Subject: Palin was God's Plan?
In the new book "Game Change", when Sarah Palin was chosen to run for VP
she responded that the choice was "God's Plan".
So if it was God's plan for her to run then what did God have in mind when she lost?
Did God intend to make a fool of her?
That's the problem for those who claim their destiny was God's plan.
It makes God look like a loser.
I think a more accurate description of Palin's candidacy is "bad choice".
Marc Perkel
God's record in politics is pretty dismal.
Fuhrer Bush claimed he was God's plan, too and look what that got us.
Ten events that helped shape the world.
"I don't think (the Bush bastards) made the mistake in deciding to (torture helpless goat herders)
because it was an unconventional, unprecedented type of war." - John Yoo, justifying torture to Jon Stewart Video
"Too bad Stewart didn't ask Yoo how many innocent deaths he and his boss were responsible for in 8 years." - Jim Wolf Link
Haiti's prime minister says over 100,000 dead.
Pat Robertson to the fucking rescue:
ROBERTSON: [S]omething happened a long time ago in Haiti and people might not want to talk about it. They were under the heel of the French. Napoleon the Third and whatever. And they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, "We will serve you if you get us free from the prince." True story. And so the devil said, "OK, it's a deal." They kicked the French out, the Haitians revolted and got themselves free.
But ever since, they have been cursed by one thing after the other, desperately poor. That island of Hispaniola is one island. It's cut down the middle, on the one side is Haiti, on the other side is the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic is prosperous, healthy, full of resorts, etc. Haiti is in desperate poverty. Same island.
That's right, people. The Haitian people made a deal with the devil to free themselves from the French.
Let that sink in for a minute.
He says that shit tax-free. And you have to pay for his television show whether you want to or not if you have satellite tv.
If it makes you angry, turn your outrage into something constructive and use it to motivate you to donate to Haitian relief first. Deal with the evil scumbag Robertson later.
Keith Olbermann, on the batshit racist comments of Limpballs and Robertson:
"Mr. Robertson, Mr. Limbaugh, your lives are not worth those of the lowest, meanest, poorest of those victims still lying under that rubble in Haiti tonight. You serve no good, you serve no God. You inspire only stupidity and hatred, and I would wish you to hell. But knowing how empty your souls must be for you to be able to say such things in a time of such pain, I suspect the vacant, purposeless lives you both live now are hell enough already."
So, in a way, maybe Robertson is right. Haiti is caught in a deal with the devil, and the devil is us.
'We're from Interpol. You're being taken to Iran for trial'
Executive Order -- Amending Executive Order 12425
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Keep reading:
"U.S. should not help Haiti earthquake victims"
So much for loving your fellow man.
Here's a screen shot of quite the little maladjusted not-grassrootsy organization. Check out the fine print under the black graphic (click on image to enlarge):

Here's the entire text, brought to you by.... ta da...
... yes, FreedomWorks:
To: U.S. Congress, President ObamaThe recent earthquake in Haiti is a tragic situation that has touched America's heart. However, America must be careful to avoid losing its head and making a bad situation even worse.
The National Alliance for Liberty and Freedom, a coalition of national libertarian, tea party, objectivist, and Ayn Rand groups hereby demands that no public funds should be spent on any disaster relief.
Certainly, if private citizens want to donate money that is an individual decision that they will freely make, and we cannot - nor would we seek to - prevent those citizens from deciding where to spend their money.
However, public funds are entirely different and should not be spent in this matter.
The main reason is simple: those funds are not the U.S. government's to begin with. Any money that the U.S. government would give would have been stolen - under threat of force - from U.S. citizens.
Further, any donations to Haiti will only serve as a "moral hazard", in effect underwriting their bad choices. Haiti had some of the highest tax rates in the Western Hemisphere, hampering the natural innovation of its citizens and making it difficult for corporations - today's engine of prosperity - to operate in that country. Their rules and regulations were among the most onerous as well, preventing true innovation to occur. Without such onerous rules and high taxation, Haiti could have been a thriving commercial center able to better withstand the earthquake and its aftermath.
By giving money, we will prevent Haitian citizens from rising up in their own Tea Party Revolution and taking their country back from the Marxists.
Once again, if private citizens want to donate their own money, that is their choice. However, the U.S. government should not give one dime: it isn't their money to give and it will only reward failed choices.
The U.S. Should Not Help Haiti Earthquake Victims Petition to U.S. Congress, President Obama was created by National Alliance for Liberty and Freedom, a coalition of national libertarian, tea party, objectivist, and Ayn Rand groups and written by Glenn Adamson ( This petition is hosted here at as a public service. There is no endorsement of this petition, express or implied, by Artifice, Inc. or our sponsors.
Bolding was mine.
Appalling lack of compassion, utter derangement, and questionable sanity is theirs.
You may remember the story from the other day about the 60 year old wife of the conservative leader in Northern Ireland who was having an affair with a 19 year old young man. (She's also a conservative British MP herself, and once compared homosexuality to child abuse.) Well, the story just got juicier on so many angles. Seems she was sleeping with father and son.
According to a BBC poll, almost 70% of the people in Indonesia, the most populous Muslim nation, viewed our country with hostility before the tsunami. Because we (Bush) helped with the disaster, almost 70% think more favorably of us now.
Another portion of the world where President Bush really improved the American image was in Africa, when he increased aid from $1.3 billion in 2001 to more than $5 billion in 2008, and is scheduled to go to $8.7 billion in 2010 - principally for education (primary school enrollment in Africa is up 36 percent since 1999), healthcare, building civil society, and protecting fragile environments.
It almost seems like providing food and financial aid is more constructive than bombing people.
Paging all Republicans: Since the goal of terrorism is to spread terror, hyping the threats only helps terrorists.
Jon Stewart: "The only people who have fully recovered from the financial meltdown are the people who caused the financial meltdown."
From Rep. Grayson's You Tube page:
Former Republican Presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani claimed that no attacks happened on US soil 'except' for 9/11. Rep. Alan Grayson responded by pointing out all of the other exceptions the Republicans would like to exclude from history.
Dave N.: You gotta love Alan Grayson. Republicans' are desperate to make Americans forget what an abject failure conservative governance has been. Grayson is one of the few congresscritters actively fighting back:
Grayson: And I realized that I was witnessing the birth of a new form of political discourse from the right wing in this country: The Exception. The Exceptional Exception -- the exception that proves the rule or disproves the rule, as the case may be.So in the future I'm expecting that we'll hear from the right wing the claim that no cities drowned under the Bush administration -- except for New Orleans. And that there were no wars that were started by mistake under the Bush administration -- except for the war in Iraq. And that the Bush administration added nothing to the federal debt -- except for a half-trillion dollars, which works out to $15,000 for every man, woman and child in this country. And that they respected all of our constitutional rights as Americans -- except when they didn't.
I think we'll hear Republicans claim that the Bush administration managed the economy quite well -- except when they brought it to the brink of national bankruptcy. In fact, they'll claim that the Bush-Cheney administration was a complete success, except for the fact that it was an abject failure -- an abject failure.
In fact, what we learned in Washington for eight years is that the reason why Republicans hate government so much is because they're so bad at it.
It's this willingness to tackle the right-wing media and its talking points that sets Grayson apart from his colleagues. No wonder his fund-raising campaign has been so successful. People want to reward someone who stands up for them.
7 books we Lost to History that would have changed the world.
Peter Frampton takes a beating from global warming deniers on Facebook
For many areas of the U.S. and other areas of the globe, this winter has brought some brutally cold temperatures and plenty of snowfall. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has had to endure the "So much for global warming" comments from our more gullible and lesser educated friends and family.
Well, legendary artist Peter Frampton decided to risk Facebook Suicide by posting reality-based global warming messages on his page -- and now faces the wrath of the deniers in the process.
It all appears to have started on January 9th of this year when Frampton posted "What is this - global colding?" and from there, things started heating up.
Ever the well-spoken gentleman, Peter responds with dignity:
Mr. Frampton, who is working on a new CD at the moment, says that people have abandoned him on Facebook and other sites because he is intelligent enough to understand that global warming is a reality. If you use Facebook and would like to show your support for him, become a fan. Stick to your guns, Peter!
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