Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Headlines - Wednesday March 7

Notable sex tourism spokesmodel and Viagra enthusiast, the four-times married human Hindenburg Rush Limbaugh has now lost 32 advertisers and at least two radio stations. FemiNazis, indeed. (Think Progress)
Update: it's up to 43.
Also too: Canadian rock group has formally demanded that the Rush Limbaugh Program stop using its music on the air. Here's the official cease & desist letter.

This time, it's Willard's turn to bring the stupid.  Not to be out-dumbed by such classics as Newt's "you can't put a gun rack in a Volt," or that you can't strap a deer to a Chevy Volt, Mitt Romney came up with his own ridiculous anti green car statement:

"We all like wind and solar, but you can't drive a car with a windmill on it."

No Mitt, that would be stupid.  Much like driving a car with a dog on it.



Sticking to right-wing tradition, Newt Gingrich proudly mocked sience and alternative energy.  In front of a small crowd, which incidentally is also a right-wing tradition, Newt seemed to use Rush Limbaugh logic while trying to make fun of the POTUS and his recent statements about the development of alternative fuel created from algae:

"I think this is a 'Saturday Night Live' skit. You don't often get presidential speeches that could literally be delivered on 'Saturday Night Live' and you wouldn't realize it was a fake. But presidents are supposed to, like, run the country today." 

"Maybe we should, as an experiment, get some algae and go to a gas station, and you know, sort of the 'Barack Solution.' Would you like some algae instead of gasoline? This is the kind of stuff that's Cloud Cuckoo Land."

Newt, you shouldn't mock algae.  It may some day be used to make your next wife.


Taxpayers don't pay for contraception
And it wouldn't be a capital crime if we did. But the line from Limbaugh and other liars on this issue is that "they" don't want to pay for birth control.

They don't. Health insurance customers do.

Here's the fact sheet on the contraception coverage in the Affordable Care Act. And here's the follow-up White House fact sheet on the loophole for religious organizations.

Nothing about taxpayers funding birth control. Nothing.

Anyone who says otherwise is lying to you.


Mario: Republican's No-Sex, No-Porn Pledge
Jill: The Republican answer to everything: Cut Taxes and Bomb Something...preferably at the same time
Lamest. Excuse. Ever. Lisa Murkowski feels **just horrible** about her odious betrayal of women vote last week for the Blunt amendment. Whatever. Her excuse is lamer than that of the Italian cruise ship captain who slipped and fell into a lifeboat and "accidentally" abandoned his passengers, crew and vessel.
Sweet Jesus, he's dead and he still won't shut the fuck up. Oh my. What a shocker. This will shake the very foundations of the White House, undoubtedly. Obama should just resign after Breitbart's final scoop. He's obviously unfit for office after this. In 1998, when Barack Obama was a state senator, he -- gasp! -- attended a play that was about the late Chicago community organizer Saul Alinsky. Then, after it was over, the former-community-organizer-turned-state-senator took part in a panel discussion over a topic he actually knew something about! The "scoop" he left behind is, apparently, that the director won't release a videotape of the performance and panel discussion (there could be many reasons for this, most involving lawyers, but maybe it just wasn't very good, or maybe she sucks as a director) and this has them convinced that they've found the "Whitey" tape, or it's equivalent.
Before being a "job creator" was even a thing, Joe the Plumber bravely and famously confronted then-Senator Barack Obama to carp about problems from his made-up financial future as one of these as-yet unheard of "job creators." Now this same angrily prescient heartland shaman is only months away from unfettered bitch session access to his old pal Barack, during which he will get to complain about more fictional concerns, only this time based on America's made-up financial future! Yes, Joe the Plumber, our favorite unflushable from 2008, successfully completed the difficult transition from child star to adult entertainer, and won last night's Republican primary in Ohio's 9th congressional district, using the more matoor-sounding stage name "Joe Wurzelbacher." JOE THE PLUMBER IS BACK YAY FOR POLITICS! READ MORE »
L. Brent Bozell III, the erudite and thoughtful fuhrer of rightwing hacktanks like the Media Research Center, proved his bona fides for leading anything that conducts "research" into "media," by evincing via Twitterz a complete and total non-understanding of the Constitutional basis for our cherished American Free Speech. Jawing hacking on behalf of (who else?) poor beleaguered Rush Limbaugh, Bozell vomited forth this bit of utter nonsense: "Anti-free speech leftists despise first amendment, want Rush FIRED. Don't let hypocrites win, sign MRC's petition now!" There is then a link to MRC's petition, which we are not pasting here because we would never let you sign something so lame.
Andy Borowitz: "SUPER TUESDAY: CNN interviewed Sarah Palin, whose historic lowering of the bar made this GOP race possible."
The man on the left has the power to have you executed without charging you with a crime, notifying you of the accusation, or affording you an opportunity to respond, instead condemning you to death without a shred of transparency or judicial oversight. The man on the right can explain to you the difference between 'due process' and 'judicial process'. The man on the left is what is called a 'King'. The man on the right is what is called a 'Courtier'.

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