Morford: Damn you Muslims, get off my lawn
Blame where blame is due "Democrats on the Joint Economic Committee issued a report Wednesday morning blaming George W. Bush for the economic misery detailed in forthcoming Census data, which is expected to show that the U.S. poverty rate jumped to 15 percent during President Obama's first year in office. ... "This JEC report shows that the Bush economic policies exacerbated income inequality and led us into a painful, protracted recession, the effects of which we still feel today," said JEC chair Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) in a statement. "Middle class Americans lost ground under President Bush and so when the Great Recession hit at the end of 2007, they were already vulnerable and were hit particularly hard.""
Put this in your pipe and smoke it, global warming deniers. "With unusually warm sea-surface temperatures over a vast expanse of the tropical Pacific dominating the winter, globally the first eight months of 2010 matched the warmest such period on record, dating to 1880. ... The combined ocean-land surface temperature for Jan. 1-Aug. 31 was 58.5 Fahrenheit, according to the National Climate Data Center, putting it in a first place tie with the first eight months of 1998. ... That was another year in which a strong warming event, or El Nino, had taken hold in the Pacific. Here is the climate center's global analysis."
I'll give ya a minute to wipe off your keyboard. Sorry 'bout that.
I hope Jane's laughin' her heinie off at that one!
"Bemoan" is a good word. Not only they be moanin', they be whinin'. One hopes they be losin' too.
And what does the Virgin Teabag say?
We've known that for years. There may be the barest glimmer of a grasp of reality in her, if such can be inferred by her seeing the blatantly obvious.
As for Repug cannibalism? Ess, ess mein kindt!
With the battle won by the ultra-right in Delaware, the national conservative pundits who backed Christine O'Donnell in last night's GOP Senate primary have turned on a man who is presumably one of their own: Karl "The Architect" Rove. After Rove bemoaned O'Donnell's nomination as the end of the GOP's chances to take back the Senate in a heated interview with Sean Hannity last night, pundits and tea partiers have slammed him as a traitor and even called for Fox News to suspend him as an on-air analyst.
In one five-minute interview, it seems, Rove went from keeper of the conservative cause to the next Jane Hamsher in the eyes of those who are ostensibly his allies. [...]
I hope Jane's laughin' her heinie off at that one!
"Bemoan" is a good word. Not only they be moanin', they be whinin'. One hopes they be losin' too.
And what does the Virgin Teabag say?
O'Donnell blasts GOP 'cannibalism': Everything Rove says is 'unfactual'
We've known that for years. There may be the barest glimmer of a grasp of reality in her, if such can be inferred by her seeing the blatantly obvious.
As for Repug cannibalism? Ess, ess mein kindt!
You know they all sit around with His Popey-Rapeyness and tell darkie jokes. "A senior Papal adviser has pulled out of the Pope's UK visit after saying arriving at Heathrow airport was like landing in a "Third World" country. Cardinal Walter Kasper reportedly told a German magazine the UK was marked by "a new and aggressive atheism". The Vatican said the cardinal had not intended "any kind of slight" and had pulled out because of illness. The UK Cabinet Office said his views were personal and not representative of the Vatican or bishops in the UK."
Massive fish kill reported in Louisiana. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the oil gusher.
We do have two Americas. We have the America that's living in reality. The people who understand that Obama is a centrist liberal from Hawaii who is trying to dig us out of the hole we're in.
And then we have this other FOX/Matt Drudge/Rush Limbaugh reality where he is a Muslim sleeper cell, Manchurian candidate who was sent over by his Kenyan father. - Bill Maher
Although O'Donnell won with a small percentage of votes in one of the nation's smallest states, her victory reverberated across the nation and widened a chasm separating conservative insurgents and their Tea Party allies on one side, and mainstream Republicans and centrists on the other.
"It's official: There is now a civil war within the Republican Party," said Mark McKinnon, a former adviser to the presidential campaigns of George W. Bush and John McCain. "The good news for Republicans is the Tea Party is capturing the anti-establishment energy in America. The bad news is that includes the Republican establishment."
"It's official: There is now a civil war within the Republican Party," said Mark McKinnon, a former adviser to the presidential campaigns of George W. Bush and John McCain. "The good news for Republicans is the Tea Party is capturing the anti-establishment energy in America. The bad news is that includes the Republican establishment."
We don't know whether to cry, scream or throw something "[O]ne third of Americans believe the Obama administration has raised taxes. Fifty percent think taxes have stayed the same, but only 8 percent think taxes have gone down. In fact, most Americans received a tax break in 2009."
Republicons reap the whirlwind
Hey, ya sow Big Windies, so shall ye reap.
*A very apt description of conservatives. I had a 'movement' this morning. It was anything but conservative...
The Repug establishment preached extremism and watched it catch on amongst their sheeple all too well and now they are surprised the base took over from them and the extremists won?
I'm enjoying the shit outta all this. I almost, not quite but almost. want the damn teabaggers to win all these seats. They'd f**k things up so bad that in 2, 4, 6 years there wouldn't be a Repug party. They're almost there now.
As a country, of course, we don't have the time for as colossal a step backwards as that, and I'm not getting any younger either, but in a way I'd like to see just how low a bottom the nation could hit, like an alcoholic before he admits to himself that his way isn't working and he needs help from adults.
The conservative movement* has spent the last 20 months sowing hysteria about President Obama's agenda. The most respectable Republicans call the president a socialist, a radical, a threat to freedom. The less respectable Republicans, many of them highly influential, call him an alien, a sympathizer of radical Islam, a conscious enemy of the United States who is trying to wreck the economy. Obama is a dangerous figure, he cannot be compromised with, and the fight against him is a twilight struggle to save the last vestiges of the Republic.
And so it has been amusing to watch Republicans as they desperately attempted to persuade Republican voters in Delaware to support moderate Mike Castle over Christine O'Donnell. The political logic is obvious: Castle would have been a near shoo-in to win, while O'Donnell is a near shoo-in to lose. [...]
*A very apt description of conservatives. I had a 'movement' this morning. It was anything but conservative...
But the Republican base has been taught not to think this way. This isn't just politics, remember? This is a twilight struggle for freedom. And Mike Castle didn't just cast a couple bad votes. He acquiesced in a sinister plan to undermine capitalism. How could they ever support a candidate like that?
Moreover, Republican voters have luxuriated in the belief that they represent the true majority of the American people. Obama may have won by fooling the voters, or possibly by stealing the election with Acorn, but the enduring majority of the public is staunchly conservative. Indeed, Republicans only lost because they strayed from the true faith.
But the conservative base is not in on the joke. And so Republican elites found themselves with just a few frantic days to undo the toxic and intoxicating effects of 20 months of relentless propaganda. Vote for the man who compromised with evil! The true conservative can't always win! They couldn't do it.
I won't say that the Republican base strategy has been a total failure. But it is nice to see it blow up in the face of the establishment from time to time.
The Repug establishment preached extremism and watched it catch on amongst their sheeple all too well and now they are surprised the base took over from them and the extremists won?
I'm enjoying the shit outta all this. I almost, not quite but almost. want the damn teabaggers to win all these seats. They'd f**k things up so bad that in 2, 4, 6 years there wouldn't be a Repug party. They're almost there now.
As a country, of course, we don't have the time for as colossal a step backwards as that, and I'm not getting any younger either, but in a way I'd like to see just how low a bottom the nation could hit, like an alcoholic before he admits to himself that his way isn't working and he needs help from adults.
Why is it When Some Teabagger Douchebag wins a primary or manages to not completely alienate voters, it's a major news story? But when real progressives defeat middle-of-the-road Blue Dog Democrats (as was the case in New Hampshire last night), it gets short shrift, hardly meriting a yawn?

Now that the Republicans have a number of candidates which are batshit-crazy, the question is: How will the Democrats f**k this up? The Daily Show has some ideas.
Glenn Beck doesn't care if his fans die
American honor-restorer Glenn Beck is so mad about obesity right now, because it costs taxpayers billions of dollars and that is wrong. On his teevee show, he complained about "those fat people that sit on their couch" — you know, the ones whose skin actually "grows into their couch," until the fire department has to come and rescue them when they finally can't get up anymore. Beck says we should just "let them die," those fat fuck loser skin-bags. Is Beck giving up on his audience, or something?
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