The pressure is mounting on the Obama administration to get this thing fixed.
Five weeks after the beginning of an oil spill in the Gulf Coast, President Obama is poised to announce strengthened, new inspections of offshore drilling on Thursday — a heightened response that his critics say comes too late and with too little force.
Although Obama has responded to the disaster from the start, he has chosen his words carefully in criticizing BP, the oil firm in charge of the site. On Tuesday night, he said at a fundraiser in California that the government needs to "revisit how these oil companies are operating."
Obama will hold a news conference — a rarity so far in his administration — at the White House on Thursday morning to discuss the spill, officials said.
This is a tough one for the President. His opponents have been relentless in trying to lay the blame his way. Actually, the criticism is coming from all quarters. James Carville…
"The President of the United States could've come down here, he could've been involved with the families of these 11 people" who died on the rig after an explosion, Carville said on ABC's Good Morning America. "He could be commandeering tankers and making BP bring tankers in and clean this up. They could be deploying people to the coast right now. He could be with the Corps of Engineers and the Coast Guard…doing something about these regulations. These people are crying, they're begging for something down here, and it just looks like he's not involved in this."
"Man, you got to get down here and take control of this! Put somebody in charge of this thing and get this moving! We're about to die down here!"
There is a crisis at hand and it is unsure what more the President can do. The best scientific minds in the country are trying to devise a means to plug the leak. That said, perception is everything in politics. Obama needs to gear up the emotion machine and look more concerned than he has. This is one time when his Mr. Spock-like cool and reasoned approach is not allaying the anger and emotion being felt out there.
Look tough. Be tough. And send a clear message that BP and whoever else is responsible for this disaster will get what they deserve. As someone noted, there are times when Mr. Spock is not enough. What people need now is to know that their anger is not only justified but that that White House feels exactly the same way…and that requires Obama to display the raw emotion of Captain Kirk.

President Obama playing basketball with Russian kids during Deepwater Horizon disaster.

Bush playing the guitar during Katrina.
Here's a list of things that could be done by the White House regarding this horror.
To be fair to BofA and Citi, it's a mistake that could have happened to anyone who had massive teams of lawyers and accountants. Gosh, some people are such nitpickers. Funny how those two banks were among the hardest hit during the crisis but that was surely a simple coincidence. It could have happened to anyone and was surely an accident since intentional hiding of debt would be a violation of SEC rules. CNBC:
Bank of America and Citigroup incorrectly accounted for billions of dollars in debt over the past three years, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal
Alternet: How Do You Feel About Obama Siding with the Vatican Instead of About a Hundred Thousand U.S. Victims of Pedophile Priests?
I'm slammed on my day job, so invite others to write how it makes you feel to have the President of the United States side with The Vatican instead of hundreds of thousands of crime victims of the pedophile epidemic in the Catholic Church. It was the U.S. Solicitor General, joined by the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Justice Department who filed briefs in favor of The Vatican Friday May 21st, in the lawsuit from Oregon that Jeff Anderson and other plaintiff attorneys are trying to take all the way to the Pope.
Do you agree that the .17 square miles of real estate that is the Vatican is a sovereign nation? That a mall sized pile of cement populated by leaders of a religion, who go out from that nation all over the globe propagating their message, is a sovereign nation?
Like Italy and Germany?
Am I getting this right?
The Office of the U.S. Solicitor General who wrote the amicus brief is headed by Obama's Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan. Hearings confirming Kagan onto the Court are scheduled for June in D.C.
Is there a Sarah Palin vileness/absurdity threshold?
BP: Bringing people together.
The Many Faces of Bubba Jindal – Small Government advocate and noted volcano expert, boy exorcist and LA governor, Bubba Jindal wants Big Government to do something about BP polluting his shoreline. Other GOPers think he is hurting the oil industry.
Eel checks out oil gusher.
Running government like a business.
Stimulus-critic Rick Perry only able to balance his state's budget because of stimulus.

"I am a hypocrite!"
And speaking of the President of Texas, he's writing a new book! It's called Fed Up, and it teaches you how to hate the federal government like a Texan does (i.e., while wearing spurs). A rep from Perry's publisher says that "when [Perry] speaks, millions listen," so this book could inspire a new civil rights movement or even cause a world war between Texas and "the Beltway," depending on how "fed up" people end up getting.
More here: http://wonkette.com/415637/rick-perry-is-so-fed-up-hes-writing-a-bible-about-it#more-415637
This is the kind of psycho fucker who would never have made it to induction before Bush broke our military The Army is investigating a Ft. Wainwright soldier (Track Palin, was our first thought, too, but it wasn't him) for posting a video to his Facebook page where he taunts Iraqi children as "future gay terrorists." The children - who are so young they have never known peace - smile and nod and give the soldier a "thumbs-up" sign. Until the older of the two realizes they are being mocked and tells the younger child to put his hand down.
And speaking of psycho fuckers: Conklin Dairy Farms video shows dairy cows being violently abused.

Gas: It's America's crack!