Yesterday, Palmetto Public Record exclusively reported that the Internal Revenue Service has been investigating since March of 2011 the Sikh worship center run by Gov. Haley's father. At least five lawsuits have been filed against the Sikh Society of South Carolina since 2010, alleging that the group bilked contractors out of nearly $130,000 for the construction of a new temple.
I suppose that's either a step up or a step down from "hiking the Appalachian trail," depending on your perspective.
Why does South Carolina have such a problem with their Governors?
From the Derpartment of "you can't make this shit up."
Tax-cut magician Paul Ryan is accusing the Joint Chiefs of Staff of being dishonest in their budget request, and the reason is –wait for it– they're requesting less spending than expected!
Under normal circumstances you would assume that less spending would be music to the ears of a spending-obsessed man like Paul Ryan, but not in this case. In this case, an agreement between the Joint Chiefs and President Obama, wherein they agree to less spending, must be some kind of conspiracy.
House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., claimed Thursday that senior U.S. military officials and commanders were being dishonest in their budget requests to Congress.
"We don't believe the generals are giving us their true budget," Ryan said at the National Journal Live Budget Policy summit, adding, "I think there's a lot of budget smoke and mirrors in the Pentagon's budget." [...]
In his FY2013 budget, Ryan proposed dismantling the automatic sequestration of defense spending, replacing those cuts with unspecified savings from mandatory programs.
It gets better.
The spending levels being proposed by the Pentagon are the same levels previously agreed to, by both parties, under the Budget Control Act (the debt-ceiling deal).
Now that the Republicans have officially abandoned the debt-ceiling framework and have, once again, voted to pass Paul Ryan's Medicare-killing budget along party lines, they're pretending that automatically-triggered spending cuts at the Pentagon were never agreed to, even though they were.
By the way, I hear accusing your most senior commanders of lying and producing fraudulent budget requests is a great way to "support the troops."
Whether it's Mitt Romney himself or members of his staff, Team Romney simply can't stop saying stupid stuff.
In any case, swelling the IRA to the size Mr. Romney's reached has "created a tax problem" for the former Massachusetts governor, said a Romney campaign official. Tax-law changes since Mr. Romney's Bain tenure mean that long-term capital gains in regular accounts now are taxed at 15%. But IRA gains are taxed at ordinary-income rates upon withdrawal, which for Mr. Romney, under current law, would be 35%.
"Who wants to have $100 million in an IRA?" said the campaign official.
Yeah. Who would want $100 million in an IRA? What a drag would that be?
If you were to withdraw that $100 million dollars, you might have to pay an appropriate amount of tax on it, and that would just be a total buzz-kill.
Maybe Mitt can change the tax laws so he can withdraw his $100 million tax-free if he becomes president.
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