The United States has 5,113 nuclear warheads in its stockpile and "several thousand" more retired warheads awaiting the junk pile, the Pentagon said Monday in an unprecedented accounting of a secretive arsenal born in the Cold War and now shrinking rapidly.
Iranian President Mahmoud "I'm-a-nutjob" is in New York City. He spoke at the U.N. today. He arrived in New York on Saturday night; he rented an S.U.V. and parked it in Times Square.- Jay Leno, who never was funny and is even less so now.
Who is this idiot? Why is he there? He can't even listen. He doesn't conduct a decent conversation. He runs over everyone else's words with a landslide of diarrhea. I saw him on Friday, stomping around the stage like a posturing rooster, calling Paul Krugman a political hack. Paul Krugman's a political hack? Surely they put make-up on Mr. Small Mouth. Doesn't he look in the mirror? That's where he'd see what a political hack looks like.- Actor Donald Sutherland commenting on MSNBC's pundit Joe Scarborough
What the hell can possibly be the reason for delaying this? "The Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday proposed the nation's first federal rules for the disposal of contaminant-laden ash from coal-fired power plants, but delayed a decision for at least three months on whether coal ash should be regulated as a hazardous substance. ... The ash contains the contaminated remains of coal, including mercury, arsenic, cadmium and other substances that can cause cancer and other illnesses. The EPA's testing has shown that without protections, these contaminants can find their way into drinking water supplies. ... Only if the EPA declares coal ash is hazardous will it be able to enforce tougher rules nationwide. The other option would let EPA set standards, but the federal agency wouldn't have oversight or enforcement power."
A quarter of a million gallons per day
Offshore drilling, a safe way to get the oil and gas we need, or so said the Oil Slut, until they yanked the commercials.
In a closed-door briefing for members of Congress, a senior BP executive conceded Tuesday that the ruptured oil well in the Gulf of Mexico could conceivably spill as much as 60,000 barrels a day of oil, more than 10 times the estimate of the current flow.
There are allegations out there that BP drilled several thousands of feet deeper than their drilling permit allowed. The BP Oil Spill is damaging the shit out of the states around the Gulf of Mexico and, if the wind shifts, the oil will enter the Gulf Stream and Florida's new motto will be "Come to Florida and Smell Our Oily Beaches".
In the meantime, the people who are promoting the fictional idea of "clean coal" are running their ads, ignoring the long-established truth that when it comes to despoiling the air and water, nothing beats coal.

What is the best treatment for emotionally disturbed students?
Why strap a back pack on them that zaps them whenever they disturb one of the counselors. Just like your dogs Invisible Fence, the pack will juice them good when they step out of line.
Who designs a backpack like this? And more importantly, who purchases them and then straps them on children?
Digby: ... If these ... are the smartest people in the world and the only ones who can save us, we are in much deeper trouble than we know.
Apparently, having your luggage lifted is a lot like hiking the Appalachian Trail, only with members of the same sex.
The stench of hypocrisy
"He only lifted my luggage!"
George Alan Rekers and James Dobson founded the Family Research Council, an organization that can be counted upon to fulminate daily about homosexuality. Goodness me, I'm sure all that altruistic pondering came in rather handy on George's recent jaunt about Europe with a just-legal, male prostitute. Alas, yet one more public scold's professed disgust for all things homosexual stops just short of being actual disgust for homo sex. Let us pray! Christian right leader George Rekers takes vacation with "rent boy"
Rekers is a member of the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), an organization that claims to "cure" gay people, and is the author of Shaping Your Child's Sexual Identity. I haven't read the book but I'm guessing it encourages parents to believe that they can shape their children's sexual identities. Which, of course, they can't. Rekers is also a member of the American College of Pediatrics, a fake pediatricians organization formed by religious conservatives to counter the reality-based American Academy of Pediatrics (which opposes "curing" gay people, argues for more support for gay youth, and backs gay marriage and adoptions by gay couples).
You see, Mr. Rekers is a leading proponent of banning gay adoption, claiming that children of gay couples "living with a practicing homosexual in the adoptive home," are especially "vulnerable to psychological damage and an increasing inability to adapt." "The active principle in these children's stress is the fact that their welfare comes in dead last in the homosexual lifestyle – it is oriented toward grooming them for traumatic early sexualization and exploitation by adults."
That is, you know, until you need an assistant with a smooth, sweet, tight ass for your European vacation.
Really, it was the least they could do. Literally. "Facing election-year pressure to keep a lid on their salaries, lawmakers in Congress have agreed quietly not to increase their pay next year. ... As a result, most members of Congress next year will receive $174,000 in 2011 under legislation awaiting President Barack Obama's signature, the same amount they're getting this year."
The chemicals BP is now relying on to break up the steady flow of leaking oil from deep below the Gulf of Mexico could create a new set of environmental problems.
The exact makeup of the dispersants is kept secret under competitive trade laws, but a worker safety sheet for one product, called Corexit, says it includes 2-butoxyethanol, a compound associated with headaches, vomiting and reproductive problems at high doses.
Mark Sanford's forbidden love wasn't a crime

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford will not face charges for using state airplanes to romance his Argentinean soul mate, because state attorney general Henry McMaster, a Republican, doesn't want to assign criminal intent to Sanford's tragicomic penis. So we're all just gonna "put this controversy behind us and move on," heal, etc. MORE »
And now it can be told that the Carebear was responsible for the Times Square attempted bombing
Wingnuttia has its panties in a bunch again, but this time they are accusing Citizen of Kenya, Language-of-the-Koran-speaking, Closet-Muslim, socialist, magic-negro overlord, re-education camp counselor, and Nobel laureate President Carebear of being the cause of the failed bombing:
The NYPD was "dead beat," said Michael Scheuer [to Brian Kilmead on Fox & Friends]. "A pro [and] the bomb goes off and everybody would be blaming the NYPD for having failed."
But it's not the fault of the NYPD, according to Sheuer. "The fault lies with the federal government. A federal government that has its head in the sand, has for the last 20 years and has not been square with the American people."
Kilmeade then gave Scheuer the chance to connect the failed bombing to Obama's foreign policy. "The speech in Cairo, it was supposed to begin the healing process that George Bush caused so much damage. We're supposed to be on a new era and a new page. Have we turned a page? Has anyone acknowledged? Has anything gotten any better?" asked Kilmeade.
"No, Mr. Obama has made things much, much worse because he promised the Muslim world things that he will never do. He recognized that our relationship with the Israelis was a problem. He's never going to change that," answered Scheuer.
"He accepted the courtesy and even hugged Hosni Mubarak who is one of the most brutal dictators in the Muslim world," Scheuer continued.
"He bowed to the Saudi King when he was out there in Saudi Arabia — showing his subservience," he concluded.
I can only add one rebuttal to this diatribe:

Traitor Joe upset that Faisal Shahzad was read his Miranda rights

Comical Republican (+Lieberman) Anti-Constitution Quote Machine Going Full Speed

It's hard to pick out the best neocon quote so far about how we should treat the Farmville Bomber [wrong one; never listening to HuffPo/people linking to major HuffPo page again] an American citizen. Joe Lieberman is suggesting we change the Constitution, maybe, for citizens that are "affiliated with foreign terrorist organizations." Well, the thought of Joe Lieberman no longer having constitutional rights is quite tempting.
But this line from Peter King probably wins the year: "Did they Mirandize him? I know he's an American citizen but still." YAH BUT STILL!
Contrast it with this statement: "[Shahzad] has all the rights under the Constitution. We don't shred the Constitution when it is popular. We do the right thing." That's fucking Glenn Beck.
Washington Post via Balloon Juice

Does a Grey Poupon elitist like Barack Obama even know about Tennessee, or rain for that matter? Apparently not, ugh. RedState
Glenn Beck calls Mother's Day a "big business scam" -- during a commercial for Mother's Day gifts from the Vermont Teddy Bear Company.

We won't see his like again
They said that about Edward R. Murrow 45 years ago, when Bill Moyers was still LBJ's press secretary. Yet less than a decade later Moyers had taken up Murrow's mantle with Bill Moyers' Journal. The last broadcast was Friday night. I don't see a replacement anywhere on the horizon, but I hope I'm wrong. Eric Alterman eulogizes Moyers career in The Nation:
"President didn't use his superpowers to see into the future or spin time backwards," say teeth-gnashing pundidiots.
Here it comes. The whore media just can't help themselves.
Even though the President has done nothing to be faulted for, it hasn't stopped the press corpse from trying to link the disaster in the gulf to a wholly-manufactured "White House crisis." From Drudge's little asswipe Politicon:
W.H. in P.R. 'panic' over spill
The growing oil leak in the Gulf threatens Obama's reputation for competence.
Excuse me? Obama's reputation? You little repuke trolls.
And from AssPress writer Erica "Weiner" Werner: SPIN METER: There since Day One? Maybe not
To hear Obama administration officials tell it, they've been fully engaged on the Gulf Coast oil spill since Day One, bringing every resource to bear and able to ensure without question that taxpayers will be protected.
Not quite.
Oh really. Talk about "spin". Jesus Christ: -- April 20 (10 p.m.): Oil rig explosion. The U.S. Coast Guard Response System assigns primary responsibility for cleaning up oil spills to BP as the responsible party.
April 21: otherwise known as Day One. Bint. Deputy Secretary of Interior, Coast Guard dispatched to region. Following a briefing with President Obama, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Thad Allen, Department of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, EPA Deputy Administrator Bob Perciasepe, and FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate, "Deputy Secretary of the Interior David Hayes was dispatched to the region yesterday to assist with coordination and response."
Search and rescue efforts begin for 11 missing.
BP confirms U.S. Coast Guard was "leading the emergency response"
CNN.com: "The U.S. Coast Guard launched a major search effort."
April 23: Coast Guard "focused on mitigating the impact of the product currently in the water." Federal agencies have technical teams in place overseeing the proposals by BP and Transocean to completely secure the well. A high readiness posture to respond will remain in place.
April 25: Response team implements try to contain oil spilling from source, weather delays cleanup.
April 28: Federal officials realize spill was far more severe than BP led them to believe. "Government officials said late Wednesday night that oil might be leaking from a well in the Gulf of Mexico at a rate five times that suggested by initial estimates...
"For days, as an oil spill spread in the Gulf of Mexico , BP assured the government the plume was manageable, not catastrophic. Federal authorities were content to let the company handle the mess while keeping an eye on the operation...
"But then government scientists realized the leak was five times larger than they had been led to believe, and days of lulling statistics and reassuring words gave way Thursday to an all-hands-on-deck emergency response."
April 29: Homeland Security declares spill "of national significance"; BP insists its "plan can handle this spill."
Lots more at link above.
Take a look at some of the new pics coming out, of the rig engulfed in titanic flames -- the right wouldn't have been quiet even if Obama had put it out himself from a helicopter a second after it happened.
Bonus: Fux Noise trots out incompetent, mega-fail horse-judge Michael Brown to further erode his and their credibility. For shame.

Above: Day One firefighting efforts.
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