Saturday, November 12, 2011

Headlines - Saturday november 12

Sarah must be missing all the limelight she has been out of as of late
Now that the polar ice caps are shrinking, opportunities abound.
Glad we're over there dying for this shit .....
We have yet another killing in the name of Sharia law. Two Afghan men broke into a home virtually next door to the Governor's house in Ghazni City at 4:00 a.m. and pulled a mother and her daughter into their backyard. They were first stoned and then shot for alleged immoral activities. Global Post
Raise your hand if you're shocked. Via Charlotte Observer:

N.C. Baptists meeting today in Greensboro elected Charlotte pastor Mark Harris to be their new president and endorsed a proposed state constitutional amendment that would reinforce North Carolina's ban on same-sex marriage. Most of the 4,300 churches associated with the state convention are Southern Baptist - the largest Protestant denomination in North Carolina, with about 1.3 million members.

Extinct: Thanks to poaching for its horn.

The headline from Media Matters:

Limbaugh Asks If Cain's Accusers Are Appearing Together Because "They Want To Synchronize Their Menstrual Periods"

This guy has a serious hatred for women, and he always has — going back 20+ years and his trademark "Femi-Nazis" meme. And to this day, nobody knows what he was doing in the Dominican Republic with a bottle of Viagra (not in his name) and no female companions traveling with him.

Taibbi: How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the OWS Protests
Happy Veterans Day! From AP's Kasie Hunt: Romney suggests possibility of using a voucher-type system for health care for vets to allow them to use private insurance instead.
Taibbi calls Perry "The Best Little Whore In Texas"
Jurassicpork: Every Dollar for Herman Cain is a Dollar for Misogynism
Hey guys, remember last summer when some Wingnut in Hollywood lost his shirt producing a film version of Atlas Shrugged and no one went to see it? Me Neither! But anyway, he's now got another problem: his DVD cases say that it is a story of Self-Sacrifice! Whoopsie! He is not going to sell many copies of that version, so he's recalling them to replace the typo with something about it being a timeless tale of unbridled greed and selfishness or something more accurate. (The Ticket
Meet Representative Rick Womick (R-TN). He wants to kick all Muslims out of the military. Oh, yeah, he announced it on Veterans Day:
Personally, I don't trust one Muslim in our military because they're commanded to lie to us through the term called Taqiyya. And if they truly are a devout Muslim, and follow the Quran and the Sunnah, then I feel threatened because they're commanded to kill me.
So they don't have a fiction section in the Ford's Theater gift shop then? "A reviewer for the official National Park Service bookstore at Ford's Theatre has recommended that Bill O'Reilly's bestselling new book about the Lincoln assassination not be sold at the historic site "because of the lack of documentation and the factual errors within the publication." ... Rae Emerson, deputy superintendent at Ford's Theatre, which is a national historic site under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, has penned a scathing appraisal of O'Reilly's "Killing Lincoln: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever." In Emerson's official review, which I've pasted below, she spends four pages correcting passages from O'Reilly's book before recommending that it not be offered for sale at Ford's Theatre because it is not up to quality standards. ... For example, "Killing Lincoln" makes multiple references to the Oval Office; in fact, Emerson points out, the office was not built until 1909."

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