Is being an asshole a prerequisite for being a Republican these days?
…tens of thousands of illegal Haitian immigrants can remain temporarily in the U.S. while their country rebuilds after Tuesday's devastating earthquake.
The announcement to grant "temporary protective status," or TPS, to Haitian nationals allows immigrants already in the U.S. to live and work freely here until conditions in Haiti improve. After 18 months the status could be revoked.
So who with a shred of decency would object?
While several liberal groups and members of Congress had urged the administration to declare TPS for Haitians, conservative immigration groups, as well as a Republican congressman, had said such a move would amount to a slippery slope to "amnesty."
"This sounds to me like open borders advocates exercising the Rahm Emanuel axiom: 'Never let a crisis go to waste,'" Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, said in an e-mail message to ABCNews. "Illegal immigrants from Haiti have no reason to fear deportation, but if they are deported, Haiti is in great need of relief workers, and many of them could be a big help to their fellow Haitians."
Actually, "never let a crisis go to waste" should be the Republican motto these days. They have been relentless in politicizing every single issue which has made the news. And if there is no crisis, they invent one. Republicans have shifted so far to the right they now exist in a world where paranoia is the norm and where demons and bogeymen inhabit every nook and cranny of their demented minds.
Pathetic does not begin to describe what the GOP has become.
All is not well in TeaPartyLand.
"The U.S. military is now Meals on Wheels. It always is with Democrat presidents." Rush Limbaugh, who wants the Haitians to starve. Link
"We see Obama react so rapidly on Haiti and yet he couldn't react rapidly on Afghanistan. He couldn't react rapidly on Ft. Hood. He couldn't react rapidly on our own airplanes with an underwear doesn't make sense...Three different events and Haiti is the only one." Glenn Beck, Link
Hey, shit for brains, let me explain the difference to you.
Afghanistan is an ongoing war - what did you want Obama to say about it?
Ft Hood was a mass shooting - what did you want Obama to say about it?
The underwear bomber is in jail - what do you want Obama to say about him?
But in Haiti, every minute counts.
You have 2M people with no water, no food, no homes and no hospitals.
That calls for immediate action that will save lives.
I know you're a walking handjob whose goal is to anger the stupid, but even you should understand why Haiti needed immediately, not in a few weeks.
BTW, you mentioned four events, not three.
Are you so stupid you can't count to four?
Yes he can, but he acts
like he doesn't want to.
Blackwater Wants to Surge Its Armed Force in Afghanistan
A newly released State Department audit of Blackwater praises the firm's work as the US government weighs expanding Blackwater's operations in Afghanistan.
For they are brown and without belief
Tom Munson
Trijicon Inc.
Dear Mr. Munson,
"And the Lord, our Savior and Redeemer, shall make their heads explode in a mist of blood, for they are brown and without belief." Those were the words the Holy Spirit whispered to me as I first read about the secret Biblical citations you place on rifle scopes you sell to the military.
Surely, Jesus is very pleased. He would have been a faithful customer had your products been available back then. Imagine how different the Sermon on the Mount might have been if Jesus had a Trijicon Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight mounted on a .50 cal sniper rifle. No one would have bitched about the loaves and fishes that day.
Keep reading:
Federal Court: No College Credit For High School Creationism Courses

Calvary Chapel Christian School in Murrieta, Calif., and the Association of Christian Schools International claimed the university's review policy was unconstitutional because it refused to certify courses that taught creationism and other beliefs. "The district court correctly determined that UC's rejections of the Calvary courses were reasonable and did not constitute viewpoint discrimination," the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled. Students from private schools must meet certain high-school requirements before they are eligible to apply to an undergraduate campus of the University of California. The court ruled that evidence in the case failed to show that the university was discriminating on the basis of religion.Jeebus denounced the libtard communist judges before galloping off on his T-Rex.
Even though Martha Coakley was a horrible and lazy candidate who was unprepared and unmotivated, out of touch with the voters, incapable or unwilling to put in the work and shake the hands and massage the egos and put in the hours, congratulations to Massachusetts for electing a former centerfold, a waterboarder supporter, someone who smiled about sodomizing his opponent with a curling iron, is committed to derailing health care reform, and voted against a bill to provide financial assistance to Red Cross volunteers who helped with 9/11 recovery efforts because it 'wasn't a priority' (but building a golf course was).
"So what if 71% of the American people don't want me to run for President! I just want to be rich and famous!"
The tinfoil hat side of me says that Barack Obama was allowed to win because the Republicans wanted a Democrat, particularly a weak one, to be running the show when the ecnomy they created went entirely to shit. But if I discount that, all I'm left with is being appalled at the sheer, utter cluelessness of whomever is making the political decisions at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Christian leader and CEO of tax exempt Compassion International: 'Satan' has had 'free reign' in Haiti.
It took more than half a decade, countless American and Iraqi deaths in a war based on lies, a sinking economy and the drowning of an American city to finally kill Bush-Cheney-Rove's dream of a conservative realignment.
Democrats, controlling the White House and both houses of Congress, have managed to kill their own dream of dominance in 12 months.
Go read the rest. And go read what Ian said, too.
Let's put yesterday in perspective
The loss of Teddy's seat, while disappointing, isn't the end of the world. For one thing, it gets rid of that silly "Democrats have 60 seats! They can do anything they want!" meme, and that in and of itself is practically worth it. So long as that "60" included the likes of Mary Landrieu, Blanche Lincoln, Joe Lieberman, Ben Nelson, Evan Bayh, etc. the Democrats never had 60. Not really. They had the potential to achieve 60, but that was all it was: potential. And since it relied on that piece-of-shit Lieberman, it was a pipedream.
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