught with a hooker, like a certain colleague of yours?
Today, the Louisiana Democratic Party suggested that Senator Tom Coburn expand his proposed amendment to the health care reconciliation bill prohibiting coverage of erectile dysfunction medications to child molesters, rapists and sex offenders to include those who admit or are convicted of prostitution or prostitution-related crimes.And mega-dittos for you too, Rush.
"If Senator Coburn believes that federal law should not allow coverage of erectile dysfunction medications to folks whose impulses have led them to break the law, then surely he would agree that anyone who has admitted or been found guilty of involvement with prostitution should not be covered either," said Louisiana Democratic Party spokesman Kevin Franck.

"Congressman Stupak, you baby-killing mother f***er... I hope you bleed out your a**, get cancer and die, you mother f***er." -- anonymous teabagger.
"Take [Ohio Rep.] Steve Driehaus, for example. He may be a dead man. He can't go home to the west side of Cincinnati ." – House Minority Leader John Boehner.
At least 10 House Democrats who voted Sunday for health care overhaul have received violent threats to their lives or property, party leaders said today.
Democratic Congress members are getting lessons from the FBI on how to handle threats such as several directed at their colleagues, including bricks hurled through windows, gas lines being cut, misspelled and poorly-structured posts on their FaceBook pages, coffins on their lawns, and menacing obscenity-laced phone messages left for those who supported sweeping federal health care legislation.
The rethuglican party: scaring away potential voters one crazy-ass vigilante loonburger at a time.
Last July Republican Sen. Jim DeMint (SC) arrogantly predicted that health care reform would fail and become Obama's "Waterloo" and that "it will break him." With this week's victory and the political capital its bestowed on the president, even conservatives like American Enterprise Institute fellow David Frum fear that Republicans have not just blown an unprecedented opportunity to help shape major policy, but also served to empower Obama, which is the exact opposite of what they aimed to accomplish. "The political imperative crowded out the policy imperative. And the Republicans have now lost both." He said Obama's health care victory is now the Republicans' Waterloo. "We followed the most radical voices in the party and the movement, and they led us to abject and irreversible defeat." Much more here: http://www.ostroyreport.com/2010/03/republican-crybabies-meet-their.html
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