Friday, May 7, 2010

Headlines - Friday May 7

Same criminal corporation, different oil spill. 

This could've been a windmill, but noooooooooooooo. Windmills can't make $10M a day for oil companies.



Nothing less attractive than a self-entitled millionaire's daughter bitching about how hard it is to be a . . GASP! . . . working mother! And what exactly is her job? Isn't she her mother's PR flack?

Perez Hilton, of all people, provides the smackdown.



Teabag-American values have been around since at least 1844.


A SWAT team raids a home in Columbia, Mo., shoots the family's two dogs (including one in front of a seven-year-old child) on a drug raid that only netted a small amount of marijuana. Nevertheless, the father Jonathan Whitworth was charged with drug possession and child endangerment. Story click here.

Wait until the soldiers who have been breaking down doors overseas come back and take over police work.


Rekers: 'I am not gay and never have been'

Jo-Vanni Roman: "We had sexy time."
Colbert: Anti-gay psychiatrist needed male callboy to help him 'hoist his sack'
Dan Froomkin Obama's fiscal commission: what's going on here?
Brilliant: The revenge of the demon sheep.
GOP on oil: Don't blame - unless it's the White House

Weeping, discolored boner: "Day One response not fast enough."

Tiresome orange-tinged weasel John Boehner said [yesterday] he wants to a full investigation of the BP oil spill before anyone assigns blame. Butthat didn't stop party leaders of accusing the White House of being slow to respond to the crisis.
"Butthat"? Awesome!
"I don't think we have all the answers as to what happened. I think it's important we get to the bottom of this before we point fingers and play the typical Washington game," the butthat said, playing the typical Washington game of finger-pointing.
I've got a finger for you... butthat.

A season in hell

Talk the politics of The Godfather with Robert Kagan. Take a staff ride to the Gettysburg battlefield to study military leadership, decision making, tactics, and strategy with AEI scholar Gary Schmitt.

And have evening discussion with Jonah Goldberg author of Liberal Fascism and National Review editor-at-large as well as former Bush speechwriter Marc Thiessen. Other evenings will be spent with Charles Murray, Arthur C. Brooks, and Thomas Donnelly.

For the full schedule and application details, visit the AEI 2010 American Enterprise Summer Institute page here.

This is from the fascinating new blog ThinkTanked. If you want to get a good feel for why our political system is collapsing, check it out.



An unintentionally hilarious quote to end your week

As you may have heard, the Washington Times is up for sale, because the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's children can't agree on whether to continue to shovel money down the black hole that is the "newspaper". Apparently the entire operation is coming apart:
Meanwhile, staffers who have survived a series of draconian layoffs report that snakes and mice have slipped into the newspaper's building because the owners can't afford exterminators to combat the infestations.

"There was a three-foot-long black snake in the main conference room the other day," said reporter Julia Duin. "We have snakes in the newsroom."
And this differs from the paper in its

Thanks everyone, you've been a great audience. I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitress.

Fat fingers McGee
There should be a Network-esque black comedy about this very moment on CNBC, immediately. The three-keys-wide fat finger of one monster at Citigroup sells off billions of shares of Procter & Gamble — part of the Dow index — just as Erin Burnett is deciding to talk about it, and then Jim Cramer says basically "oh shit someone should buy that," and within 30 seconds we probably have a dozen or so newly-minted billionaires, but still no more "Europe" or jobs in general. Business Insider

Wingnuttia's own point man on things to drown in the bathtub, Grover Norquist, says that calling the Tea Partiers (Partyers?) Teabaggers is "…is the equivalent of using the 'n' word. It shows contempt for middle America, expressed knowingly, contemptuously, on purpose, and with a smirk."

Well, our good friend Tommy Christopher at Mediaite did some research and reports that actually, the Tea Partiers (Partyers?) called themselves Teabaggers first.

Regardless of whoever used that term first, it is outrageous that Grover Norquist would conflate it to being the equivalent of 200+ years of oppression and what many historians call the stain on our democracy.

Grover, get a pair of teabags.


The U.S. economy added 290,000 jobs last month, 100,000 more than economists had predicted. The unemployment rate rose to 9.9 percent "mainly because 805,000 jobseekers — perhaps feeling better about their prospects — resumed their searches for work." The jobs numbers in February and March were also revised to show stronger improvement than previously reported.




Leaderless Britain suspiciously riot-free.


BP worked with Freedom Works and the Chamber to build 'grassroots' support for more drilling:
Here is John Boehner accepting a Henry Hyde Defender of Life Award the other day for having had the fewest number of abortions of any man in history. It hasn't been easy for him, wanting to have so many abortions but always refusing, and this is why he's crying. He cries constantly, pretty much whenever he's not screaming.

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