Republicans are, of course, too busy pandering to their fundamentalist base to actually do anything to help the millions of Americans who are still unemployed:
Maybe the Rapture IS upon us.
Because no loving God would want anybody to suffer through this:
Following in her mother's footsteps, Bristol Palin is going to star in her own reality television show.
The untitled show has been ordered by the small cable channel BIO, formerly The Biography Channel. The channel says it will follow Ms. Palin, the eldest daughter of the former Alaska governor and TLC reality show star Sarah Palin, as she moves with her 2-year-old son to Los Angeles from Wasilla, Alaska, and works at a charity.
Well, that would certainly explain Brisket's™ plastic surgery buffet. I wonder if the Boreal Narcissus approves of her daughter living with TWO black men!
The GOP said 'let them die': General Motors profit soars to $3.2 billion
If I'm not mistaken, Obama made a PROFIT by loaning GM that money. He saved GM, saved a gazillion jobs and made money doing it but the radical Republican bastards wanted the marketplace to snuff General Motors out.
Wisco: The Obama photo-op scandal that wasn't
Tweet of The Day - Porno Pete
I'm leaving my leather chaps behind. I don't have any room to carry them, and I'm afraid that if I wear them, my ass will get frostbitten as I'm raptured through the upper part of the atmosphere. That's why I've decided to leave my chaps for you. Let's face it, you're not getting raptured with your history of watching all that porn. It doesn't matter if it was only for research, you still give the rest of us rapturees the creeps. We don't need your kind creeping-up our Heaven experience. Yeah, I know it's unfair, but at least you'll get a good pair of chaps you can use on your homosexualist infiltratin' missions. That's worth a smile isn't it? Let me know where to send them so I can get them in the mail before the 21st.We'd love to watch Porno Pete explain his opinion on chaps to a couple of Hell's Angels.
The Koch Brothers have bought themselves an econ department at a major university. "A conservative billionaire who opposes government meddling in business has bought a rare commodity: the right to interfere in faculty hiring at a publicly funded university. ... A foundation bankrolled by Libertarian businessman Charles G. Koch has pledged $1.5-million for positions in Florida State University's economics department. In return, his representatives get to screen and sign off on any hires for a new program promoting "political economy and free enterprise." ... Traditionally, university donors have little official input into choosing the person who fills a chair they've funded. The power of university faculty and officials to choose professors without outside interference is considered a hallmark of academic freedom. ... Under the agreement with the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, however, faculty only retain the illusion of control. The contract specifies that an advisory committee appointed by Koch decides which candidates should be considered. The foundation can also withdraw its funding if it's not happy with the faculty's choice or if the hires don't meet "objectives" set by Koch during annual evaluations."
And what do the brothers with an econ department need to complete their collection? An entire state government, complete with a rubber-stamp legislature and puppet governor. "As ThinkProgress has reported, brothers Charles and David Koch and their corporate giant, Koch Industries, have played an extensive role in the corporate takeover of government, both at the state and federal level. This weekend, another of the Kochs' projects surfaced in Texas, as the state's Republican lawmakers rammed through a Koch-backed bill that would make it harder for consumers, workers, and small business owners to bring civil suits against corporations. ... House Bill 274 - dubbed the "Loser Pays" bill - passed the state House Saturday with no amendments and no debate after Gov. Rick Perry (R) deemed it "emergency legislation," rushing it to the top of the legislative agenda. Under the bill, those who sue corporations could be held responsible for the defendants' legal fees if they lose the case - and in some instances, even if they win. If the court sides with the plaintiff, but awards a smaller amount than the defendant offered in a potential settlement, the plaintiff could be forced to pay the defendant's court costs, even if those costs exceed the amount awarded to the plaintiff. For this reason, state Rep. Craig Eiland (D) wanted to rename the bill the "loser-pays-but-sometimes-the-winner pays-too" bill."
Following months of deliberation after the announcement by Newt Gingrich that he would be forming an exploratory committee for seeking the Republican presidential nomination, Gingrich has decided to officially toss his hat into the ring and join the parade of nincompoopery.
WASHINGTON – Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is running for president in 2012, ending months of speculation.The Associated Press reported Monday morning that the Georgia Republican will make the announcement Wednesday over Twitter and Facebook.
Gingrich appeared to confirm it in a tweet saying, "Be sure to watch Hannity this Wednesday at 9pm ET/8pm CT. I will be on to talk about my run for President of the United States."
Another great addition to the clown-car of stupid!
Gingrich is a figure who banks on the argument that Democrats, and particularly President Obama, are big pussies when it comes to national security. And just recently, he claimed President Obama had no idea what he is doing on foreign policy. A narrative that is now "just as dead as Bin Laden."
With that said, I welcome Newt Gingrich to the festivities. I'm sure many laughs will be had at his expense.
Margaret and Helen: 72 Virgins Just Changed the Channel
Only 6 Percent of Scientists Are Republican. Is This a Problem?
A father in Rhode Island is refusing to give up his 15-year-old son to the authorities. The kid has leprosy, and they want to confine him to either the Massachusetts leper colony on Penikees Island or the Pawtucket Pest House, for the rest of his life. Who wouldn't want to live in a place called the Pawtucket Pest House?
Stupid Republican tricks, high speed rail edition.
Jill: This may not be as silly as it looks on the surface
And this: Chuck Schumer needs to just STFU
Damn liberal media!
Meet the Press (NBC): Tom Donilon, Michael Chertoff, Rudy Giuliani, Michael Hayden
Fox News Sunday (Fox): Tom Donilon, Dick Cheney
This Week (ABC): Tom Donilon, Condoleeza Rice, Husain Haqqani. Panel: Liz Cheney, Tom Ricks, Lawrence Wright
Face the Nation (CBS): Sen. Kerry, Donald Rumsfeld
State of the Union (CNN): Tom Donilon, Sen. Lugar, Anita Dunn, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Tom Davis
Do you notice anything odd about that guest list? The Sunday morning talk shows are going to feature, Bush's former, Sec. of Homeland Security (Chertoff), Bush's former CIA director (Hayden), Bush's former vice president (Cheney), Sec. of Defense (Rumsfeld), Bush's former Sec of State (Rice), and former Deputy Asst. Sec of State (Liz Cheney). Other Republicans on the shows will be Tom Davis, Rudy Giuliani, and Dick Luger.
The current members of the Obama administration featured on the Sunday morning shows total one: Obama's National Security Advisor Tom Donilon.
Rush Limbaugh is not going to be happy until people are killing one another for partisan reasons. On his show on Monday he went so far as to call Democrats "domestic enemies" of the nation. Why is this draft-dodging, Dominican-child-sex-cruise enthusiast still on Armed Forces Radio at taxpayer expense?
Texas rams Koch-backed 'loser pays' bill through House, making it harder to sue corporations.
Mission accomplished, you sonsabitches.
Wait -- we thought "relativism" was one of those poison words in GOP circles. What gives? Or is it all "relative"? "After a wave of Republicans came out for ending billions in taxpayer subsidies to big oil companies, first quarter profits showed major oil companies like Shell and ExxonMobil made about $35 billion in profits. Although observers expected that news of record profits might mean the end of some $70 billion in taxpayer subsidies, fiscal conservatives were disappointed last week when the Republicans voted in lockstep to extend oil subsidies. ... ThinkProgress spoke with Rep. Tim Scott (R-SC), a freshman Republican who voted to preserve the subsidies, at a Republican Party dinner in South Carolina on Friday. Asked if giving taxpayer money to massively profitable companies like ExxonMobil and Chevron is "fair," Scott danced around the issue. "Fair is a relative word," Scott claimed, before launching into a discussion about more domestic drilling."
Everyone surprised by this, stand on your head. We're sure you have seen the claims about scientists who doubt human activity has any effect on climate change. Just one little problem with their claims -- besides the fact that they have been de-bunked, we mean -- nine of the top ten scientists listed have long, strong and deep ties to one specific oil company: Exxon (TaxCheat) Mobile.
And in an oil-related story:
Did You Hear The One About The New Massive Oil Spill?
No, you probably haven't heard about the huge new oil spill. The narrative for 2011 is that drilling for oil and piping it across long distances to be burned at massive rates is a fine idea, because the oil industry has learned the lessons of the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling disaster, and has put awesome new safeguards in place.
Those awesome new safeguards were not enough, however, to prevent the largest oil spill in Alberta in 35 years. 28,000 barrels of oil were spilled near the Peace River when an oil pipeline ruptured.
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