Tennessee wingers move to protect bullying if it's biblically-based. "The Family Action Council of Tennessee (FACT) is using the suicide of Jacob Rogers -- who was bullied relentlessly for being gay -- to promote state legislation that would protect bullies who harass other students for their sexual orientation. The "license to bully" bill, HB 1153, was actually introduced last year, but FACT is hoping it will make headway in this new legislative session. Mirroring similar language that was recently proposed in Michigan, the bill creates specific protections for students who share any "religious, philosophical, or political views" that are "unpopular," regardless of their consequences to the learning environment. ... The bill is unabashedly designed to ensure that anti-LGBT bullying persists in the school system, as it specifically eliminates any protections or education that might help curb such harassment."

Famous head case Michele Bachmann held an unprecedented meeting with "reality," which has sadly and inevitably led to the announcement that she is dropping out of the presidential campaign. Poor Marcus Bachmann will never get to be First Lady, after all! READ MORE »
Catholic Church to gays: "No kids and definitely no fucking for you. As for ourselves, well that's a different story...."
An assistant bishop of the Roman Catholic archdiocese of Los Angeles has resigned because he has a secret family, including two teenage children. The Vatican said on Wednesday that Pope Benedict had accepted the resignation of Gabino Zavala, an auxiliary bishop of the diocese which has been plagued by sexual scandals. A brief Vatican announcement did not give the reason for Zavala's resignation, saying only that the pope had accepted it under the norm in canon (Church law) that says a bishop who is ill or otherwise unfit to carry out his duties should resign.
This entire race so far has been a cruel and stupid joke.
"Big money" spent millions so unelectable Santorum could win?
Nobody ever said one bad thing about Man-on-Dog, so he's the (barely) victor.
I can't wait until somebody tells the he-took-the-dead-baby-home-so-the-kids
could-pass-it-around-to-each-other stories. Middle America will LOVE that one.

Think how badly the religio-baggers handled this.
They got 49% of the vote, but it was split between Man-on-Dog, Perry and Bachmann.
If two of them had gotten out, the headline would be "Baggers crush everyone."
Obama couldn't lose this race if they caught him with a dead white boy.
"Big money" spent millions so unelectable Santorum could win?
Nobody ever said one bad thing about Man-on-Dog, so he's the (barely) victor.
I can't wait until somebody tells the he-took-the-dead-baby-home-so-the-kids
could-pass-it-around-to-each-other stories. Middle America will LOVE that one.
Think how badly the religio-baggers handled this.
They got 49% of the vote, but it was split between Man-on-Dog, Perry and Bachmann.
If two of them had gotten out, the headline would be "Baggers crush everyone."
Obama couldn't lose this race if they caught him with a dead white boy.

When Obama gets it right, I give him the credit
GM sales up 20% in world's biggest market Link
Chrysler Sales up 26% Link
Ford sells 2M vehicles, sales up 17% Link
Remember when the GOP said, "Fuck Detriot, let the US car companies die?"
Obama said "No" to that and saved 200,000 jobs, not to mention Delco, GMAC,
the leather companies, the plastic companies, the electronic companies, the glass
companies, the steel companies. satellite radio, etc etc etc.
Think Obama will mention that in his ads this summer?
He damn sure would if *I* was running his 2012 campaign,
but it might not be considered "nice" to list the damn facts.
GM sales up 20% in world's biggest market Link
Chrysler Sales up 26% Link
Ford sells 2M vehicles, sales up 17% Link
Remember when the GOP said, "Fuck Detriot, let the US car companies die?"
Obama said "No" to that and saved 200,000 jobs, not to mention Delco, GMAC,
the leather companies, the plastic companies, the electronic companies, the glass
companies, the steel companies. satellite radio, etc etc etc.
Think Obama will mention that in his ads this summer?
He damn sure would if *I* was running his 2012 campaign,
but it might not be considered "nice" to list the damn facts.
Romney's home in Utah
"The state has a right to do that, I have never questioned that the state has a right to do that. It is not a constitutional right, the state has the right to pass whatever statues they have. That is the thing I have said about the activism of the Supreme Court, they are creating rights, and they should be left up to the people to decide. You shouldn't create constitutional rights when states do dumb things. Let the people decide if the states are doing dumb things get rid of the legislature and replace them as opposed to creating constitutional laws that have consequences that were before them." - Rick Santorum, saying that individual states should be allowed to ban contraception.
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