Saturday, September 18, 2010

Headlines - Saturday September 18

No news tomorrow. Enjoy the peace!
"I have a feeling Christine O'Donnell opposes masturbation the same way Bristol Palin opposes pre-marital sex." – Jimmy Kimmel

The Boreal Narcissus will upstage her daughter during her first (and hopefully last) appearance on "Dancing With the Stars":

Sarah Palin will be in the audience to cheer on her daughter, Bristol, for Monday's season opener of "Dancing with the Stars" ... sources connected with the show tell TMZ.

Our spies say security has been "beefed up" for Sarah's appearance.

And get this ... We found out the song Bristol Palin and Mark Ballas will dance to -- in front of Mama Palin. It's Three Dog Night's, "Mama Told Me (Not to Come)." Classic.

Nice. I'm sure she thinks that by being there, she's going to somehow bully the judges into NOT voting her daughter off the show?


Afghan democracy on the march ... backwards. At a dead run. "Two Afghan parliamentary candidates and 18 poll officials and campaign workers have been kidnapped in three separate incidents. The Taliban are suspected of abducting the would-be MPs in eastern Laghman province and western Herat province. The militants said they had seized the 18 poll officials and campaign workers in north-western Bagdhis province. The Taliban have threatened to attack voters and election workers taking part in Saturday's parliamentary elections."


The Christine O'Donnell compendium

Now available at Think Progress.

And you thought Snowzilla was stupid...Whooo, boy.



Wisco: Voting Against the Fat Cats

If you follow this blog even occasionally, you're probably familiar with the truism that people don't vote for things, they vote against things. Like all simple rules, it's probably not 100% correct 100% of the time, but it's true enough to help understand what would otherwise be confusing behavior on the part of the electorate. In fact, if you need some way to understand the way voters are behaving in this cycle, you really don't need to look any farther. People are voting against Democrats, not for Republicans; it's just that this is a two party system and voting against one requires casting your vote for the other.


Catholic League Nutter Bill Donohue: Atheists Should Apologize For Adolf Hitler

"The pope cited Hitler today, asking everyone to 'reflect on the sobering lessons of atheist extremism of the 20th century.' Immediately, the British Humanist Association got its back up, accusing the pope of 'a terrible libel against those who do not believe in God.' The pope did not go far enough. Radical atheists like the British Humanist Association should apologize for Hitler. But they should not stop there. They also need to issue an apology for the 67 million innocent men, women and children murdered under Stalin, and the 77 million innocent Chinese killed by Mao. Hitler, Stalin and Mao were all driven by a radical atheism, a militant and fundamentally dogmatic brand of secular extremism. It was this anti-religious impulse that allowed them to become mass murderers. By contrast, a grand total of 1,394 were killed during the 250 years of the Inquisition, most all of whom were murdered by secular authorities." - Catholic League nutjob Bill Donohue.

FACT CHECK: As Donohue knows, Hitler
was in fact a Catholic JUST LIKE BILL DONOHUE and sang in the choir at the Benedictine monastery he attended as a child.

Hitler publicly denounced atheism as inherently communist. "For eight months we have been waging a heroic battle against the Communist threat to our Volk, the decomposition of our culture, the subversion of our art, and the poisoning of our public morality. We have put an end to denial of God and abuse of religion. We owe Providence humble gratitude for not allowing us to lose our battle against the misery of unemployment and for the salvation of the German peasant."

The Catholic Hitler also denounced secular education.
"Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious instruction, and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith."

Here's your precious fucking Pope, Bill!


Crazy Eyes At Values Voters Summit!


If  you think that government can't do anything, only business can, then how are you going to get to work? How are you going to travel?

In one of his posts, Don Brown mentioned that the airline industry wouldn't exist without government intervention.

It's more than the airlines, of course. The interstate highway system was built and paid for by government money as a quasi-military project (the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956). The first great transportation project in this nation, the Erie Canal, was funded by the state of New York. The railroads that linked the West Coast to the eastern U.S. would not have been built without government money (and land). Virtually every airport in the nation that operates commercial traffic was built with government money. Outside of subdivisions, if you drive down a paved road, you're driving on a road built and maintained with government money.

So if you want nothing from government, you can start by not using the transportation network that has been paid for by government money, thank you very much.


Margaret & Helen: The Real Housewife of Wasilla


Someone else visited the creation "museum" and it's pretty darned hilarious.


Blue Girl called this one Sister Sarah is no "hunter" and hasn't even had a hunting license for at least the last three years. She hunted with her dad when she was a kid, but long, long ago got too damned prissy for such things.


Is there anything Republicans don't blame on liberals?

Hans Zeiger, a Republican candidate for Washington state's House of Representatives, says the girl scouts are pushing a feminist agenda that's harmful to American youth. He shared his anti-Girl Scout sentiments in a past column written for a conservative Web site, which the Democrats dug up and is now going viral on the Internet.

One might wonder why the Girl Scouts have been spared the painful attacks that have been launched upon the Boy Scouts by the Left in recent years. The reasons are simple: the Girl Scouts allow homosexuals and atheists to join their ranks, and they have become a pro-abortion, feminist training corps. … If the Girl Scouts of America can't get back to teaching real character, perhaps it will be time to look for our cookies elsewhere."

A psychosis best described as delusional disorder has definitely inflicted the grand old party.  It's a sorry spectacle.


If you ever foolishly harbored thoughts of Republicans being serious about health care reform, you can stop wasting your time.  Here is Mike Huckabee on why he opposes health insurance for people with preexisting conditions.

"It sounds so good, and it's such a warm message to say we're not gonna deny anyone from a preexisting condition," Huckabee explained at the Value Voters Summit today. "Look, I think that sounds terrific, but I want to ask you something from a common sense perspective. Suppose we applied that principle [to] our property insurance. And you can call your insurance agent and say, "I'd like to buy some insurance for my house." He'd say, "Tell me about your house." "Well sir, it burned down yesterday, but I'd like to insure it today." And he'll say "I'm sorry, but we can't insure it after it's already burned." Well, no preexisting conditions."

These people are cold heartless bastards who equate health care with privilege and who see health insurance as simply another commodity not unlike house or car insurance.

Keep reading:


"A Nation of Shopkeepers." 

The famed lexicographer Dr. Samuel Johnson once complained to his biographer James Boswell that England "was a nation of shopkeepers." It may have been an uncharitably elitist statement on the merchant class. After all, shopkeepers selling to the population goods and services is the backbone of any economy, the starter motor, if you will, of the economic engine that drives a nation.

But when a nation once as prosperous as the United States becomes Johnson's urban nightmare of "a nation of shopkeepers", when roughly a quarter of the working force is no longer in manufacturing but in retail, selling shoddy goods that are made in China and other third world countries, it becomes a very real problem.
Keep reading: 


The Repiglicans are hosting a values conference in DC in which they're reinforcing the idea that their greatest value is discrimination against those who have sex with people of the same gender.


Alaskan GOP Death Match: Lisa Murkowski vs. Joe Miller

It's a Republican WAR up in Alaska, where Senator Lisa Murkowski just announced she's running a write-in campaign against hairy-cheeked weirdo Joe Miller, the Tea Party darling who won the GOP primary. Murkowski, a senator since her dad appointed her in 2002 when he was elected governor, won her 2004 election but last month lost to Ivy League teabagger Joe Miller by 2,006 votes — the final tally was 55,878 for Miller and 53,872 for Murkowski. She's also one of those rare Republican pro-choice pro-science "moderates," which makes it so much easier for knuckle-dragging Wasilla gangster Sarah Palin to continue hating her so much. More here
As long as there's a single free-thinking human being on the planet, Xian freakazoids will consider themselves persecuted. "The Pope has warned that religion - and Christianity in particular - is "being marginalised" around the world. His comments came in his keynote speech to UK MPs, senior members of British society, and religious leaders at Westminster Hall in central London. Pope Benedict XVI warned that there were some people who wanted to see "the voice of religion be silenced"."
Meet the deniers: the top climate races this November

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