There's no gentle way to put it: People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be dumb, according to a new study that is bound to stir public controversy.
Longstanding tension between Republican Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer and Democratic President Barack Obama flared into the public spotlight Wednesday just after Air Force One touched down in Phoenix.
Brewer, who was on the tarmac to greet Obama, hand-delivered a letter before engaging the president "intensely" for several minutes, including pointing her finger directly at him, according to Politico's Carrie Budoff Brown, acting as a pool reporter for other media…
Fun facts about Jan Brewer: One of her sons died in 2007 from cancer and AIDS - the rumor in Arizona was that she had disowned him for being gay and had not spoken to him in years. Another son was declared criminally insane for the kidnapping and rape of a Phoenix woman - he spent 20 years in a mental institution. Although Brewer may or may not bear any responsibility for her son's serious mental illness, she is totally responsible: for having his criminal record sealed while running for governor, aka Abuse of Power, and for collecting approximately $75,000 in Social Security benefits for him WHILE his care was being provided for by the taxpayers of Arizona."
Laura Flanders: Not A Peep About President's Praise for War
Pot calls kettle black - Notable dancing felon and former House Majority Leader Tom Delay says that staff-banging serial adulterer Newt Gingrich was erratic and unprincipled. (Think Progress)
Nancy Pelosi is holding an anvil over Gingrich's bulbous head:
A little while ago, Pelosi said in an interview that she was familiar with "a thousand pages" of documents related to the ethics probe of Gingrich that got him bounced from Congress. That triggered the first round of right-wing consipracy-mongering; her office quickly cleared up that all those documents are already public. They're online right here.
Undaunted, Romney picked up this line the other day, calling on Gingrich to "release" the probe. Many news outlets pointed it out again: The probe is already public.
Yesterday, Pelosi told CNN in an offhand comment that Gingrich will never be president, because "there's something that I know." Drudge madly flacked this "revelation" with a massive headline claiming: "PELOSI THREAT: NEWT WON'T BE PRESIDENT."
Who knows how something like this could work. The Marianne revelations actually helped Gingrich in South Carolina where "hike the Appalachian Trail" is commonplace by now.
Unless there are photos of Gingrich performing abortions, I can't imagine what could possibly harm Gingrich beyond the litany of other scandals and skeletons. This is guy who survived "right wing social engineering", the Pelosi global warming video, Marianne, Tiffany's, etc, etc.

The Republicans in the Colorado state legislature are making another run at expanding gun rights, reintroducing legislation that would allow concealed weapons in schools and expand the "castle doctrine" to businesses. Republicans say they are just defending the Second Amendment while Democrats accuse them of grandstanding and straying from the job-creation agenda that both parties promised would be their legislative focus this year.
A proposal running simultaneously in the House and Senate would allow concealed weapons on school grounds and college campuses if a person has a permit and another bill would let business owners and employees use deadly force against intruders. Both proposals have previously failed, including last year when Senate Democrats rejected the concealed weapons bill.Another proposal would prevent state officials from restricting the use of firearms during a declared state of emergency. Another bill would eliminate background checks done by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation for firearm purchases. Republican Rep. Mark Waller, the legislation's sponsor, said the state is spending unnecessarily on its background check program because it duplicates checks already done federally.
CBI spokesman Lance Clem said the agency opposes Waller's bill because the federal checks are not as fast or thorough as the state checks.
Republican Rep. Kevin Priola, a sponsor of the concealed weapon legislation, said the goal is to improve public safety by allowing people to protect themselves.
Just what the state that gave us the Columbine massacre needs! Guns on every campus!
The presence of guns in schoos does not make anyone safer. In fact, the presence of guns on campus creates a negative learning environment and increases the level of inherent danger by increasing the odds of a tragic accident occurring, as well as increasing the odds of a gun falling into the wrong hands via theft, a more common occurrence in communal settings than private residences.
But they aren't stopping there. Oh heavens no! They are also considering legislation that would eliminate background checks for firearms purchases, which would make it even easier for people who shouldn't have guns to get their hands on one -- and that's a problem that is already manifesting itself in tragic ways. It certainly doesn't need to be helped along and made worse, which is exactly the results that would be realized if the GOP legislators in Colorado get their way.

Some investments listed in Mitt and Ann Romney's 2010 tax returns – including a now-closed Swiss bank account and other funds located overseas – were not explicitly disclosed in the personal financial statement the GOP presidential hopeful filed in August as part of his White House bid. [...]
A review by the Los Angeles Times/Tribune Washington Bureau found that at least 23 funds and partnerships listed in the couple's 2010 tax returns did not show up or were not listed in the same fashion on Romney's most recent financial disclosure, including 11 based in low-tax foreign countries such as Bermuda, the Cayman Islands and Luxembourg.
Paraphrasing a bit, a campaign spokesmouth pointed out Romney released 600 pages of tax returns for Pete's sake so why is anyone surprised that it's hard to keep track of that much money? Also they would like to point out they will have to pay an army of accountants overtime to straighten the filings out, thus Willard's personal contribution to the job creation just doubled.
Also, too, Romney may have paid zero taxes in 2009.
A Senate committee approved two bills on Thursday that would place more restrictions on women seeking abortions.Don't be fooled. The "ultrasound" is not an external ultrasound with a goop-covered computer mouse rubbed on the belly. The "ultrasound" this bill requires is internal and beyond merely "invasive:" it's a camera on a probe shoved up the vagina and deep into the uterus. It's painful and horrifically traumatic. It is against her will. It's rape.Republican Sen. Jack Westwood of Erlanger, who is chairman of the Senate Veterans, Military Affairs and Public Protection Committee, said he hopes the bills will reduce the number of abortions in Kentucky.
One bill would require women to have ultrasounds prior to abortion. The other would clarify existing law by requiring women to have a face-to-face consultation with a physician, licensed nurse, physician's assistant or physician-delegated social worker prior to having an abortion.
Sen. Perry Clark, a Louisville Democrat, said that similar proposals have been included in a single bill in years past, but the sponsors are politicizing the issue by dividing them into separate measures this year.
(And no, morons, you don't have to use a penis to rape. Anything that forcibly penetrates is an instrument of rape.)
Your tax dollars at work. Forcing doctors to rape their patients. For the sole purpose of shaming women into back-alley, illegal abortions.
Because making abortion illegal - or just expensive, inconvenient, difficult and/or humiliating - doesn't reduce the number of abortions. It only reduces the number of women who survive them.
According to the latest data from the Commerce Department, the economy expanded by 2.8 percent last quarter, coming in a bit below expectations. Analysts had expected about 3 percent growth.
Ford Motor Company announced record annual profits of over $20 billion after announcing a net income of $13.6 billion in the fourth quarter of 2011. This marks the third consecutive year of profitability for the American automaker after nearly falling into bankruptcy in 2008.
After resisting for months, Mitt Romney finally released one year of his tax returns this week. Here's what we learned:
Mitt Romney's father George released 12 years of his taxes when he ran for president in 1968, stating, "One year could be a fluke, perhaps done for show."
Thrice-married Newt Gingrich, who has previously described same-sex marriage as "a temporary aberration that will dissipate," told a right-wing radio show this afternoon that gay and lesbian unions are akin to "pagan" behaviors:
GINGRICH: It's pretty simple: marriage is between a man and a woman. This is a historic doctrine driven deep into the Bible, both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, and it's a perfect example of what I mean by the rise of paganism. The effort to create alternatives to marriage between a man and a woman are perfectly natural pagan behaviors, but they are a fundamental violation of our civilization.
Did Romney Secretly Baptize Holocaust Victims To Make Them Mormon?
Here's a wacky fun-time ritual thing the Mormons do that you may or may not have heard about: they love to baptize dead people and thus declare them members of their magic moon faith, mostly so that the Mormons can claim a 7 billion person membership similar to the way that those McDonald's signs claim "50 billion anusburgers served since 1940″ to reassure you that it's, like, really popular. This has, throughout history, not always pleased the relatives of the dead people who were baptized — say for instance, the relatives of Jewish Holocaust victims who found their family members' names among those who had been posthumously converted to Mormonism. And so hey, know where there are lots of Jewish people these days? Florida. What's happening in Florida next week? A Republican presidential primary. Who's leading the polls in that primary right now? A Mormon. Has Mormon Mitt Romney been secretly baptizing Holocaust victims in his spare time?
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