Seriously, stupid no longer begins to describe Sarah Palin.
"I studied journalism, my college degree there in communications. And now I am back there wanting to build some trust back in our media. I think the mainstream media is quite broken and I think there needs to be the fairness, the balance in there — that's why I joined Fox. Fair and balanced, yes. You know because, Jay, those years a go that I studied journalism it was all about the who, what, when, where, and why, it was not so much the opinion interjected in hard news stories. … As long as there is not the opinion under the guise of hard news stories — I think there needs to be clear differentiation."
Trying to decipher Palinese gives me a headache.
Of course animal-abuser Mitt Romney thinks she's qualified to be president.
Right-wing hate
Right-wing extremists are making a resurgence.
Membership in extremist groups in the United States saw exponential growth in 2009 as militias and other groups sought to exploit populist anger, according to a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC report, titled "Rage on the Right," said anti-government "patriot" groups saw a 244 percent increase in new groups in 2009.
"This extraordinary growth is a cause for grave concern," said SPLC Intelligence Report editor Mark Potok. "The people associated with the Patriot movement during its 1990s heyday produced an enormous amount of violence; most dramatically the Oklahoma City bombing that left 168 people dead."
The SPLC said the "patriot" movement made large inroads into the conservative political scene. However, tea party groups and similar groups that have formed recently can't "fairly be considered extremist groups, but they are shot through with rich veins of radical ideas, conspiracy theories and racism."
According to the report, the increase in the "patriot" group numbers is due to the central ideas being promoted to large audiences by people such as Fox News' Glenn Beck and U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann from Minnesota.
Where's the outrage?
Fuck these people
Really all I have to say:
This is why I laugh when I hear the term principled conservative or I listen to the folks at the Next Right or the Frum Forum talk about principled conservatism. Nice party you got there. I'm sure the Fonzi of Freedom Nick Gillespie will appear on Fox News or at Big Government to decry this bullshit.
Anyone with any associations with the GOP at this point has no excuse.
Food-borne illnesses, such as E. coli and salmonella, cost the United States $152 billion annually in health care and other losses.
'Swift Boat' Funder Gets $51M Judgment Against Him
Bob and Jane Cull bought a house in suburban Ft. Worth, Texas in 1996 for about $233,000. It promptly started falling apart on them. They sued the builder. An arbitration ruling went for the Culls in the amount of $800,000.
The builder spent $1 million fighting the $800,000. And yesterday, a lower court in Texas awarded the Culls $51 million.
The builder is Bob Perry, the chief financial backer of the 2004 Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and of various other right-wing outfits.

Yes, the terror threat that caused the St. Petersburg (Florida) courthouse to be evacuated was... a croissant. In a paper bag. Because, you know, all those French are nothing but trouble.
There is something seriously wrong with a society where the headline "Starbucks Asks Not to Be Center of Gun Debate" appears in the New York Times:
Coffee chain Starbucks Corp. is sticking to its policy of letting customers carry guns where it's legal and said it does not want to be put in the middle of a larger gun-control debate.
The company's statement, issued Wednesday, stems from recent campaign by some gun owners, who have walked into Starbucks and other businesses to test state laws that allow gun owners to carry weapons openly in public places. Gun control advocates have protested.
The fight began heating up in January in Northern California and has since spread to other states and other companies, bolstered by the pro-gun group
Starbucks? This is your bold, patriotic idea of a dangerous venue in which to flaunt your precious Second Amendment pacifiers? Because laptop-wielding hipsters are soooo freaking terrifying? Because the baristers are armed with… scalding hot milk foam?
If your gun is a tool, it is something to be treated with the respect you'd show any potentially dangerous tool. Somehow I don't see a spontaneous uprising of lumberjacks carrying chainsaws and construction workers flourishing jackhammers at the local Starbucks, because this is the real world, not a badly scripted porno movie. Semi-retired CPAs who listen to a lot of Rush Limbaugh, please copy.
Anyone who has to demonstrate his political allegiances by flashing a gun at a Starbucks has presumably decided that it's too risky to "support the Second Amendment" at a Dunkin Donuts… where the professional security forces hang out. Or even at the local McDonald's, where some safety-conscious mommy at the ball pit would be liable to give you a very hurtful talking-to.
Is it possible that that this organization is actually a Borat-style performance? Because, seriously… Manliness FAIL.
I kid you not: the Xristian Xrazies want to go all Biblical on the poor beast that was living (in relative terms) in a bathtub, not an ocean:
Chalk another death up to animal rights insanity and to the ongoing failure of the West to take counsel on practical matters from the Scripture. [...] Says the ancient civil code of Israel, "When an ox gores a man or woman to death, the ox shall be stoned, and its flesh shall not be eaten, but the owner shall not be liable." (Exodus 21:28) So, your animal kills somebody, your moral responsibility is to put that animal to death. You have no moral culpability in the death, because you didn't know the animal was going to go postal on somebody. But, the Scripture soberly warns, if one of your animals kills a second time because you didn't kill it after it claimed its first human victim, this time you die right along with your animal. To use the example from Exodus, if your ox kills a second time, "the ox shall be stoned, and its owner also shall be put to death." (Exodus 21:29)

The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating how a child was allowed to direct air traffic at the nation's sixth-busiest airport – New York's JFK International.
What was behind this outrage? Pelosi suggested over the weekend that congresspeople should worry more about passing healthcare reform than keeping their jobs. This also somehow this relates to Charlie Rangel stepping down from his position as chairman of the house and ways committee. And the rant also relates to Pelosi's dislike for Senator Bunning, the filibuster obstructionist of the century. She must be a terrorist if she doesn't like him.
It is no wonder that so many Americans who listen to this garbage or live/work with people who listen to this garbage are completely batshit paranoid. While not directly calling for Americans to harm Nancy Pelosi, he sure gives the most unstable among us fodder for doing something unspeakable.
Meanwhile Rep Michelle Bachmann called for a revolution on the public airwaves because of Obama's cap and trade plan. She was especially pissed because the bill addresses global warming and she doesn't "believe" in it. (I also suspect that she doesn't even understand the bill or even read it.) Bachmann could have just said that the bill sucks and why but no, she clearly incited violence:
BACHMANN: And really now in Washington, I'm a foreign correspondent in enemy lines. And I try to keep everyone back here in Minnesota know exactly the nefarious activities that are taking place in Washington. [...]
I want people in Minnesota armed and dangerous on this issue of the energy tax because we need to fight back. Thomas Jefferson told us, having a revolution every now and then is a good thing, and the people — we the people — are going to have to fight back hard if we're not going to lose our country. And I think this has the potential of changing the dynamic of freedom forever in the United States.
1. speech or behavior directed against the peace of a state
2. (Law) an offence that tends to undermine the authority of a state
3. (Law) an incitement to public disorder
See also: sedition act of 1798.

A 72-page RNC powerpoint presentation for donors and fundraisers obtained by Politico caricatures Obama as The Joker and portrays Democratic leaders as part of an "evil empire." The document preys on "fear" of Obama moving the country "toward socialism."
An investigation by the Institute for Southern Studies has found that of "the 19 Senators who voted against the [recent Senate] package including jobless benefits after [Sen. Jim Bunning's (R-KY)] filibuster ended, eight of them come from states that face jobless rates higher than the national average." The Institute notes that "these are the kind of votes that could prove costly for Republicans where they face challengers in 2010."
Sarah Palin planning new tee vee show about Sarah Palin
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