After yesterday's news of this embarrassing screw-up:
Someone other than Congressman and gubernatorial candidate Pete Hoekstra appears to have purchased the URL and the results aren't exactly promising for the Michigan Republican.
... the site's authors lash out at the lawmaker for fundraising off the bungled airline bombing that took place on Christmas Day. They also take glee in reminding Hoekstra that he failed to register the website they now run.
... Hoekstra defended the pesky little oversight:
We went out and registered a number of campaign sites. To believe that we could go out and register ever every potential campaign site that might in some way be affiliated or pop up when someone typed in my name, uhhhhh, is, uhhhh, ya know, what people do in this new Internet world.
Uhhhhh, uhhhhh, it was, for crying out loud.
So, if some (misguided) voter is looking for information on Hoekstra, they could potentially decide that petehoekstra might in some way be affiliated with Pete Hoekstra, type it in and here's what will pop up:
Pure comedy gold.
Subject: Who do we screen for?
Every time someone tries to blow up an airplane we start asking the question, "How do we spot terrorists? Who is safe to let through?"
One thing that is common to all these terrorists is a strong belief in God. No Atheists are out there blowing up innocent people. That's because Atheists don't have an invisible friend promising us sex with virgins in the next life if we
blow up a bunch of innocent people.
So when you get on a plane you might want to ask yourself who you would rather fly with, Atheists or Muslims, because an Atheist is much more interested in keeping everyone safe in this world.
Marc Perkel, founder of the Church of Reality
Bartcop says: for the record:
I would rather fly with realists than the religiously insane.
A sexually repressed loser who's been promised plyable women is a dangerous thing.
....but how was he going to enjoy those virgins with his balls burned off?
With a new employment report due Friday, Bloomberg reports economists believe the "worst U.S. employment slump in the post-World War II era may have almost ended in December, signaling the recovery will not be jobless much longer."
"Stimulus-driven gains in global demand mean American companies may need to start boosting payrolls in 2010 after eliminating 7.2 million jobs since the recession began in December 2007."
Oh Very DUMB Oh very DUMB What will you heave up this time You're just advancing wingnut Christian Fascist bile And though you dream of turning Tiger now That will vanish away, like Bill Kristol's WMD ...
Still hot after all these years.
Don Davis: Buddhist monks urge Brit Hume to take vow of silence
"We've finally broken our vow of silence...just to tell Brit Hume to STFU!"
"I will accept that intelligence, by its nature, is imperfect," Obama said. "But it is increasingly clear that intelligence was not fully analyzed or fully leveraged. That's not acceptable, and I will not tolerate it."
(1) The game lasts until there are no longer any terrorists, and;
(2) If terrorists manage to ever kill or injure or seriously frighten any Americans, they win.
This is, perhaps, the dumbest thing I have heard ever.
"If you don't have enough evidence to charge someone criminally but you think he's illegal, we can make him disappear," James Pendergraph, then executive director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Office of State and Local Coordination
This is nothing short of a black stain on what is left of our national honor.
This needs to be fixed, now.
But the DHS Border Goons arrested Michael Yon at the Sea-Tac Airport because he refused to tell them how much money he made. When the real cops finally came on the scene, they let him go.
If the TSA were a movie, the guys at MST3K would be throwing popcorn at the screen.
"A half-dozen former senior Bush officials involved in counterterrorism told me before the Christmas Day incident that for the most part, they were comfortable with Obama's policies, although they were reluctant to say so on the record.The WHAT?
"Some worried they would draw the ire of Cheney's circle if they did, while others calculated that calling attention to the similarities to Bush would only make it harder for Obama to stay the course. And they generally resent Obama's anti-Bush rhetoric and are unwilling to give him political cover by defending him."
Yglesias adds: "It's really staggering what this says about the ethical caliber of the people we're talking about…."

Mike Lupica hits one out of the park:
Only Cheney looks at a near tragedy on Christmas and sees opportunity. When he does, he doesn't just sound like some old crank in the park. He sounds like a bum.
This war isn't a party issue. It is an American issue, about our character as much as any politician's. Cheney gives an interview to Politico and worries about the "social transformation" he says Obama is trying to fashion. "Reclamation" is a better word, a reclamation of the values and ideals trampled by the previous administration…
Cheney used to be a much better liar than this. But that was back when he was selling this country a bill of goods on Niger and uranium and weapons of mass destruction. He must believe if he can sell all that, wholesale, he can rewrite his place in history, the mess he and George W. Bush left to this President.
Keepin' it in the family Bristol Palin is now a registered political consultant, poised to be the recipient of campaign cash raked in by her mom between now and the week before Super Tuesday in February of '12 when she will drop out of the race in order to win. Or something.
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