Slow news day....
Earlier today, Scotland Yard arrested five more individuals, including a police officer, in the ever-growing News Corporation phone hacking scandal in the United Kingdom. While previous arrests focused on phone hacking at the now-closed News of the World tabloid, today's arrests are related to allegations of phone hacking at Rupert Murdoch's flagship tabloid, the Sun. According to the BBC, those arrested today include: "Graham Dudman, a former managing editor; Fergus Shanahan, a former deputy editor; Mike Sullivan, the paper's crime editor; and Chris Pharo, the paper's head of news." With today's arrests, 13 total people have been arrested in the course of the investigation into News Corporation's alleged bribery of police officers. If News Corporation is found to have bribed police officers or other public officials, the company could also face serious legal consequences in the United States under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
Herman Cain has endorsed Newt Gingrich. That seems about right.
The former pizza executive, who left the race before the first nominating contests after facing accusations of unwanted sexual advances, suggested the two have both undergone intense scrutiny. "I know that Speaker Gingrich is running for president and going through this sausage grinder," Cain said. "I know what this sausage grinder is all about." Cain is set to campaign with Gingrich on Monday in an 11th hour push for support. Gingrich is in a fierce fight for Tuesday's Florida's GOP primary with Mitt Romney.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation is pissed off about PA declaring the "year of the bible":
Our constitution grants sovereignty not to a deity or a 'holy book,' but to 'We, the People.' There is no reference to God, the bible, the Ten Commandments or Jesus in the U.S. Constitution, just as there are no references to 'consent of the governed,' 'civil liberties' or 'democracy' in the bible. Those who have truly studied the bible realize that it is a moral quagmire, a behavioral grab bag, which has been used to justify automatic rule, tyranny, slavery, the degradation of women and gays, child abuse, war, atrocity and mayhem.
According to the Department of Justice, the primary schedule recently proposed by the Texas Republican Party would violate the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act because it would not provide enough time for military voters to participate. I thought the Republicans love the military?
Quotes don't get much better than this one by Bob Dole.
"Why do people take such an instant dislike to me?" asked a perplexed Gingrich, to whom Dole bluntly explained: "Because it saves them time."
That one's a keeper.
Mario: Republicans preach a "keep 'em stupid" policy

President Obama at the SOTU.
"Higher education can't be a luxury — it is an economic imperative that every family in America should be able to afford," Obama said in his speech.
An obvious enough statement, right? Well, not for the buffoons performing in the Republican clown show.
"It's no wonder President Obama wants every kid to go college," Santorum said Wednesday in Florida, according to CBS News. "The indoctrination that occurs in American universities is one of the keys to the left holding and maintaining power in America. And it is indoctrination. If it was the other way around, the ACLU would be out there making sure there wasn't one penny of government dollars going to colleges and universities, right?"
It's getting too stupid for words. It doesn't matter what this President says, the wingnuts will find fault with it and turn it into an us-against-them issue. Only a paranoid group of psychopaths obsessed with turning their country into a land of God-fearing, Christian Luddites hoping to go back to a make-believe time when milk and honey flowed from the ground would find fault with a president seeking higher education for all.
But there is a method to their madness. Keeping 'em stupid is just about the only way the right can cling on to a base who has been spoon fed lies and propaganda for the last four decades. If they could find a way to keep these people away from universities of supposed liberal propaganda and instead keep them focused on fair and balanced news sources like Fox, they might just be able to get a bigoted, delusional prick like Rick Santorum elected President some day.
NBC/WSJ poll: Majority would vote out every member of Congress
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