Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Headlines - Tuesday September 14

Morford: Burn a Bible, save a kitten
Senate republicons plan on blocking middle class tax cuts
For the GOP, if you're not making $250,000, screw you. Strange that it sounds like the Republican party might have an small internal conflict on the issue. It's an interesting approach for the midterm elections so let's see how that floats with the public who support increasing taxes on the richest 2%. Right about now would be the time for Obama to go for the jugular and drive a larger wedge within the GOP. Let's hope he finds it in him to continue his recent (good) attacks against the obstructionist Republicans.
And this ...
Are the Democrats cowardly or retarded?
Or is there something here that I do not understand?

Why, in the name of Your Dear and Fluffy Lord, would the Democrats not want to push for a vote for extending the Bush tax cuts for the middle class and below? Why would they not want to put the party of the Confederacy on the spot of having to either say "OK" or obstruct everything because the rich aren't getting their tax cuts extended.

But the Democrats are, apparently, not willing to push that vote.
Number of times Jesus condemns homosexuality: 0 Number of times he condemns divorce: 4 Adultery: 9
Number of New Testament verses condemning the rich: 20+ Number condemning gay marriage: 0
Ummm, Mr, President? 

If we're not "at war with Islam", why do we still have so many troops in Islamic countries?

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Saturday recalled "that awful morning" nine years ago when "a sorry band of men" who perverted religion attacked the U.S. in hopes of demoralizing and dividing the country.

"Today we declare once more we will never hand them that victory ... for our cause is just, our spirit is strong and our resolve unwavering," the president said at the Defense Department's headquarters, where a hijacked plane slammed into the Pentagon, killing 184 people on Sept. 11, 2001.

"We will not given in to their hatred," Obama said, despite the terrorists' efforts to spark conflicts among faiths. "As Americans, we will not or ever be at war with Islam."

Besides, if we didn't have the Muslims to hate on, we'd have to go back to hatin' on African-Americans and teh gheys. This country can't function if it doesn't have somebody to hate.


Nice T-shirt, lady.


Geocentrism, the ultimate in narcissistic personality disorder.

You cannot make this shit up: Galileo Was Wrong.

Galileo Was Wrong is a detailed and comprehensive treatment of the scientific evidence supporting Geocentrism, the academic belief that the Earth is immobile in the center of the universe. Garnering scientific information from physics, astrophysics, astronomy and other sciences, Galileo Was Wrong shows that the debate between Galileo and the Catholic Church was much more than a difference of opinion about the interpretation of Scripture.

Scientific evidence available to us within the last 100 years that was not available during Galileo's confrontation shows that the Church's position on the immobility of the Earth is not only scientifically supportable, but it is the most stable model of the universe and the one which best answers all the evidence we see in the cosmos.

Who you gonna believe. This guy?

Or this guy?


From the (Boston) Sunday Globe, an article suggesting "How animals made us human":


And this is a problem....why?

David Brooks seems to think Americans have actually thought this "government is too big" thing through:

Through most of its history, the narrative begins, the United States was a limited government nation, with restrained central power and an independent citizenry. But over the years, forces have arisen that seek to change America's essential nature. These forces would replace America's traditional free enterprise system with a European-style cradle-to-grave social democracy.

These statist forces are more powerful than ever in the age of Obama. So it is the duty for those who believe in the traditional American system to stand up and defend the Constitution. There is no middle ground. Every small new government program puts us on the slippery slope toward a smothering nanny state.

What statist forces? Aside from the requirement to buy health insurance from greedy companies that really generate nothing toward the public good -- the part of health care "reform" on which liberals and conservatives agree, what part of the Obama "agenda" (which from this side of the fence seems to consist mostly of appeasing Republicans) would put us in a "nanny state"?

And would a European-style social democracy really be all that terrible?
Next up - the flat earthers
There is going to be a Running of the Morons on November 6th in South Bend, Indiana, when a group of religious nutbags will assemble to proclaim that the Earth is in the center of the Universe.

I'm surprised they're not holding this conference in Midland, Texas, for the Texas Board of Edjumacation would probably be sympathetic to their droolings. It seems kind of unfair to besmirch the state of Indiana with this collection of know-nothing Thumpers.
Rating the Parties - Ignore the hype, look at the data.
Eat it, Pammygram

The NYTimes tells us that there was a Mosque in the South Tower that was destroyed in the September 11 tragedy:

Sometime in 1999, a construction electrician received a new work assignment from his union. The man, Sinclair Hejazi Abdus-Salaam, was told to report to 2 World Trade Center, the southern of the twin towers…

Over the next few days, noticing some fellow Muslims on the job, Mr. Abdus-Salaam voiced an equally essential question: "So where do you pray at?" And so he learned about the Muslim prayer room on the 17th floor of the south tower.

He went there regularly in the months to come, first doing the ablution known as wudu in a washroom fitted for cleansing hands, face and feet, and then facing toward Mecca to intone the salat prayer.

But that doesn't fit in Pammy's hate-fueled narrative, so she conveniently ignores it, as does the rest of the GOP. Bet me this: if they ever do acknowledge it, they'll say that those Muslims were also jihadists.


While preaching to a crowd of hipster-lads, pastor and part-time Johnny Cash impersonator Jim Garlow explains why nobody in America can find a job. It's because everyone has been aborted, so there's no one left to buy any new stuff.


Sexy New Teabagger Jewelry

Tea bag dongles

Fashionable American daughters of the revolution, do you covet accessories that will please God and the Invisible Hand? Are your crucifix pendants and American flag pins not enough? Then maybe you should pick up a pair of these beautiful, sterling-silver tea bag dingle-dangle earrings and a matching pin, Made in the USA by the metallurgists at Tea Bag Jewelry. Promoting small government has never been so stylish.

The pins aren't available at this minute, but will be soon. Meantime, you can order your earrings RIGHT NOW and receive them within three days. As an added bonus, they'll arrive in "a pretty jewelry box with a nice magnetic clasp," which you can re-gift. Tea Bag Jewelry (a subsidiary of South Carolina's Prince Company, LLC) has also made it easy for you to include with your purchase a donation to FreedomWorks, the Tea Party Express, or other freedom-loving organization, so you won't have to go to their websites and donate. Your generosity will KEEP THE DREAM ALIVE.

How many pairs of teabag earrings will you purchase, and for whom? Would you be more likely to buy them if they were made out of pink ice? Tell us. Tea Bag Jewelry website


Smoke'em if you got 'em

Or not:

A would-be Koran-burner in Amarillo, Texas was foiled by a 23-year-old Texas skateboarder named Jacob Isom, who was among a group of people protesting a planned burning on Saturday. As Isom described it: "I snuck up behind him and took his Koran, he said something about burning the Koran, I said 'Dude you have no Koran,' and ran off."
Oh the horror! Reich Wingnut heads must be exploding from their First amendment rights being so tragically violated. Whatev.
THAT young man rocks AND rolls.
Obama: the right's illegitimate president


There's been so much crap from the right in regards to President Obama but nothing grates me more than stuff like this posting on a Colorado high school website.

President Obama will deliver his second annual Back-to-School Speech on Tuesday, September 14 at 11:00 a.m.

As we did last year, it will be an individual choice of every teacher as to whether or not to show the speech, and students may opt out of seeing and listening to the speech while others may opt in.

Teachers deciding to view the speech may have additional students or parents joining their class during this time.  Parents attending the viewing must check-in at the Main Office before proceeding to the classroom.

If you do not want your child(ren) to view the President's speech on  Tuesday, September 14, please notify your child(ren)'s school(s) before Tuesday morning.

Pure garbage and typical of what is taking place at many schools across the country.  Did they give parents the same sort of warning when President Bush or Reagan gave their Back-to-School speeches?  No they didn't because there was no concerted effort to delegitimize their presidencies in the manner that is being done with President Obama's.

The plan since day one has been to view President Obama as an outsider who somehow conned his way into the White House.  And if you think I'm exaggerating, here are the words of Newt 'THE LYING JACKASS' Gingrich from yesterday.

"What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]?" Gingrich asks. "That is the most accurate, predictive model for his behavior."

"This is a person who is fundamentally out of touch with how the world works, who happened to have played a wonderful con, as a result of which he is now president," Gingrich tells us.

"I think he worked very hard at being a person who is normal, reasonable, moderate, bipartisan, transparent, accommodating — none of which was true," Gingrich continues. "In the Alinksy tradition, he was being the person he needed to be in order to achieve the position he needed to achieve . . . He was authentically dishonest."

"Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior"? Disgusting but this is what the idiot sheep on the right are being fed on a daily basis.  Amazing.


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