An important piece of legislation was introduced in the Ohio State Senate yesterday. It seems that in all the fuss to protect women from making poor decisions about their bodies, we forgot about the men. But Senator Nina Turner didn't forget.
Turner has introduced a bill that would make sure that men, seeking prescriptions to potentially dangerous therapies to treat male sexual disorders, receive the same type of information and options as women confronting difficult decisions about their reproductive health.
Go Nina!
Krugman: Ignorance is Strength
The Arizona Senate passed a bill this week that allows doctors to withhold from pregnant women information regarding prenatal problems because disclosing that information might lead to an abortion.
From Addicting Info:
It's called a "wrongful birth" bill and it's all about preventing women from having an abortion, even if it kills them. The Arizona Senate passed a bill this week that gives doctors a free pass to not inform pregnant women of prenatal problems because such information could lead to an abortion.
In other words, doctors can intentionally keep critical health information from pregnant women and can't be sued for it. According to the Arizona Capitol Times, "the bill's sponsor is Republican Nancy Barto of Phoenix. She says allowing the medical malpractice lawsuits endorses the idea that if a child is born with a disability, someone is to blame." So Republicans are banning lawsuits against doctors who keep information from pregnant women so as to prevent them from choosing to have an abortion.
Is this where we are as a country? We're withholding medical information from women because that information might lead to abortions while simultaneously passing bills in state after state with such pithy names as "Right to Know" or "Right to Know and See" or "Informed Consent" the claimed purpose of which is to make sure women are fully informed? And not only are we withholding information, but we're immunizing doctors from liability?
Anyone else feeling like public horsewhippings for these assholes might be a good idea? House Republicans are ready to renege on the budget deal they struck last year during the debt ceiling debate. Now that it's budget time, they want to make deeper cuts to federal programs than they agreed to last August. Democrats are furious and fuming. We just want to beat them mercilessly with a gunny-sack full of doorknobs until we're too exhausted to continue.
There's gotta be one hell of a story behind this bizarre development - and it's not the story Pakistan is telling. "Osama bin Laden's three widows have been charged by Pakistani authorities with illegally entering and living in the country, Pakistan's interior minister has said. Bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaeda, was killed in a secret raid by US special forces on the Pakistani garrison town of Abbottabad on May 2 last year. His three wives, and an undisclosed number of children, were among the 16 people detained by Pakistani authorities after the raid."
The polluting exploiters never learn, never change, never stop. "Indigenous protesters in Ecuador have begun a two-week march across the country against plans for large-scale mining projects. Several hundred protesters set off from an Amazon province where a Chinese company has been authorised to develop a huge open-cast copper mine. Ecuador's main indigenous organisation, Conaie, says mining will contaminate water and force people off their land. President Rafael Correa says it will help fund much-needed development. He has accused Conaie of trying to destabilise the country. Thousands of his supporters joined a rival demonstration in the capital, Quito. The indigenous protest march has support from some opposition parties as well as student and teachers' organisations. Under the slogan "For Life and Dignity of the Peoples" the demonstrators set off from the town of El Pangui in Ecuador's Amazon rainforest region. Some carried banners reading "Chinese companies get out of Ecuador". The marchers hope more people will join their protest along the 700km (435 mile) route to Quito in the Andean highlands."
The economy created 227,000 jobs in February, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows, though the unemployment rate held steady at 8.3 percent. Both December and January's numbers were revised up, adding more than 60,000 jobs above previous estimates.
The Chamber of Commerce plans a $50 million blitz, continuing its attacks on Democratic House and Senate candidates, the Center for Public Integrity reports. The spending "underscores the huge political stakes" for the Chamber's corporate supporters from big energy, insurance, health care, and Wall Street firms.
Rush Limbaugh Show Includes Over 5 Minutes Of Dead Air As Advertiser Exodus Continues
Moments earlier, Republicans killed an amendment that would have approved the pipeline if it used American steel and kept the oil for American use.
Update:'s Bill McKibben responds:
Today's vote was a temporary victory and there's no guarantee that it holds for the long run. But given that this thing was a 'no brainer' a year ago, it's pretty remarkable that people power was able to keep working, even in the oil-soaked Senate. We're grateful to the Administration for denying the permit and for Senate leadership for holding the line.
The reason this fight has been so hard is because of the financial power of the fossil fuel industry, so that's what we're going after now. We've been playing defense for months, now we've got to quickly go on offense. Going forward, we'll be working with the huge majorities of Americans who want to end subsidies to the fossil fuel industry. We've learned a lot, not all of it savory, about how the political process works and we're going to put that to use.
"To Rush Limbaugh: Hey Jackass, stop using our music on your racist, misogynist, right wing clown show. Sincerely, Rage Against The Machine" Tom Morello
HA! And so they join Peter Gabriel and Rush. Who's next?
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, 2011 saw unprecedented growth of organized, radical right groups, whose numbers increased by over 400 in 2011 and by 755 percent since the election of President Obama.
The radical right grew explosively in 2011, the third such dramatic expansion in as many years. The growth was fueled by superheated fears generated by economic dislocation, a proliferation of demonizing conspiracy theories, the changing racial makeup of America, and the prospect of four more years under a black president who many on the far right view as an enemy to their country. [...]
From 149 groups in 2008, the number of Patriot organizations skyrocketed to 512 in 2009, shot up again in 2010 to 824, and then, last year, jumped to 1,274. That works out to a staggering 755% growth in the three years ending last Dec. 31. Last year's total was more than 400 groups higher than the prior all-time high, in 1996.
Meanwhile, the SPLC counted 1,018 hate groups operating in the United States last year, up from 1,002 in 2010. That was the latest in a string of annual increases going all the way back to 2000, when there were 602 hate groups. The long-running rise seemed for most of that time to be a product of hate groups' very successful exploitation of the issue of non-white immigration. Obama's election and the crashing economy have played a key role in the last three years.
Visualized in such a way, it's quite obvious what the driving factors of this explosion of the Radical Right are.
Participation was elevated under President Clinton compared to President Bush, but still nowhere near the level seen under our first African-American president.
"The left and their friends in the main stream media don't want to talk about the issue most Americans in this country today care about – jobs. Instead, they want a culture war. They want a culture war because they cannot defend this President's record of failure when it comes to creating jobs and growing our economy. They hope to cynically distract Americans to protect President Obama and his liberal allies in Congress in November." - From a joint statement issued by Joe the Plumber
RELATED: This morning Werzelbacher got testy when the CNN host asked him if he'd evolved since the below 2009 claim that gay people are inherent pedophiles. That's when Werzelbacher revealed his association with GOProud.

"Nobody is losing money here, including us, in all this. The advertisers are not canceling the business on our stations. They're just saying they don't want their spots to appear in my show. We don't get any revenue from 'em anyway. The whole effort is to dispirit you." - the lying Pigboy on his Wednesday hate show
What does the vulgar Pigboy says about losing (count now at 49) advertisers?
"It's like losing a couple of French fries in the container when it's delivered
to you at the drive-through. You don't even notice it," Pigboy lied.
1 comment:
This "wrongful birth" bill is just plain ridiculous. Women should have a choice because it is their bodies and they should have complete control over it. There are medical malpractice lawyers
who can help women chase after doctors who prefer to have their own beliefs get in the way of their profession but if this bill is passed into a law then it will be a shame and an injustice for women.
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