Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Headlines - Wednesday August 3

A Way Not To Say Thank You "For Making the world a safer place without Saddam"
The top U.S. military officer said Tuesday that American troops must be given immunity from prosecution as part of any agreement to keep them in Iraq beyond the end of the year and that this protection must be approved by Iraq's parliament.
Cold, hard, cash

On July 25, President Obama said:

The only reason this balanced approach isn't on its way to becoming law right now is because a significant number of Republicans in Congress are insisting on a different approach -- a cuts-only approach ....That's not right. It's not fair.

Just now, President Carebear signed the debt ceiling legislation that does exactly that:

It has no tax hikes

It only has just spending cuts - and spending cuts that exceed the debt limit increase

It is unfair



Wisco: The "unbiased" media strikes again.


A Native American tribe in Washington state has approved gay marriage.

The Mormons where I live won't even consider a resolution that says an LGBT person can be considered for employment or housing. I guess human decency doesn't fit into their moral and family values. 



House goes on recess. FAA still shut down.


Mother Jones reports on the disgusting condition of our factory farmed meat:

Here is a document the USDA doesn't want you to see. It's what the agency calls a "technical review"—nothing more than a USDA-contracted researcher's simple, blunt summary of recent academic findings on the growing problem of antibiotic-resistant infections and their link with factory animal farms. The topic is a serious one. A single antibiotic-resistant pathogen, MRSA—just one of many now circulating among Americans—now claims more lives each year than AIDS.

Imagine all of the lost healthcare revenue if they actually gave us well-produced, clean meats that didn't kill us.


Morford: The gay agenda will see you now



Margaret and Helen: You Get What You Vote For


The Rude Pundit: Photos that do portend the End of Days (just not the christian way)


According to PEW, 66% of Republicans and Tea Partiers contacted an elected official during the standoff while only 5% of the rest of us did the same. This despite a direct appeal from President Obama to do exactly that. It's time to get off our asses, people, or we're going to be a country run by teabaggers. Teabaggers who, I might add, were absent when Bush was raising the debt ceiling every year.


Stupid Dems think Repugs will be nice to them since they caved on the deficit

Politico's Playbook:
A Senate Democratic official tells Playbook: "There is nothing stimulative or jobs-based in this final deal that got struck. That's unfortunate, but it also gives us an opening in September that we can say, 'We've met you halfway and passed a huge, historic debt-reduction measure. Now it's time to do something for jobs. The administration has been saying for weeks, 'Once we get off this debt-ceiling thing, we'll be able to get back to jobs.' In the last 24 to 48 hours, one of their selling points of this deal has been that it resolves this thing so we can get back to jobs.
Yes, I'm sure the Republicans will let you have things your way once you whine that you've "met them halfway." That's usually the way extortionists work. Not to mention, the Republicans want the White House and the Senate next November 2012.  What possible reason could they have for letting Democrats improve the economy between now and then?
Jon Stewart to Obama regarding debt deal: "You're not pinning this turd on us."
Blue dogs not done with their shit show fail parade 

Awesome guys. Just fucking awesome:

One of the big victories by tea-party Republicans in the debt-ceiling measure signed into law Tuesday was securing a requirement that Congress vote later this year on a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.

The measure would need a two-thirds vote in each chamber, and then ratification by 38 states, to succeed. And most observers believe passage in the Democratic-controlled Senate is all but impossible.

Enter Sen. Mark Udall, the centrist Democrat from Colorado, who has introduced an amendment proposal and said Tuesday that Democratic leaders have chosen his legislation to be considered in the fall.

President Obama and other senior Democrats have opposed any balanced-budget amendment, but the idea is popular with many voters – particularly independents, who are growing more fiscally conservative.

Udall is up for reelection in 2014. Many of his Democratic co-sponsors – including Sens. Claire McCaskill (Mo.), Joe Manchin (W. Va.), Bill Nelson (Fla.) and Ben Nelson (Neb.) – are running this year and need support from centrists.

If Old Yeller was actually a story about putting down a rabid blue dog, it would be a heartwarming tale.

I'm beginning to think that centrist means "I can't be bothered to know shit about what is going on, so I will just go with shit that sounds plausible and middle of the road."


It's been a while since we shared a Steve King-sized nugget of teh stoooopid. He's got his britches all in a twist over "no-copay birth control." He thinks it will bring about the end of civilization. Seriously.


The teabaggers are terrorists. Sorry if that hurts anyones wittle feefees, but lay down with dogs, get up with fleas. They're America-hating terrorists and they are doing more damage to this country than Osama bin Laden ever dreamed of. "You know what they say: Never negotiate with terrorists. It only encourages them.  ... These last few months, much of the country has watched in horror as the Tea Party Republicans have waged jihad on the American people. Their intransigent demands for deep spending cuts, coupled with their almost gleeful willingness to destroy one of America's most invaluable assets, its full faith and credit, were incredibly irresponsible. But they didn't care. Their goal, they believed, was worth blowing up the country for, if that's what it took. ... Like ideologues everywhere, they scorned compromise. When John Boehner, the House speaker, tried to cut a deal with President Obama that included some modest revenue increases, they humiliated him. After this latest agreement was finally struck on Sunday night -- amounting to a near-complete capitulation by Obama - Tea Party members went on Fox News to complain that it only called for $2.4 trillion in cuts, instead of $4 trillion. It was head-spinning. "


Oh look, it is the helmeted space turd Sarah Palin doing a greatest hits tour on Fox News. Is this a replay clip from 2008 talking to Sean Hannity? No, it is Sarah Palin reenacting one of her more popular Dances of Stupid in exchange for her Fox News gold coins. "The teabaggers can't be terrorists, or Obama would be palling around with us, just like he used to pal around with domestic terrorists like Ayers and also Sha-vez and ol' No Preconditions Ackmahdinnerjad and the rest of the world's terrorists." Does Sarah Palin even know what a terrorist or a domestic is? Yes, Katie, she reads all of them. What is she even talking about? READ MORE »


So what did Obama *really* sign today, to destroy America?

Just another day at the office of Richest 400 Americans, Ltd.

The White House rushed out a Flickr picture of Obama signing this awful thing, because everybody really wants that for their smartphone wallpaper or whatever, before they throw away the smartphone because who can afford such things? But what did the corporate shill really sign? A tipster sends us an enhancement of the photo above, which reveals this guy's true feelings about us. (Hint: Are you a billionaire? Then Obama really thinks you're swell. Are you, say, anyone else in America? He hates you.) READ MORE »


"Terrorists" is what you call hostage takers, and right now the FAA is being held hostage and it's put thousands of people out of work while costing the country billions. "After dealing with the debt crisis, Senate negotiators tried and failed Tuesday to end a stalemate over temporary funding for the Federal Aviation Administration, leaving 4,000 F.A.A. employees out of work and relying on airport safety inspectors to continue working without pay. ... The partial F.A.A. shutdown, which began July 23 and is likely to continue at least through Labor Day, has also idled tens of thousands of construction workers on airport projects around the country. Dozens of airport inspectors have been asked by the F.A.A. to work without pay and to charge their government travel expenses to their personal credit cards to keep airports operating safely. "


William Rivers Pitt: A President in Reverse

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