Winning hearts and minds
The Yemeni Cleric's Association today issued a warning that they will call for jihad in the event that the US or anyone else invades Yemen. The statement also cautioned against allowing foreign powers to set up military bases or carry out attacks on Yemeni soil.
Officials say security screeners at a Bozeman-area airport failed to spot a gun in a passenger's luggage last month, but the man turned himself in when he realized his error.
"For Bush 43, Haiti is his first real public effort since he left office; it's an opportunity to begin establishing his post-presidential legacy, especially on an issue like disaster relief, which remains a scar on his presidency." First Read Link
Bush's legacy is nothing but scars...and graves at Arlington.
This place is beautiful.
"It killed me to vote for McCain. And I voted for McCain because of you. McCain is a progressive...He's big government, he was for the bank bailouts, he was for the uh, uhm, health care. He's for all of it. He's for all of it." Glen Beck, sucking up to Sarah Palin, unaware that she was for the bailouts too. Link
Too Big to Fail, Not Too Big for Jail:
Responding to Karl Rove's recent whining about the federal deficit, David Axelrod reminds everyone of the breathtaking scope of irresponsibility of the Bush administration, which "added more debt in its eight years than all the previous administrations in the history of our republic combined." He might have added that a previous President did the same thing: Ronald Reagan.
Via The - reunited
Aaaaah. This makes any petty annoyance I may be suffering completely inconsequential:

Two year old Redjeson Hausteen Claude reacts to his mother Daphnee Plaisin, after he is rescued from a collapsed home by Belgian and Spanish rescuers in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Thursday, Jan. 14, 2010.
The Jackasses of the Right
The scene in Port-au-Prince, on the third day of an ongoing crisis caused by a massive earthquake, is one of unbelievable destruction and tragedy. One of the poorest nations on Earth, Haiti could not prepare for a disaster on this scale and has no way to deal with it.
John Ensign leads possible challengers
Remember when President Clinton was impeached? Remember when oral sex was grounds for that? Me too! Wasn't that special?
And remember how many kazillions of dollars were wasted on that little '90s witch hunt? What a blast!
But when a Rushpublic philanderer pays off his mistress and her family, allegedly violates campaign laws, and engages in a whole lot more than oral sex, his poll numbers are better than that of the very party he condemns for similar antics: A new Public Policy Polling survey in Nevada shows scandal plagued Sen. John Ensign (R-NV) actually leading three hypothetical Democratic opponents.
Tom Jensen concludes: "Cheating on your wife is a deal breaker for Republican voters - but only if you're a Democrat."
Scott Brown voted against giving help to 9/11 recovery workers
The Rushpublics like memes so much, let's give this one a go: One month after the September 11th attacks, Scott Brown was one of only three Massachusetts State Representatives to vote against a bill to provide financial assistance to Red Cross workers who had volunteered with 9/11 recovery efforts, we've learned.
The Brown campaign acknowledged the vote to us, claiming the measure would have taxed already-strained state finances. [...]
DSCC spokesman Eric Schultz responds:
"On a day with Scott Brown bringing in Rudy Giuliani, he ought to give the people of Massachusetts an explanation as to why he voted against relief for 9/11 workers. We knew Scott Brown was a shill for Wall Street and corporate interests, but I cannot imagine what excuse he comes up with for this vote. He ought to be ashamed of himself and he ought to apologize to the Mayor of New York."
How's that Noun, Verb, 9/11 thing going for you now, Rudy? Bringing Giuliani in to slam Coakley on terrorism should be enough to disqualify Brown from holding office. Bringing him on anything should prove Scotty's mental incompetence.
So should this lie about Democratic health care reform limiting mammograms and Pap tests.
Meme all that, okay Dems?
It should not be a close race. Coakley better pull this one out.
Airlines keep boosting baggage fees:
'Gator Navy departs for Haiti
Our countries have had a special relationship, not always good, ever since the former French colony's slaves successfully revolted in 1803.
That musta been their 'deal with the devil' - going against big business that enslaved and exploited them.
From 1915 to 1934, U.S. Marines occupied Haiti to protect our business interests. In the '60s, we winked at the repressive government of President Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier; in 1986 we helped arrange the exile of "Baby Doc," the son who succeeded him.
In 1994, a multinational force led by U.S. soldiers reinstalled former parish priest Jean-Bertrand Aristide as president. But by 2004, Aristide was accused of rampant corruption, and U.S. Marines arrived to maintain order as he was forced into exile.
This time they're going there to help the Haitians.
This is an excellent use of our military might and our tax dollars that pay for it. For once.
If you have one shred of decency, give a bunch of your ill gotten gains to help someone who bleeds just the same shade of red as you do.
The unimaginable disaster that just completely destroyed a country with no buffer zone for it's inhabitants should trigger a bit of empathy from every one.
And in a related story:
You could rebuild all of Haiti for less than half of J.P. Morgan's quarterly profit. "Wall Street bank JP Morgan Chase has reported profits of $3.3bn (£2bn) for the last three months of 2009. That compares with profits of $702m reported at the end of 2008 at the height of the financial crisis. Total profits for the year were $11.7bn, the bank said, with investment banking providing the bulk of the earnings. Staff compensation - made up of salaries and bonuses - totalled $27bn for the year. Investment bankers earned $9.3bn in pay and bonuses."
Compare & Contrast
Two headlines, one story — and tell me which one comes from Fox News:

Administration "temporarily suspended deportations of illegal immigrants" from Haiti
Obama Moves to Grant Amnesty to Haitian Illegal Aliens
Could we get some freaking oversight in Afghanistan, please?
DEAR SWEET JESUS GOD: "(CNN) – Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum confirmed to his supporters Friday what pundits have been speculating for months - the conservative Republican is actively considering a run for president in 2012. In an e-mail and letter to supporters of his Political Action Committee, America's Foundation, Santorum writes, 'After talking it over with my wife Karen and our kids – I am considering putting my name in for the 2012 presidential race.'" Have those kids even stopped crying yet? CNN
Nation of meanies
Steve King Wants To Deport Haitians, But Only So They Can Help Haiti!

Iowa Rep. Steve King, the #1 asshole in Congress, is exhibiting the more compassionate side of his asshole today (gross) in response to the Haitian crisis. Like many wingnuts, Steve King does not support granting temporary protected status (TPS) to undocumented Haitians living within the United States — a.k.a. he don't support none dem Mexicans gittin' amnesty for their pact with Mister Satan, a known devil. But not because they'll simply take more and more (if not all) of our seven remaining American jobs if we let them live here another 18 months! He just wants to deport them so they can help rebuild Haiti, as relief workers. It's a win-win for no one, ceptin' America.
"This sounds to me like open borders advocates exercising the Rahm Emanuel axiom: 'Never let a crisis go to waste,'" Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, said in an e-mail message to ABCNews. "Illegal immigrants from Haiti have no reason to fear deportation but if they are deported, Haiti is in great need of relief workers and many of them could be a big help to their fellow Haitians."
Bwahaha, they have nothing to fear! Haiti's in great shape, don't they read the NEWS? And whatever problems there are… well they'll starve after a few days so whatever. They yearn to be deported, is the point!
Rep. King: Undocumented Haitians Should Be Deported Because Haiti Is In 'Great Need Of Relief Workers' Think Progress
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