In a blog post today, Randall attempts to make Christians (a massive numerical majority in the United States) appear to be the objects of intolerance because Miss USA contestant Lauren Ashley is being criticized for championing a biblical verse that says that gays deserve death.###
More GOP hypocrisy. Hundreds of thousands of Americans will not be receiving unemployment checks, at least in the short term, and thousands more will find themselves without health insurance coverage — all because Sen. Jim Bunning, R-Ky, is having a temper tantrum on the national stage.
Bunning says he opposes extending benefits to the unemployed during an economic crisis he helped create on principle.
"If we can't find $10 billion to pay for something that we all support, we will never pay for anything on the floor of this U.S. Senate," he said…
"We cannot keep adding to the debt," he said. "It's over $14 trillion and going up fast."
But that is a lie.
Keep reading:
Chopra has another mindless post on the HuffPo, titled 'Only spirituality can solve the problems of the world.' I read the whole thing. He's got some fuzzy definitions, praises god-consciousness, gushes about love, joy, kindness, peace, etc., but overall, it's the usual vacuous fluff. I am left with one question in reference to the bold assertion in his title.
Just to name a few problems of the world: overpopulation, famine, resource depletion, water scarcity, war, and disease. Deepak Chopra, quick, 30 seconds: how will you solve any one of those problems with spirituality? Keep reading/scrolling:
Olympic officials said Obama deserved the medal more than Vonn because no one has ever gone downhill faster than he has.
When barking mad, taint-licking GOP Senator Jim Bunning, whose record in the Senate includes assuring Americans that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and that Ruth Bader Ginsburg was about to die, decided to make his mighty stand of mighty deficit reduction, it was for the mighty amount of $10 billion, which is more or less what Blackwater (sorry...Xe) contractors spent on hookers and vodka in Iraq, during a war that, Bunning might remember since he voted for it (no, wait, he doesn't), wasn't paid for. That $10 billion ain't for foreign aid to France or illegal immigrant pube waxing. No, it's for real shit that affects real people in their everyday lives. You've heard already about the extension in unemployment and COBRA benefits, as well as Medicare payments and transportation project funding. Oh, but there's more.
Bunning is cock-blocking an extension of the National Flood Insurance Program. Yeah, you know, the only place you can get flood insurance? You can't do that right now. Suck Bunning's dick, coastal and river dwellers.
And even with the pared down version of the House bill (which was passed in December) that Harry Reid got out of the Senate Finance Committee on a mythical bipartisan vote, there's a big bunch of tax credits, and aren't Republicans supposed to cream in their jeans over those? Hell, GOP propaganda pretty much would call a tax credit for, say, elementary school teachers who buy stuff for their classrooms a "tax cut." But now Bunning's blocking that, too.
Brave man though he is, the Senator from Alzheimer's loves his little bit of pork for Kentucky. Yeah, in the most recent budget, he sponsored an earmark of $3.2 million for a Lexington company with the charming name of American Freedom Fuels. Their mission is "To creatively utilize nature's carbon cycle to benefit mankind." And your tax dollars make sure their capitalist enterprise keeps running capitalistically.
He also got Western Kentucky University $2.4 million for something called "Project Fortitude," a Defense Department program that the Defense Department didn't request. Anyone know what the fuck this even is? It seems to involve a company called EWA Government Systems, Inc. getting shitloads of money.
So Jim Bunning has no problem with multimillion dollar contracts going to corporations in his state. He just has a problem with kids eating.
Alexander (R-TN) Barrasso (R-WY) Bennett (R-UT) Bunning (R-KY) Burr (R-NC) Coburn (R-OK) Corker (R-TN) | Cornyn (R-TX) Crapo (R-ID) DeMint (R-SC) Ensign (R-NV) Enzi (R-WY) Gregg (R-NH) Hatch (R-UT) | Johanns (R-NE) McConnell (R-KY) Risch (R-ID) Sessions (R-AL) Thune (R-SD) |
Even knowing everything that I know about rightwingers, this is still astonishingly nasty.
The fact that Cheneys still go out in public makes me despair for this country.
"This is one senator," said Senator John Cornyn of Texas, a chief political strategist for Senate Republicans. "This does not represent the position of the caucus."That's just bullshit, the only reason that Cornyn threw Bunning under the bus was because the grumpy old bastard was becoming an embarrassment to the party of Hoover.
Bunning, of course, was no the only douchebag who was against trying to help those who are down on their luck in this recession. There were 19 of them. And one of them, of course, was Cornyn.
Bunning isn't done with his dickishness. He is now pulling a Shelby: Bunning has put a hold on every presidential nominee.
Does the party of Hoover have any point at all, other than to demonstrate that they are a collection of jerks?
Above: Drinky McDumbass, once voted 'the man most wingnuts would love to have a beer with.'
News you won't see on TV
ACORN cleared: not-so-Breitbrat and crew edited their tapes to make ACORN look bad.
A four-month investigation by the Brooklyn district attorney found no evidence that ACORN had engaged in any criminal conduct, despite the hype conservative media gave to tapes of a fake prostitute asking for help from the organization.Funny, considering…
"They [James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles] edited the tape to meet their agenda," a law enforcement source said.
Breitbart, meanwhile, has refused to release the full videotapes of any of the ACORN visits. He says his critics may not "have the stomach to deal with" what's on the tapes.
It turns out that Andrew Breitbart didn't actually know what was on the ACORN tapes when he helped launch them on his website last year…Or so he says. Anyway, why aren't these people in prison for this shit?
That's right -- Breitbart didn't know what was on the tapes. Take a few seconds to let the implications of that confession sink in, and what it means to Breitbart's already dented credibility.
One stupid senator at a time.
2010: Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-hurrrrr) says that using reconciliation to pass bills "would really be the end of the Senate."
2003: Sen. Alexander uses reconciliation to pass a Bush bill.
2005: Sen. Alexander uses reconciliation.
2005 again: Sen. Alexander uses reconciliation.
2007: Sen. Alexander uses reconciliation.
Reconciliation has been used to pass at least 19 bills, including major pieces of health care reform legislation like the Children's Health Insurance Program and the Medicare Advantage Program. Fourteen of the times reconciliation was employed it was used to advance Republican interests.Of course it was.

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