In the midst of these various challenges, we continue to be mindful and pray for those efforts seeking to protect the definition of marriage. These include the constitutional amendments protecting marriage in Minnesota and North Carolina, the continued efforts to do the same in Indiana, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, and efforts to repeal the redefinition of marriage and New Hampshire and Iowa. To all our brother bishops and efforts to protect marriage in these states, thank you for your courage and witness, please count on our continued support and prayers.
RELATED: I looked and looked but could not find any mention about a Godly mission to feed the poor, house the homeless, tend to the sick, or not fuck young boys in the ass.
Those "job-killing" regulations the Obama Administration has supposedly presided over and really failing to impress me with the number of jobs they've presumably killed.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) asks executives to report the biggest reasons for layoffs. Data released last week showed that out of 1,870 layoffs, only six — or about 0.4 percent — in the third quarter of 2010 were due to "Governmental regulations/intervention." That number dropped even further in the first two quarters of 2011.
By comparison, almost 35 percent of layoffs were due to business demand.
"Based on the available literature, there's not much evidence that EPA regulations are causing major job losses or major job gains," Richard Morgenstern, a former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) official who now works at the nonpartisan think tank Resources for the Future, told The Washington Post.
Only 0.4 percent?
As Americans, shouldn't we expect more killing power out of our supposed "job-killing" regulations? This is an outrage! False advertisement!
Meanwhile, 35 percent of layoffs can be attributed to a lack of consumer demand, and do you know who is absolutely adamant about not lifting a finger to stimulate demand? Republicans.
They're still expecting the supply-side fairy will sprinkle us with jobs if we just coddle the "job-creators" a little while longer. That's despite the complete lack of evidence to suggest that will ever happen.
Your corporate welfare recipients — sucking off the government teat:
ThinkProgress noted that the top four recipients receive more than half of all tax subsidies.
They're probably kicking themselves in the ass because they didn't think of that argument as a way of stymieing investigations into their kiddie-raping priests.
Funny thing how Catholicism and the Dixie version of Christianity gets themselves all in a tizzy about gays marrying. But all of that stuff that their Savior preached about caring for the poor and the sick and the lame doesn't seem to matter to them. And all the stuff about how being rich is a great hindrance to being saved because people tend to care more for the trappings of being rich than the people around them, that gets shrugged off.
When I listen to the words of the self-styled evangelical politicians, it seems to me that I have rarely heard a pack of people that were more hateful and judgmental than those birds.
A judge issued a Temporary Restraining Order this morning allowing protesters to return to Zuccotti Park after police evicted them in a midnight raid, but Mayor Michael Bloomberg appears to be ignoring the court order. At a press conference this morning, Bloomberg defended the move, saying that "the final decision to act was mine." The judge will hold a hearing on the matter at 11:30 a.m.
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