Friday, March 2, 2012

Headlines - Friday March 2

Maybe Murdoch can get a group discount on legal fees. Then again, you need to know the quantity before you can negotiation a group discount and there are probably many more to be arrested. The Independent
This is what Rush Limbaugh recently said on air. If you agree that this type of rhetoric is not appropriate for the airwaves, fill out a form at the FCC and please pass on the link:

"What does it say about the college co-ed Susan Fluke [sic] who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex. What does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It ma...
kes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex."

And this:

"So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here's the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. We want you post the videos online so we can all watch."

"She's having so much sex it's amazing she can still walk."

When this shit started several years ago, it drove me insane. Nowadays, I love it, because it really helps to expose the crazies:

There is an argument that it's best to ignore crazy people. You have nothing to gain by reasoning with the guy on the subway shouting about the end of the world. But what if the crazy guy's a prominent law enforcer, and what if he's shouting about the president of the United States?

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the self-appointed terrorizer of the Hispanic population of Maricopa County, Arizona, who is currently under federal investigation for discriminating against Latinos, held a press conference today that might stir up the ridiculous "birther" movement.

The sheriff released a 10-page document challenging the authenticity of the long-form birth certificate that Mr. Obama released last year. He claims it's a "computer-generated forgery." Based on news accounts, the report consists of previously aired and well-refuted claims about the typography on the document.

At this point, only the most addle-minded lunatics think there is a chance Obama is not American.

The other thing I am kind of curious about is what do they think will happen should the country decide they are right? The last three years have happened. You can't get them back. Do they think every bill will just be undone? Who would be President? McCain or Biden? It's just so much fail in one place I'm surprised it doesn't create a black hole.


John Boehner

North Korea has agreed to stop nuclear tests, uranium enrichment, long-range missile tests, and to allow inspections by the IAEA in exchange for food.

The Obama Administration is moving beyond Bush's "Axis of Evil."



States Crack Down On Animal Welfare Activists And Their Undercover Videos



Andy Borowitz: Actually, the most effective form of contraception would be online sex videos of Rush Limbaugh.

Hardly surprising:
Jurassicpork: Rest in Peace? Not Too Damned Likely.
This is a blistering indictment of the TSA by a former FBI counter-terrorism agent. It contains very little hyperbole and a hell of a lot of "just the facts, Ma'am" prose.

My one qualm, though, is that the longer someone is in any organization, the greater likelihood is that they've consumed the kool-aid. As an example, for the Navy, their most significant enemy was the Air Force.[1] Bureaucratic entities hate competing bureaucratic entities and there is some overlap, however minor, between what the TSA does now and what the FBI used to do.[2]

He does reference
the House Majority Report on the TSA, but that was a bit of a flaw, to my mind. These days, a report that is solely by one party or the other in Congress can pretty much be guaranteed to be a piece of political hackery.[3] One thing that the Right Honorable Gentlemen were frothing about was the lack of biometric pilot's licenses. I don't know how it is in the airline word, but out here in FLIB-Land,[4] nobody ever asks to see a pilot's license, especially if you're not renting an airplane.
President Obama again pushed Congress to end federal subsidies to the oil industry yesterday, escalating a fight between the two parties over rising gas prices. "Every time you fill up your gas tank, they're making money," Obama said in a speech in New Hampshire.


Sandra Fluke responding to Limbaugh's comments:
We are fortunate to live in a democracy where everyone is entitled to their own opinions regarding legitimate policy differences. Unfortunately, numerous commentators have gone far beyond the acceptable bounds of civil discourse.
No woman deserves to be disrespected in this manner. This language is an attack on all women, and has been used throughout history to silence our voices.
The millions of American women who have and will continue to speak out in support of women's health care and access to contraception prove that we will not be silenced.
Another Republican idiot has crawled out of the wood work.

Prematurely dead Internet pioneer Andrew Breitbart was working on something major before he died, his unpleasant underlings told LA Weekly. Now there's video from CPAC of Breitbart planning a video (terror) attack that will Bring Down the Obama Presidency! "I've got video, from his college days," Breitbart crows to a rapt yet hooting crowd of geezers. WHAT DO YOU THINK IT COULD BE? This is just like Easter, with Breitbart as Jesus (everyone knows that) rising up and giving us sick-making treats! Does the video show the president smoking while getting it on with white ladies? Is he smoking crack while getting it on with white ladies? Or maybe it's that colorful felon who has claimed so many times he sexed up Barry in a limousine, for communism? READ MORE »


Every American with "religious beliefs or moral convictions" must now report to jail, because the Senate narrowly failed to pass Roy Blunt's amendment tacked on the end of a highway funding bill specifying that no health plan sponsor must offer coverage for any otherwise mandatory services that it deems immoral. (The amendment does not name contraception but says only "specific items or services" because heh heh, the only type of health that is offensive to God is lady parts health.) So what will the Catholic bishops do when they hear that the United States Senate has aided and abetted Barack Obama in requiring insurance companies rather than whiny, misogynist religious institutions to cover the cost of birth control, aka OUTLAWING RELIGION, as the president's contraception requirement compromise indicates? Eh, we are going to go with "continue to talk loudly about women's vaginas in public," much the same as the old creeps in the Republican party, to prove that they are very, very heterosexual. READ MORE »


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