Jerry Springer—yes, that Jerry Springer—schools the Fox "News" bobbleheads:
SPRINGER: If the point of this discussion is to be upset with a magazine that — even if it took the position that they're pro-Obama — again, everybody in the media is doing things like that. We're here on Fox News. Every single day, in fairness, you guys, every single day, bash President Obama. CARLSON: I'm going to take you to task on that because on this panel right here, we have a fair and balanced panel right here. And I'm the independent.
SPRINGER: But, what's the rest of the show? The rest of the show, every single morning, you guys are slamming Obama. You know you are. I'm not saying you don't have a right to. But every single conversation is something bad about Obama.
American Family Association: The False Faith Of Mormons Threatens America
"[Mormonism] is not a Christian faith. It is, as Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church in Dallas says, a false religion. So it's kind of a striking things and I know it concerns a number of spiritual leaders, and I count myself among them, is what this would mean for the spiritual health of the United States of America is a worshiper of a false god occupied the White House. You know, what that would mean for the spiritual future of America and what it might reveal about the spiritual weakness of America if the American people, particularly the so-called conservatives, the people of faith in America, would promote someone to the highest office in the land who is a follower of a counterfeit faith, a false religion." - American Family Association radio host Bryan Fischer, who will be eating his words before too long.
It's official, Government General Motors is once again the world's largest automaker, topping the global sales charts in 2011 with sales in 2012 projected to increase by another million
General Motors surpassed Toyota and Volkswagen to reclaim the crown of world's largest automaker with global sales of 9.03 million vehicles in 2011.
That was 11% higher than Volkswagen, which last week reported 2011 global sales of 8.16 million. Toyota has not yet reported its final 2011 sales, but last month the Japanese automaker estimated it sold 7.9 million vehicles globally last year. [...]
GM's 2011 sales rose 7.6% from [2010]. Sales in the U.S. led the way for Chevrolet with total vehicle sales of 1,775,812, up more than 13%. China posted record sales of 595,068, up 9.5% from the previous year. Other markets that posted significant year-over-year increases include Vietnam (79%), Russia (49%), Turkey (30%) and Germany (21%).
Of course Mitt Romney's solution for the American auto-industry was to let them go bankrupt.
IF General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won't go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed.
Good job, Mitt.
Sign this petition to reverse Citizens United.

A fascinating new analysis from RAND Research Highlights, via The Conversable Economist. Health care costs have increased over the past decade about as much as your pay raises, pretty much eating any increase in income you've had over the years.
Newt Gingrich Attacks John King for Asking About Ex-Wife Saying He Wanted an Open Marriage in the 90's
"Every person in here knows personal pain. Every person in here has had someone close to them go through painful things. To take an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary a significant question for a presidential campaign is as close to despicable as anything I can imagine."
Oh, I can think of something closer — dumping the second of two chronically ill wives because you were banging a staffer for six years and then, while you're running for president, making a talking point out of your pain.
Wonkette: Cheating, Serial-Divorcing Pig Upset By Adultery Question
Was there a highlight to tonight's GOP debate? No. There is a GOP debate every four or five hours, constantly, forever, and there cannot be a highlight to something that is ongoing and eternal, like CNN Headline News or the Lake of Fire, in Hell. But CNN number-reader John King did manage to really get the amoral jewelry-debt piglet Newt Gingrich in full squeaking rage because, boo hoo, somebody asked Newt about his endless adultery and divorcing and banging other ladies while he's married, etc.
So did the multimillionaire academic-politician-author Newt come clean and apologize to America for being such a disgusting sleazebag who always buys new whores with his $500,000 Tiffany line of credit? Haha, of course not. Instead, he said this:
"I am tired of the elite media protecting Barack Obama by attacking Republicans."
The elite! Barack Obama!
Nothing else happened in this stupid debate.
Suicides among active-duty soldiers hit a record high in 2011. According to a report released Thursday, 164 active-duty Army, National Guard, and Reserve soldiers took their own lives, compared to 159 in 2010 and 162 in 2009. When non-mobilized National Guard and Reserve troops are included, suicides dropped to 278 in 2011, from 305 in 2010.
President Obama sings at the Apollo - Al Green - Let's stay together
Scarah Palin Says Interview With Ex-Wife Will Help Gingrich 'Soar'

North Koreans React to Newt Gingrich's Mistreatment of John King
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