Monday, November 14, 2011

Headlines - Monday November 14

During the GOP Debate on Saturday night, Michele Bachmann made a huge gaffe. She criticized President Obama for supporting the American people over a foreign nation.
"President Obama has been more than willing to stand with Occupy Wall Street, but he hasn't been willing to stand with Israel. Israel looks at President Obama, and they do not see a friend."
Isn't this hilarious? For three years now, Republicans have consistently stood in front of television cameras to tell the American people that President Obama doesn't care about nor support America. Forget the fact that President Obama has been very supportive of Israel. Michele Bachmann is complaining that an American President cares more about the American people than he does about another country. Isn't that nice to know? I think that's a wonderful thing that Bachmann did for President Obama. She just basically announced that President Obama supports America and the 99% on national television. Thanks Michele! No take-backs!
David Lindorf: Washington's Fake 'Concern' About a Possible Israeli Attack on Iran
Republican candidates say we shouldn't torture people -- we should just do things that are torture and call it something else. Because that's what good people do.
Bob Cesca: The Neocon Playbook

"If we re-elect Barack Obama, Iran will get a nuclear weapon," he said. "If we elect Mitt Romney, Iran will not." -Mitt Romney during last night's GOP debate

Nook-uh-lur weapons! Mushrooms clouds! Booga booga!

Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice would be so proud.

The ironic thing is, President Obama is already doing everything the GOP nominees claimed they would do if they were in charge during last night's debate. A wide range of economic sanctions and diplomatic measures have been deployed against Iran in an attempt to dissuade them from pursuing advanced weaponry.

What this administration has not done is openly and irresponsibly call for war. Mitt Romney is ahead of this administration in that department, but I don't think that's something the American people agree with.

We don't want another war, and I'm fairly certain that sentiment is shared across the spectrum, otherwise Ron Paul wouldn't receive wild cheers every single time he declares that we need to bring all the troops home.

Public opinion is effectively galvanized against GOP warmongering. It's a losing issue for them going into the next election. National defense is a losing issue for them going into the next election.



Mario: Republicans Opt For War, Torture and Adopting The Chinese Communist Model

The leadbottoms in the Pentagon who do make these deals deserve treason trials. Not to mention China's enablers and protectors in Congress, namely Kentucky Senator and GOP economy-killer-in-chief Mitch McConnell.
One of my neighbors spends half the year in China examining manufactured goods there for American companies who sell the stuff here, kind of quality control. My neighbor told me that if the manufacturers there can save a penny by putting 11 ball bearings into a gizmo that calls for 12, they'll go for the penny even if they understand it's likely to cause an accident in the vehicle the gizmo is in. It sounds like this mindset is what my neighbor faces every single day for every single minute of work. So if my neighbor has told me this several times, how come no one seems to have told the Pentagon? Or-- more to the point, I suspect, why hasn't the Pentagon paid attention when they were told? Why should the Pentagon care? Good question-- they spend millions of dollars buying defective products from China that endanger our military men and women in the field. Are these people fucking crazy!?!?

China has been dumping counterfeit electronic parts into the Pentagon's supply chain.

The investigators found that counterfeit or suspect electronic parts were installed or delivered to the military for several weapons systems, including military aircraft such as the Air Force's C-17 and the Marine Corps' CH-46 helicopter, as well as the Army's Theatre High-Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) missile defense system.

Read the whole thing.

Contrary to GOP claims, the effect government regulations have on jobs is minimal, economists say. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that very few layoffs are caused primarily by stronger regulations. Last year, 0.3 percent of people who lost their jobs in layoffs were let go because of "government regulations/intervention."


Bachmann Wants Iraqis To Pay 'Several Million Dollars Per Life' For Every American Who Died In Iraq


Over Half of All U.S. Tax Subsidies Go to Four Industries. Guess Which Ones?

Koch-Funded Scientist Who Believes In Global Warming Is Coming To Congress | Richard Muller, the contrarian physicist who led a Koch-funded study that confirmed the accuracy of temperature records smeared by "Climategate," is presenting his results at a Congressional briefing on Monday, November 14. The briefing has been organized by the ranking member of the House Natural Resources Committee, Rep Ed Markey (D-MA). Markey was the chair of the House global warming special committee, established by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and disbanded by Speaker John Boehner (R-OH). Also appearing are leading climate scientists Ben Santer, research scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and William Chameides, Dean of Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment and Vice Chair of the National Academies' Committee on America's Climate Choices.


Charles Pierce: S.C. Debate: The Ultimate Waterboarding Championship


Atheist Sees Image of Big Bang in Piece of Toast

 Images of the actual Big Bang toast are copywrighted by Don Chapman so we can only show this image which is a US Govt public domain picture

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