Offshore drilling is not the answer. Sign the petition now.

The United States has 5,113 weapons in its nuclear
stockpile and Iran has none. It's obvious who's the
greater threat to world peace: Iran, of course.
At least 111 people killed Monday and over 400 wounded in a series of attacks across Iraq, but mostly in the Shi'ite city of Hillah. The attacks mark the deadliest day so far of 2010 for Iraq, and the latest indication that death tolls are on the rise in the nation.
Taliban gears up for Western offensive in Afghanistan.
4,397 killed in Iraq; 1,063 in Afghanistan.
18 veterans commit suicide every day.
As of two years ago, 300,000 US troops from Iraq, Afghanistan have mental problems, 320,000 brain injuries.
Wingnuts furious about Kagan not hiring enough black people/women

When is it okay for Republicans to oppose a Supreme Court nominee for, uh, apparently not being overly concerned about hiring minorities and women over equally qualified white male candidates? WHEN THE NOMINEE IS A DEMOCRAT COME ON KEEP UP. Somebody at RedState heard about somebody at the Duke Law Center on Law, Race and Politics complaining that maybe Elena Kagan hadn't really done affirmative-action hires when she was in charge of Harvard Law School. Hmm sure that sounds good, let's climb aboard this particular bandwagon, that's basically the conservative position anyway, right?
You need a really big tent to both stand up for slavery
and bitch about a nominee for not hiring enough black people.
"We have a massive flood in Nashville, the president, as of now, has yet to comment on it. I mean, loss of life, devastation, financial ruin."- Sean Hannity, who never tells the truth when a lie can do more damage, Link
"FEMA and the White House could not have been more helpful in this thing. FEMA was on the ground before the rain drops fell. We're very pleased with
the response we've gotten from the administration."- TN Governor Phil Bredesen, Link
Engineers will start stuffing "golf balls and shredded automobile tires" into the spewing oil hole on the Gulf of Mexico's floor where BP's oil rig and pipe and containment "dome" and everything else failed terribly, because why not? Washington Post
Pingdom has a breakdown of what happened on the internet in 2009. For example, there were 90 trillion emails sent that year alone.
Another small step in the ongoing implosion of the Republican party We shouldn't pick on the South all the time, so here is a tale out of the eminently Yankee state of Maine. The Maine Republican party recently met to establis their official platform, and ended up getting hijacked by the tea-baggers. Their new platform contains all kinds of nutty demands.
The document calls for the elimination of the Department of Education and the Federal Reserve, demands an investigation of "collusion between government and industry in the global warming myth," suggests the adoption of "Austrian Economics," declares that "'Freedom of Religion' does not mean 'freedom from religion'" (which I guess makes atheism illegal), insists that "healthcare is not a right," calls for the abrogation of the "UN Treaty on Rights of the Child" and the "Law Of The Sea Treaty" and declares that we must resist "efforts to create a one world government."
It also contains favorable mentions of both the Tea Party and Ron Paul. You can read the whole thing here.
There are other jewels in there. Marriage is between one man and one woman; all illegal aliens must be immediately arrested, detained, and deported without any possibility of amnesty; the border must be sealed; drill, baby, drill; US out of the UN!; and yes, it really does want to abolish the state board of education and put all schools under entirely local control.
The wingnuts have taken over.
Although…if you've ever read the Texas Republican Party platform an any time in the last 20 years, you might also realize that the Maine platform is on the mild side of Republican lunacy.
Bradley Byrne is apparently the front runner in the Republican race for nomination in the Alabama gubernatorial campaign. His opponents have put up this ad against him. This country is embarrassing.
Here we go…
American Family Association (AFA) today, Bryan Fischer comes right out and says that the media should pointedly ask Kagan, "Are you a lesbian?" And if she is, according to AFA, she shouldn't serve on the court:
It's time we got over the myth that what a public servant does in his private life is of no consequence. We cannot afford to have another sexually abnormal individual in a position of important civic responsibility, especially when that individual could become one of nine votes in an out of control oligarchy that constantly usurps constitutional prerogatives to unethically and illegally legislate for 300 million Americans.
The stakes are too high. Social conservatives must rise up as one and say no lesbian is qualified to sit on the Supreme Court. Will they?
There was a time when one would write 'far-right groups' to describe these narrow-minded homophobes and hatemongers. No longer. Hate and stupidity has gone mainstream on the right. Right-wing will suffice, thank you.
I wonder if these people are born ignorant and bigoted or does it develop over time?
Even Google thinks John McCain is a little baby fairy
Evidence of flying dinosaurs with a 9ft wingspan and more than 100 razor-sharp teeth that dominated the skies 95 million years ago has been discovered on a building site in Dallas.
Sec Gates suggests Obama, Levin, Pelosi and Reid are 'stupid' for wanting to move ahead with DADT repeal this year
And if they let Gates get away with this ongoing and increasing rank insubordination, they are stupid.
The Greek economic crisis: Cui bono?

Ya can't get through ...
To these people. There's a reason Gord and I call them the Dead End Quarter - the 25 to 30% of Americans who swallow the party line without thought or criticism:
We have some new national polling coming out tomorrow on offshore drilling. The most astounding number from the poll? 28% of Republicans said the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico made them more likely to support drilling off the coast to an equal 28% who said it made them less likely to be supportive. 44% said it made no difference to them and that's understandable, but why would an oil spill make you more supportive of drilling?
Can't stand it ...
Good news: thanks to new USDA rules, only 7.5% of chicken carcasses at a plant would be allowed to test positive for salmonella, down from 20% allowed since 1996!
It's okay to hate NYC again!
Is this the deal that had to be made for Bushcheney to agree to leave?
John Cornyn: Do you believe that there is a federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage?
Elena Kagan: "There is no federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage."
Fun fact: as an adviser to Bill Clinton in 1997, she urged him to support a ban on late-term abortions.
What a raging liberal she is. No wonder wingnut heads are exploding.
When you have gay female soldiers being coerced into sex with male soldiers to protect your "secret", that's a completely unacceptable solution.
Despite protests from teabaggers regarding high taxes, a USA Today analysis of federal data has found that "Americans paid their lowest level of taxes last year since Harry Truman's presidency." Federal, state, local, property, sales, and other taxes "consumed 9.2% of all personal income in 2009, the lowest rate since 1950.
Well then they clearly deserve more contracts
Nearly three of every four incidents that triggered federal investigations of deepwater oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico since 2008 have been on rigs operated by Transocean, the company that owned the rig responsible for massive spill there, a Wall Street Journal analysis found. Executives from Transocean, BP, and Halliburton will appear before two Senate committees investigating the disaster today.
On CNN last night, top White House adviser David Axelrod said that "President Bushbama was amenable to Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.'s call for a new law allowing interrogators to question terrorism suspects for lengthy periods without informing them of their rights." Axelrod said Bushbama was "open to looking at" changing the Miranda rule. It "would be in the area of adjustments, not a wholesale revision."
Teabaggers sell most wanted cards with pictures of federal lawmakers.
Those lousy Greeks/Europeans, how can they spend so much money propping up their failed economy and jobless cretins and mountains of bad debt? Don't they have capitalist scruples or whatever? Oh yeah, and America's government-run mortgage hander-outer, Fannie Mae, needs another $8.4 billion to get through next week maybe, things have been sort of tough, what with the $11.5 billion loss just in the first quarter of this year.
Liberals are butt-hurt because the Democrats always pick namby-pamby moderates for the Supreme Court while Republicans always pick unrepentant partisan hacks desperate to get the Constitution back to its pre-13th Amendment purity. But sometimes, Republican presidents screw up and accidentally pick a liberal. That's what happened with David Souter … whatever happened to that guy, anyway? But at least Elena Kagan is a woman. That used to be kind of a big deal, a few years ago!
New York Times
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