Another antique celibate summarizes the problem
What do you think? Is the Catholic hierarchy cheering or cringing at the words of this Brazilian archbishop* and his excuses for the child abuse scandals in the church?
Archbishop Grings, a 73-year-old priest with conservative views, said the gradual acceptance of homosexuality by the public was a precursor to a possible broad acceptance of paedophilia.
"When sexuality is banalised it is clear that that can have an effect on all cases. Homosexuality is one case. Before, no one spoke of the homosexual. He was discriminated against," he said.
"When we start to say that they [homosexuals] have rights, rights to publicly demonstrate, in a short time paedophilia will also have rights."
Oh, yes, let us return to the good old days, when homosexuals could be discriminated against. That's all we need to fix up the church scandals!
His central premise is that "society today is paedophile", and that's why Catholics are having such problems — it's not their fault. Unfortunately for his thesis, the only place where there seems to be a broad acceptance of pedophilia is the Catholic church.
"The President referred to the Teabaggers by the name they chose first, Teabagger -- until they found out what it meant -- and we all started laughing at them even louder because it was too late. Good times." Attaturk, Link
"I pray that he (God) doesn't want me to run for office." Joe the Plumber, quoting Benny the Rat EXACTLY, Link
And just like Benny, Joe is running for the office he claims he wants God to deny him.
How much more fraudulent can these phoney frauds be?
If this is a christian nation, we're doing a crappy job of it
Nah, just kidding. While the devout prayed for grace from on high, some clown crashed the stock market by trying to type with xylophone mallets. Turns out our economic well-being rests in the ability of some Wall Street wizard to type an "m" instead of a "b." Yay for the power of prayer.
Oak High School in Morgan Hill, California is now ground zero for a free speech controversy after five students were told to turn their tee-shirts with American flags inside out and remove flag bandannas from their heads. The reason was that it was viewed as inappropriate on Cinco de Mayo day.
A star is born: new telescope captures the formation of RCW 120
This is an amazing picture taken by the Herschel space observatory of a massive star forming — many times the size of our own sun.
The image of the bubble of "excited gas" was released near the European telescope's first birthday in orbit. (This is different from the "excited gas" of elderly uncles over the holidays and seems to refer to the gathering of such cosmic gas in the formation of a star. It will be a big baby — about ten times the size of our sun. More here.
Craig Ferguson on the Rekers scandal.
Franklin Graham of the Jesus Grahams is all upset because the Pentagon has nixed his plans to have a prayer meeting in the Pentagon.
You know. The building where they plan all the wars. That's an excellent place to pray.

When you see all the work and desperate measures that BP is undertaking to try and stem the flow of oil in the Gulf, it pays to remember that:
1) The industry itself said just last year that this wouldn't happen;
2) Neither BP nor any other firm were ready to deal with this;
3) BP wants to blame its contractors for its own lack of accountability;
4) The Interior Department's MMS, a long-time industry captive with Bush holdovers, cleared BP to go ahead without safeguards in early 2009; and
5) Bush and Cheney let the industry run wild without any real supervision for almost a decade.
With this as a backdrop, and the reality that we have hundreds of wells operating right now without any real oversight since Bush/Cheney came into office, shouldn't Obama immediately force all deep sea well operators to file new permits and demonstrate what investments they will make to avoid blowouts and leaks like this? The industry has racked up unprecedented profits over the last several years, and has spent little of any of it on safety and prevention, aided and abetted by the federal government. We may need the oil, but we're way beyond letting Big Oil complain about costs and allegedly safe technologies that aren't.
Funny how less than 24 hours after Halliburton had been "cementing" the Deepwater Horizon well in the Gulf, the explosion that created the great Gulf spill happened. And the cause of 50% of well blowouts is due cementing. Sure, it's just a coincidence.
Is anyone surprised that the man who has stolen two presidential elections thinks we should do away with exit polls? After all, how can you get away with it if the voters tell pollsters who they actually voted for as they leave the polls?
McCollum Paid Presumably Gay Baptist Homophobe $120,000 to Spread Lies.
Uh-oh. Gregory Paul has analyzed the proportions of the image on the Shroud of Turin, and come to some troubling conclusions.
This note is intended to describe why, from an artistic and anatomical perspective, the shroud image is an embarrassingly obvious fraud committed by a Gothic artist following the standard conventions of his time. The artistic errors are so severe that it is impossible for the shroud to record the image of an actual human body--unless it was a very seriously pathological person with a brain the size of a Homo erectus.
So Jesus was a hypocephalic cretin? You know, this makes Michael Moorcock's Behold the Man even more prophetic.
This is, of course, excellent news for conservatives:
In the best example yet of the GOP's total disconnection from reality, Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA) called hearings on climate science, and the Republican Party chose as their sole "expert" witness — quack non-scientist ranting loon Lord Christopher Monckton, also known as a frequent guest on the utterly insane Alex Jones web/radio show.Good grief. Good freaking grief.
Via CNN, he looks like a cross between a deformed Michael Caine and Marty Feldman:
Jonathan Rauch on how "family values" may weaken families in Red States:
You can do a good job of predicting how a state will vote in national elections by looking at its population's average age at first marriage and childbirth.
Six of the seven states with the lowest divorce rates in 2007, and all seven with the lowest teen birthrates in 2006, voted blue in both elections. Six of the seven states with the highest divorce rates in 2007, and five of the seven with the highest teen birthrates, voted red. It's as if family strictures undermine family structures.
Massive Windspill Threatens California Desert with Rainbow
The (at least partial) vindication of Danny Casolaro
Danny Casolaro was an investigative journalist who was found dead in his bathtub in 1991. His death was ruled a suicide even though he had been receiving threatening phone calls in the days leading up to his death. Casolaro had been investigating what he called "The Octopus", a huge web of conspiracy which included the odd timing of the release of American hostages held in Iran minutes after Ronald Reagan took office in January 1981.
Teabaggers upset with Mooselini
After a year of looking for new ideas for the GOP, saved-by-a-Venitian-blind drama-queen, Eric Cantor is calling it quits for his National Council for a New America, which was supposed to be some sort of populist think-tank. They had one meeting with heavy hitters of the GOP and no populists and pffft!
Imagine that, no new ideas for the GOP.
Anyway, they are blaming the liberal press for mocking it to death, except that the NCNA only got a lot of positive reviews when it was announced.
Florida legislature fails to outlaw sex with animals.
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