"Let's face it," Harrelson said. "Obama was a phenomenon. They knew they were going to get beat, so choosing Palin was just a Hail Mary pass. It was just a wild idea."
Harrelson was also asked if making "Game Change" altered his view of Republicans.
"Fuck, no! The shit those people say just makes me weep for humanity!"
Super PACs are unwelcome guests at the 2012 election party: Seven in 10 Americans say these private, campaign-spending organizations should be illegal…Exercising what the high court characterized as free speech, these privately run political action committees can raise unlimited money from individuals, corporations and unions.
Homosexuality does not relate to sexuality. It's a whole different thing… I can write the [abstinence-only] curriculum really simply. If you're homosexual you have a high degree of [contracting] some STD. What else do you need to know? What else do I need to teach?
--Utah State Rep. Bill Wright (R)
Why an MRI Costs $1,080 in America and $280 in France
More than half of those interviewed also say radio host Rush Limbaugh, who called a female law student testifying publicly in favor of birth-control coverage a "slut" and "prostitute," should be fired based solely on those comments.
And this just in, a third station (this time in CA) has now dropped his show.
Once, twice, three times a victim. "A 16-year-old Moroccan girl has reportedly killed herself after a judge ordered her to marry the man that raped her. ... The teen, known only as Amina, ate rat poison after the Tangier judge ruled that her 26-year-old rapist could marry her instead of going to jail, according to the Moroccan publication al-Massae. ... The ruling came after Amina's family asked the court to punish the man. The paper said that Amina committed suicide at the home of her husband's family. ... Under Moroccan law, a rapist may be exempted from punishment if he agrees to marry his victim. Local tradition holds that forcible marriage protects the honor of the woman who is raped."
The Adam and Eve myth gets more stupid every day. "The remains of what may be a previously unknown human species have been identified in southern China. The bones, which represent at least five individuals, have been dated to between 11,500 and 14,500 years ago. But scientists are calling them simply the Red Deer Cave people, after one of the sites where they were unearthed. The team has told the PLoS One journal that far more detailed analysis of the fossils is required before they can be ascribed to a new human lineage. "We're trying to be very careful at this stage about definitely classifying them," said study co-leader Darren Curnoe from the University of New South Wales, Australia. "One of the reasons for that is that in the science of human evolution or palaeoanthropology, we presently don't have a generally agreed, biological definition for our own species (Homo sapiens), believe it or not. And so this is a highly contentious area," he told BBC News."
Responding to mounting pressure from veterans groups, the U.S. Army confirmed that they would be joining at least 140 other advertisers in pulling their support from Rush Limbaugh's radio show. As ThinkProgress reported on Monday, a memo circulated by Premiere Radio Networks included a list of 141 advertisers that requested their spots be pulled from the show after Limbaugh's misogynistic tirade. The Army is on that list. While the military is pulling its ads from Limbaugh, Armed Forces Radio continues to air the show. Veterans groups and Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) are urging the Pentagon to drop Limbaugh.
It seems that Rick Santorum has found time in his busy schedule of condemning "radical" women for working outside the home and using birth control, and nagging English-speaking Puerto Ricans to speak English, and now is turning his hot, penetrating gaze to manfolk-bizness. Yup. Ol' Smegma Lips is now coming for your porn. READ MORE »
Beloved liberal icon Ann Coulter had stern words for genius Facebook inventor Sarah Palin, whom apparently she simply does not care for, while speaking in Vero Beach, Florida.
"One of the ones promoting that [a brokered convention] is Sarah Palin, who has suggested herself as the choice," Coulter said. "I think as long as it's between us girls — I've been observing something about her. I don't think it's likely to happen. I don't know what these people are cheering for. As I wrote in a column a few weeks back, who is this dream candidate we're hoping to get from the convention, because Rick Perry used to be the dream candidate. Can we see them in a debate first?"
House GOP now trying to break original spending bill for more cuts
There are a few problems here. 1. The Republicans are insane . 2. The American people, not so smart all the time. 3. Democrats, lousy salesmen. That adds up to more cuts whether we like it or not, and subsequent harm to the economy.
Now, having said that, the President has been fighting back lately. Not enough for some of you, and point well taken, but he's fighting back a heck of a lot harder than the guy who spent the first two and a half years in that office. If the President plays this right, he can paint the GOP into a corner here. But it's tough because the President himself bought into the "cut the budget" rhetoric far too early, and hasn't done enough to explain to the American people how damaging too many cuts, too early, could be to an economy that's barely more than parked in neutral at the moment.
More from Greg Sargent:
The original August 2011 deal that resolved the debt ceiling impasse called for a $1 trillion limit on discretionary spending for fiscal 2013. House conservatives want much deeper cuts. House GOP leaders are offering a compromise that would include some cuts, but not enough for the Tea Partyers, and Dems are vowing to reject anything that breaks the original deal.
Get ready for a rerun of a very bad movie. We're hurtling towards another government shutdown fight, in which the House GOP leadership will be dealing with a Tea Party wing that prioritizes shrinking government above all else — this time, in the leadup to the elections.
In this sense, another government shutdown fight could help Dems sharpen the contrast with the GOP and Romney over the two parties' values and priorities. A new Bloomberg poll finds that 51 percent say government spending on infrastructure, education and alternative energy is a better way to grow the economy, while only 41 percent favor more spending and tax cuts.
On the other hand, maybe this will all help Romney. After all, more deep spending cuts sought by conservatives could imperil the recovery, which could weaken Obama and help Romney's case against his reelection. Perverse, perhaps, but very possible.
Could The Use Of Flying Death Robots Be Hurting America's Reputation Worldwide?
Jill: And just what do you think was the source of the money that makes you be able to afford to do this?
Trouble in heaving-fat-goat paradise? According to Your No. One News Source for Political Marital Disharmony and John Edwards Babymama Travesties, yes! RUSH LIMBAUGH MARRIAGE ON THE ROCKS modestly whispers the National Enquirer headline on its miserable website. And insiders inside it say beloved bride Kathryn is ready to walk! Oh nooooo, Rush! Oh nooooo! READ MORE »
We can't believe that in 20-fucking-12 this sort of nonsense is still sanctioned rather than scorned A Baptist minister from Oklahoma (where else?!?) delivered a prayer on the floor of the state House of Representatives a few days ago in which he blamed the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 at the hands of Islamist radicals for Americans 'turning away from (the Christian) god.' Oddly enough, he didn't take it the next logical step and blame the people of Oklahoma for the attack on the Murrah federal building in 1995 at the hands of a CHRISTIAN terrorist.
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