Mrs. Betty Bowers: Less is Mormon!
Cockbomber goes to court, stomps on all humans

News flash: Republicans were completely right about something, as usual. The Democrats and their liberal "justice system" poo-pooed all of those fears that Al Qaeda terrorists were 15-foot-tall monsters with superpowers who would escape from custody and murder people in their gardens if prosecuted in U.S. courts. Well, this actual court photograph from today seems to justify those fears. No amount of tranq guns will be able to stop this muslin demon from bursting through the prison walls on the back of his pet Tyrannosaurus Rex. [BBC]
Frank Rich: The Other Plot to Wreck America
THERE may not be a person in America without a strong opinion about what coulda, shoulda been done to prevent the underwear bomber from boarding that Christmas flight to Detroit. In the years since 9/11, we've all become counterterrorists. But in the 16 months since that other calamity in downtown New York — the crash precipitated by the 9/15 failure of Lehman Brothers — most of us are still ignorant about what Warren Buffett called the "financial weapons of mass destruction" that wrecked our economy. Fluent as we are in Al Qaeda and body scanners, when it comes to synthetic C.D.O.'s and credit-default swaps, not so much.
I checked my bible and didn't find a thing advocating torture by Christians, but that hasn't stopped former pastor Mike Huckabee from joking about torturing the undiebomber.
Fighting terrorism with terrorism - crime and murder sprees really do pay!
And I believe you're going to be a one-term president.
For much of the week, the White House has been dealing with an unspeakable looming crisis. No, it is not terrorism or global warming. The State of the Union speech was scheduled for Feb. 2nd . . . the same night ABC was kicking off the final season of "Lost." The White House has announced that the State of the Union will have to wait.
How about a little ammonia with that burger? "If you're in the beef business, what do you do with all the extra cow parts and trimmings that have traditionally been sold off for use in pet food? You scrape them together into a pink mass, inject them with a chemical to kill the e.coli, and sell them to fast food restaurants to make into hamburgers...That's what's been happening all across the USA with beef sold to McDonald's, Burger King, school lunches and other fast food restaurants, according to a New York Times article. The beef is injected with ammonia, a chemical commonly used in glass cleaning and window cleaning products...This is all fine with the USDA, which endorses the procedure as a way to make the hamburger beef "safe" enough to eat. Ammonia kills e.coli, you see, and the USDA doesn't seem to be concerned with the fact that people are eating ammonia in their hamburgers."
Mmmmm, Boca Burgers
World Nut Daily founder Joseph Farah, who will co-headline next month's Tea Party convention with Sarah Palin, has raised the reward for proof of the president's birth in Hawaii.
Farah said he is raising the reward because of the plan to rename a public park in Hawaii after the president. Below is the "Certificate Of Live Muslim Kenyan Birth To A White Lady," one of the many parody birth certificates that have flooded teh interwebs.
Rick Perry 2012: The secession candidate
Texas Monthly has a nice profile of Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R), whose "fortunes have gone in opposite direction" of his primary challenger, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX). [...]
"If Perry defeats Hutchison in the March 2 Republican primary and goes on to win a third full term in November, he will immediately join the crowd of potential presidential aspirants in 2012 -- if he hasn't done so already."
Maybe instead, he could be King of His Seceded Acreage. That way he wouldn't even have to be elected, and he could appoint his Vice King. Or maybe 3 Vice Kings and a footman. Or footperson, if he's in a politically correct mood.
King Ricky of the Seceded Acreage of Rickyton. No election necessary.
He must have wanted her to lose too.
Since China can no longer use lead in children's jewelry, it's been substituting cadmium - a known carcinogen.
Something to remember about al Qaeda: Killing Americans is not their raison d'etre. Toppling Arab governments that they consider corrupt and beholden the the United States is. And if they get the United States to behave in ways that undermine those governments, it advances their goals and hinders ours.
Yesterday, Republicans called on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to resign over his recently reported offensive description of Obama as "light skinned" and "with no Negro dialect," for which Reid has apologized. But "Democrats are preparing to throw the race card back in the laps of Republicans" by distributing things such as "the NAACP vote ratings of Republican senators who have scolded him."
Blago is blacker than Obama, because his father owned a laundromat
Rod Blagojevich, the Elvis impersonator and Skyped-in reality TV star who became the most trenchant racial humorist since Richard Pryor, made a very bold statement the other day! He said that he was "blacker than Barack Obama," which greatly offended the nation's first black president (Bill Clinton). MORE »
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