BBC: Belgian Cardinal encouraged rape victim to remain silent. These people are beyond reproach.
It wasn't that long ago when talking about even one meteorite was controversial. BBC: The dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago by at least two meteorite impacts, rather than a single strike, a new study suggests.
Previously, scientists had identified a huge impact crater in the Gulf of Mexico as the event that spelled doom for the dinosaurs.
Now evidence for a second impact in the Ukraine has been uncovered.
This raises the possibility that the Earth may have been bombarded by a whole shower of meteorites
BP's 'missing' oil found in Florida, more arriving in Louisiana
Sounds like the miracle disappearing act didn't quite work out as advertised. MotherJones:
Well, some cleanup workers in Pensacola, Florida—which is not anywhere near as wrecked as any of the shores in Louisiana—are determined to ruin everyone's fairy-tale ending by talking about how they picked up 4,000 pounds of oil the other night (h/t @LibrlSandlapper). Nevertheless, their crews are being massively scaled down, which should definitely take care of this sort of thing being reported in the future.
Big cleanup cutbacks have also happened in Grand Isle, Louisiana. Sounds like the crisis there is over! Although Drew Wheelan of the American Birding Association sent me these pictures he's taken there over the last 10 days. What a jerk.
Stay tuned for more photos like that: This morning a contractor told me BP has informed cleanup supervisors that a 200-foot-by-2-mile swath of oil is going to make landfall on Grand Isle in the next couple of days.
I find the notion that the Glenn Beck teabaggers somehow are carrying on the King legacy so repulsive, disgusting, preposterous, and obscene, that this will be my only discussion of the matter.
It's enough to make you vomit. The balls on these people.

It was Colonial Williamsburg staff day at Glenn Beck's GlennBeckPalooza! Show up in your work uniform and get a 60-pack of Hot Wings for just $4.99! Guess who didn't remember his work costume? Wonkette's new drive-time "shock jock" Riley Waggaman! Are you ready for lots more pictures of the Honor which was Restored by, uh, a weeping lunatic self-promoter from Fox News and amoral snowbilly grifter Sarah Palin? The answer, of course, is "I Haz a Dream!" Let's take a look at the rest of Wonkabout Arielle Fleisher's photo album from America's Worst Summer Festival! http://wonkette.com/417786/417786#more-417786
I have a scheme
The right-wing blogosphere reports that 500,000 people showed up to Beck's MLK-appropriation rally. The mainstream media has a slightly different count. But don't let facts fool you – obviously the only numbers that matter are the ones that we make up out of thin air.
Besides, 87,000 people is actually pretty good for a rally organized by a radio talking head turned Fox news messiah. Really, it's quite sizable compared to many other cults.
Beck may yet come down as one of the great grifters of our time. The question is – if the people at this rally knew how badly he was scamming them – in it for fame and fortune and not for some higher vision – would they care? Would they even admit to themselves that they'd been suckered? Even if evidence of his insincerity were to surface? Would it matter so long as he served his purpose?
And right about then was when the Alien popped out of Glenn Beck's chest.
Jill: 87,000 does not a majority make.
And another one from Jill: Hey Barack Obama...aren't you glad you sold out health care to the insurance companies?
Afghanistan: Time to go
I do not disagree with the premise that the Taliban are a bunch of mean f**kers. But consider, for a moment, the fact that the clown that we chose to run the country is running, with eyes open, one of the most corrupt and detested governments on the planet: KABUL, Afghanistan — One of the country's most senior prosecutors said Saturday that President Hamid Karzai fired him last week after he repeatedly refused to block corruption investigations at the highest levels of Mr. Karzai's government.
Bribery. Extorting kickbacks. Colluding with the enemy. Kidnapping. Murder. Drug trafficking. These are among the crimes committed by officials in the Karzai regime, crimes of which Karzai is equally guilty of for protecting the criminals.
Karzai is nothing more than Thieu in Pashto.
April of 1975 is coming for this war.
"Not political"? Horseshit. Martin Luther King Jr.'s niece was there - the one that the rest of the family has disowned, she is such a fringe lunatic - and she railed about gay marriage (it's genocide...yeah, we haven't figured that out either) abortion (it's a womb-war - which has BG checking her ovaries for armaments) and prayer in public schools (when did they stop giving math tests?) - but the rally that railed on these three planks from the republican party platform "wasn't political." In other news, the sun rose in the west this morning, lambs and lions are frolicking in the meadow, John Boehner woke up this morning and was a normal, non-orange color and most telling of all that Beck got the miracle he demanded: Sarah Palin spoke in clear, coherent sentences. (And since none of that happened, the freakin' rally was political.)
Still getting worse. "Officials in southern Pakistan are battling to save the town of Thatta, where the raging Indus river has breached more of its levees. Tens of thousands of people have fled the town in the past few days and some outlying districts were reported to already be under water. A local official said it could take up to three days to repair the breaches. The massive floods in Pakistan have lasted for more than a month, leaving 8m people in need of emergency relief. As the waters start to recede in the north of the country, the full extent of the damage has begun to emerge. The UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has warned that the Indus river in the south has swollen to 40 times its usual capacity. More than seven million people have now been displaced in southern Sindh province - one million in the past few days alone. Out of the 23 districts in the province, 19 have so far been badly affected by the floods. Across the country, some 17 million people have been affected."
Five years later, Bush efforts to block Medicaid relief have a lasting impact on the Gulf Coast.
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