Nation, meet cliff.
We've spent years hearing Evangelical Christians whining about being oppressed, simply because others want a few rights (like the right to get married). If someone hung out after a tent revival and harassed Real Americans, the place would be crawling with cops in no time. But somebody needs to get hurt before Terrorist Muslins get the same level of response.
It looks like it's time to cut taxes for the rich again, that will solve this small problem.
SAN DIEGO — Fire departments around the nation are cutting jobs, closing firehouses and increasingly resorting to "rolling brownouts" in which they shut different fire companies on different days as the economic downturn forces many cities and towns to make deep cuts that are slowing their responses to fires and other emergencies.We can't afford protection against fires, but by God we can spend billions to bail out the "free market" banksters and that my friends is what really, really counts. God bless America, and the Teabagger party for which it stands.
Philadelphia began rolling brownouts this month, joining cities from Baltimore to Sacramento that now shut some units every day. San Jose, Calif., laid off 49 firefighters last month. And Lawrence, Mass., north of Boston, has laid off firefighters and shut down half of its six firehouses, forcing the city to rely on help from neighboring departments each time a fire goes to a second alarm

js_edit wrote:
lipschitzantwon wrote:
Could some of this energy be put into finding a cure for cancer?
8/27/2010 2:17:21 PM
Yes, because the work of linguists and actors is vital in the field of medical research.
8/29/2010 1:32:06 PM
Another episode of what Digby said
The bottom line is this: the Democrats are afraid of the Republicans. They – all of them,
from Obama on down – are afraid of Rush Limbaugh and Michele Bachmann and you name it.
You hear Democratic operatives talk strategy, and there's always a "logical" reason why this or
that aggressive attack might not work. But it's nothing to do with logic. They're just afraid.
Bat-Shit Bachmann, who wants the government out of everything, is a good case in point.
It's been revealed that her family farm has received $250,000 in federal subsidies. If she
were a Democrat, the Republicans would make sure the entire country knew it.
But the Democrats won't do things like that. If they had for the past 20 months, Americans
would be talking about a president who, all things considered, is doing his best against
quasi-insane and hypocritical opposition. But they're telling each other a different story.
And the Democrats will go on not learning the lesson of the price of their fear."
Krugman predicts the near future:
I'm finding it hard to read about politics these days. I still don't think people in the administration understand the magnitude of the catastrophe their excessive caution has created. I keep waiting for Obama to do something, something, to shake things up; but it never seems to happen." And maybe he really does believe that the administration doesn't grasp that they are destroying America's economy and it's chances of recovery, but I think he may be forgetting that all his friends are from the Chicago school, and they think that disaster would be a good thing. But he says, the important thing is that all signs are that the next few years will be a combination of economic stagnation and political witch-hunt. This is going to be almost inconceivably ugly.
"Consumers that were sickened reportedly all ate eggs that were not properly or thoroughly cooked. Eggs need to be cooked so that the whites and yolks are firm (not runny), which should kill any bacteria," says Mitch Head, spokesman for the United Egg Producers.
Fuck it. I know of places where I can buy local eggs from truly free-range chickens, not from factory farms. I don't eat that many eggs that the cost difference will be that significant.
The "our eggs are poisonous" crap started with Wright Country Eggs, located in Galt, Iowa. So I gather now that "going Galt" means "shipping out eggs loaded with toxic bacteria because it is too costly to run a sanitary operation."
Federal inspections of the two Iowa egg farms at the heart of a nationwide recall and salmonella outbreak found widespread safety problems, including barns infested with flies, maggot and rodents, the Food and Drug Administration said Monday.
Hey, you folks at the United Egg Producers? Go fuck yourselves.
As we keep digging.
Despite the presence of almost 150,000 foreign troops, violence across Afghanistan is at its worst since the Taliban were ousted by U.S.-backed Afghan forces in late 2001Fun fact: There are more Americans in Afghanistan than there were at Beckapaloooza.

Daniel S. Loeb, the hedge fund manager, was one of Barack Obama's biggest backers in the 2008 presidential campaign.A registered Democrat, Mr. Loeb has given and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Democrats. Less than a year ago, he was considered to be among the Wall Street elite still close enough to the White House to be invited to a speech in Lower Manhattan, where President Obama outlined the need for a financial regulatory overhaul.
So it came as quite a surprise on Friday, when Mr. Loeb sent a letter to his investors that sounded as if he were preparing to join Glenn Beck in Washington over the weekend.
"As every student of American history knows, this country's core founding principles included nonpunitive taxation, constitutionally guaranteed protections against persecution of the minority and an inexorable right of self-determination," he wrote. "Washington has taken actions over the past months, like the Goldman suit that seem designed to fracture the populace by pulling capital and power from the hands of some and putting it in the hands of others."
Over the weekend, the letter, with quotations from Thomas Jefferson, Ronald Reagan and President Obama, was forwarded around the circles of the moneyed elite, from the Hamptons to Silicon Valley. Mr. Loeb's jeremiad illustrates how some of the president's former friends on Wall Street and in business now feel about Washington.
I was disappointed when the President cozied up to the Wall Street assholes in the first place. I wanted him to not merely channel FDR and "welcome their hatred" - I wanted him to beat them to the punch, hate them first and never stop, and I feel like a golden opportunity may have been lost when he didn't.
But everyone hates Wall Street, so there is still a sterling silver opportunity to start hating thexselfish, venal bastards. I hope he takes it and brings it down on their heads like Maxwell's Silver Hammer. Every hour of every day for the next eight weeks.
Just a reminder...This is what Glenn Beck really thinks of the people in this country. Now, just for a moment, try to imagine what he really thinks of the gullible saps who literally buy his (blatantly ripped off from a 50-year-old movie)schtick.
Consistency isn't their long suit, is it? If it was, there would be howls of outrage over the religious demagoguery around 9/11. "A bigoted pastor who has assailed gays and Muslims is launching the "9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero" a mere two blocks from the World Trade Center site this Sunday, but so far the project hasn't drawn a peep of protest from those who are outraged by the "ground zero mosque." ... Pastor Bill Keller of Florida said today he will begin preaching Sunday at the Marriott at 85 West Street (see proximity to ground zero here). A weekly service is planned at the hotel until the $8 million 9/11 Christian Center finds a permanent space. (Fundraising is going well, Keller told Salon today.) ... To get a sense of where Keller is coming from, consider his project's website, which calls Islam a religion of "hate and death" whose adherents will go to hell. It also says: "Islam is a wonderful religion... for PEDOPHILES!""
Matt Taibbi has a great piece on the current teabagger insanity, which ends with this plea:
I'm beginning to wonder why effective boycotts against these hate-media channels, and particularly Fox, haven't been organized yet. Why not just pick out one Fox advertiser at random and make an example out of it? How about Subaru and their unintentionally comic "Love" slogan? I actually like their cars, but what the fuck? How about Pep Boys and that annoying logo of theirs? Just to prove that it can be done, I'd like to see at least one firm get blown out of business as a consequence of financially supporting the network that is telling America that its black president wants to kill white babies. Isn't that at least the first move here? It's beginning to strike me that sitting by and doing nothing about this madness is not a terribly responsible way to behave.
I never watch Fox, so I don't know who sponsors them. Subaru works for me, although I don't think many people are buying new cars these days anyway. Anybody got it in for Pep Boys or another Fox sponsor? I'm game, whoever it is.
UPDATE: How about that? is already on it. Theirs is not the focus-on-just-one-and-destroy-it suggested by Taibbi, and it's so lame it doesn't even include a list of Fox sponsors, but it's something.
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