Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Headlines - Wednesday March 21

10 Reasons the Rest of the World Thinks the U.S. Is Nuts    
A torrent of bombings and shootings ripped across eight Iraqi cities on Tuesday, targeting police and Shiite pilgrims and killing 46 people. The deadly wave undermined the government's hopes for stability ahead of next week's meeting of the Arab world's top leaders.
"Now, with constant streams of torture videos coming out of Syria, with the savage crackdown on the uprising there, hearing President Obama condemning the "outrageous bloodshed" and demanding Bashar al-Assad to step down just makes the Rude Pundit's feel like he's gotten a gut punch. Because all he can think is, "Now, where did the Syrians get the idea that they could just go on with torturing and killing innocent people with only ongoing financial sanctions imposed?" And, of course, that'd be us when we gave them prisoners and said, "Oh, hey, you know that torture thing you're good at? I mean, I know we hate each other and shit, but can you do a bro a solid and break out the electric nut prod for these dudes?"" Rude Pundit Link
I wondered when someone would bring that up.

When Der Monkey Fuhrer was in charge, the CIA would fly SUSPECTS to Syria to be tortured.
Now America is demandng that Syria stop the torture? 

Reich: What Republicans Argue When They Have Nothing Left to Say     

Good job, Alexandra Pelosi. By inadvertently feeding a right-wing racist stereotype that has little bearing in reality (black welfare recipients are lazy and only want handouts), you provided fuel for Bill O'Reilly and his wingnut panel to demand jail time for one of the black men in your Real Time video.

On Friday, Pelosi debuted her report on mostly black welfare recipients, many who appeared unwilling to work and relied on the government. The report appalled Bill O'Reilly, who told his panel tonight he would like to see at least one of the people in the report in jail. [...]

O'Reilly found the video "very troubling," and said of one person interviewed in particular– who expressed no desire to work and admitted to having five children with four women– "I'd put that guy in jail."

Great. That video was a disgrace, and we don't know if the guys in the Pelosi video actually received "checks".


This is just getting out of hand:

Personally I'd like to make a law that mandates a woman watch an abortion being performed prior to having a "surgical procedure". If it's not a life it shouldn't matter, if it doesn't harm a woman then she shouldn't care, and don't we want more transparency and education in the medical profession anyway? We demand it everywhere else.

Until the dead child can tell me that she/he does not feel any pain – I have no intentions of clearing the conscience of the living – I will be voting YES."

(Read the rest)

So now we're traumatizing women just for shits and giggles? Is that it? These people want every woman to be as traumatized as Carolyn Jones was when Texas forced her to undergo an unnecessary ultrasound? What is wrong with these people?

By the way, the quotes de sarcasm are a nice touch, Terri.

I can't even.


No time today, gotta run!



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