Video here.
Sarah Palin's Discovery Channel show was filming in Homer, Alaska, and decided it needed a lot of security to keep the mama grizzly bear safe. But this couldn't stop some woman who dislikes Sarah Palin from putting up a "WORST GOVERNOR EVER" sign. Palin confronted the woman, and like all conversations between politicians and angry members of the public, it was rather awkward. But also Sarah Palin is dumb.
Billy Sullivan caught much of the interchange on his cell phone camera. The back of her security guard's head and Todd Palin attempted to block Billy's view, continually rotating like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. What were they afraid of? I guess that's what happens when you're filming a "celebrity". He was even told by one of the Palin daughters, "You're an A-hole". Charming family values.
Jesus Christ, this country. On all fronts of this blog fodder item, Jesus Christ, this country.
Are those Trig's Spongebob boots Palin's wearing? We really don't want to know. We just hope Sarah Palin doesn't confront a critic out in public again, as the frequency of the waves of inanity in this video are difficult to process. [HuffPo]
"The American people don't want more Washington 'stimulus' spending – especially in the form of a pay-off to union bosses and liberal special interests." - Der Boner, between tanning sessions, Link
"Incredibly, the Boehner disparagingly referred to those who teach our children, protect our homes, and keep our streets safe as 'special interests.' Republicans are opposed to supporting our teachers, firefighters, and policemen at home in order to protect corporate tax loopholes that promote the export of American jobs."- Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) Link
Democrats stand for the poor, the little guy getting his day in court, equality, teachers, cops, fire-fighters, the unemployed, minorities and science!
Republicans stand for the super-rich, the polluters, big business, the Cancer Lobby, legal warzone rapes, the assault weapons lobby and the absurdity of organized religion.
....and we have trouble winning elections?
One person, one vote. If Democrats would educate the ignorant we'd win everything every time.
Estate Planning: Not Just for the Rich
"The Taliban's increasing use of homemade bombs and political assassinations has been responsible for a 31% increase in the number of civilians who have been killed or injured in fighting in Afghanistan this year," reports the U.N. Child casualties have risen 55 percent, while "rules on the use of airpower by NATO troops ha[ve] led to a 30% drop in the number of deaths and injuries caused by foreign forces."
Apologizing for Hiroshima
On this 65th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki I want to apologize
to the people of Japan and the entire world on behalf of America for vaporizing 2 cities.
We must never forget and we must never allow nuclear weapons to ever be used again. Although I am not an official that can speak for every American, the silence of America does not represent the voice of the people. Some day the President will speak out, but today I will be the voice that expresses my personal regret and for those who feel as I do. Marc Perkel
Chris Hedges: The Tears of Gaza Must Be Our Tears
How perfect is that? I'm sure you all know someone who cries out against gay marriage because they claim it'll destroy the sanctity of traditional marriage. Yet many of these people are either divorced, cheating on their spouse or living with someone of the opposite sex. Apparently preserving the sanctity of marriage only applies when gays are involved. Hypocritical assholes.
Wisco: The Hate Americans Crowd
Special supplies are en route to the GOP convention
If you watched Ken Burns' documentary series last Summer, this will be especially heartbreaking:
Governor Dave Freudenthal is threatening to sell off a chunk of one of America's most beautiful national parks unless the Obama administration comes up with more money to pay for education in the financially beleaguered state.He says he will auction land valued at $125m (£80m) in the Grand Teton national park, one of the country's most stunning wildernesses. Part of the park was donated by John Rockefeller Jr.
We can't pay for education and aid to the states. Only tax cuts. So eff the national parks. Wall Street CEOs need their tax breaks!
Jesus' General: In praise of slavery: teaparty organizer thanks confederacy for the two minute warning
Didn't people used to get fired and disgraced over racist crap like this?
Who needs The Onion when satire is indistinguishable from reality?
The law of physics are a liberal plot
Really. This is what conservative thought has come to?
Pay no attention to that whirring sound in the background, it is only William F. Buckley spinning in his grave. He ought to be up to 18,000rpm by now.
Markey: 'Greenland iceberg has created space for global warming deniers to start their own country'
Oompa-Loompa, Boehner-y Doo!
Weepy was on Meet the Press:
GREGORY: Do you support efforts to have the 14th amendment amended at this point?…
BOEHNER: Listen, I think it's worth considering. It's a serious problem that affects our country, and in certain parts of our country, clearly our schools, our hospitals are being overrun by illegal immigrants…
…because the Orange-one is sympathetic to the White-ones who are afraid of the Brown-ones, even though the White-ones will probably never set foot in a school or a public hospital.
Seems like a good enough reason to change the Constitution to me.
Nothing to see here .... move along
Who hasn't kidnapped a coed to force her to take bong hits and pray to a heathen god?:
This guy is bad enough on just his policy choices. Either way, it turns that she converted to Aquabuddhism in '98, so no harm no foul.The strangest episode of Paul's time at Baylor occurred one afternoon in 1983 (although memories about all of these events are understandably a bit hazy, so the date might be slightly off), when he and a NoZe brother paid a visit to a female student who was one of Paul's teammates on the Baylor swim team. According to this woman, who requested anonymity because of her current job as a clinical psychologist, "He and Randy came to my house, they knocked on my door, and then they blindfolded me, tied me up, and put me in their car. They took me to their apartment and tried to force me to take bong hits. They'd been smoking pot." After the woman refused to smoke with them, Paul and his friend put her back in their car and drove to the countryside outside of Waco, where they stopped near a creek. "They told me their god was 'Aqua Buddha' and that I needed to bow down and worship him," the woman recalls. "They blindfolded me and made me bow down to 'Aqua Buddha' in the creek. I had to say, 'I worship you Aqua Buddha, I worship you.' At Baylor, there were people actively going around trying to save you and we had to go to chapel, so worshiping idols was a big no-no."
But seriously, I'm sick of all these family values Aquabuddhists trying to force their morality and bong hits on me.

National surveys of the Tea Party have found that explicit racist sentiment is a strong component of the tea-party make up, in addition to economic conservatism and strong Republican partisanship.
God bless 'Murka!
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