Turley is one of more than 5,000 suspected child molesters named in confidential documents kept by the Boy Scouts of America. The records – called the "perversion files" by the Scouts – include admissions of guilt as well as unproven allegations.
What a bunch of pigs. The Boy Scouts have been running around for years with their high and mighty "we're better than the immoral gays" attitude, and all the while they're protecting admitted child molesters, who then go on to molest even more children. I'm speechless. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I still am. I can't believe anyone would let a guy get away with molesting a child, knowing damn well that he's likely to do it again. How could the Boy Scouts do this? It sounds like their top priority was, like the Catholic church, protecting themselves, not the children in their care.
And now, according to the article, the Boy Scouts are still refusing to come clean on what they know. Why do people have to sue the Boy Scouts in order to find out what the Boy Scouts know about potential pedophiles in their midst? Would you send your child to be taken care of by someone who is fighting in court to protect the names of potential pedophiles?
Shouldn't the Boy Scouts be fighting in court to protect their own boys?
If I had a kid in the Scouts, I'd get them out right now. Then have a long uncomfortable talk with your child about whether anyone touched them inappropriately.
Bon the Geek at Zandar's place:
JOPLIN, Mo. -- By all accounts, Mark Lindquist is a hero, an underpaid social worker who nearly gave his life trying to save three developmentally disabled adults from the Joplin tornado. Both houses of the Missouri legislature honored Lindquist, the Senate resolution calling him "a true hero and inspiration to others."But heroism doesn't pay the bills. The tornado's 200 mph winds tossed Lindquist nearly a block, broke every rib, obliterated his shoulder, knocked out most of his teeth and put him in a coma for about two months.
Lindquist, 51, ran up medical expenses that exceed $2.5 million, and the bills keep coming. He requires 11 daily prescriptions and will need more surgery.
But he has no medical insurance. Lindquist couldn't afford it on a job paying barely above minimum wage. He assumed workers' compensation would cover his bills, but his claim was denied "based on the fact that there was no greater risk than the general public at the time you were involved in the Joplin tornado," according to a letter to Lindquist from Accident Fund Insurance Company of America, his company's workers' comp provider.
132 worker's compensation claims were filed, and only eight were denied. Lindquist is among those denied. He went above and beyond the call of duty, risking his life to protect those who could not protect themselves. He nearly died for his efforts, and deserves better than "at least you have your health." It's a bitter smack in the face to those who take their duty as caregivers seriously. His life will be forever ruined because of his act of greatness, and before the tornado he was like so many who cannot afford health insurance. On one end or the other, this poor guy deserves a break. However, he isn't likely to get one. And that, friends, is the reality of a hero in today's world.
So the lesson is:
Sell fraudulent mortgages to millions of working-class families, play roulette with billions in pension investments and bring the global economy to its knees, and get punished by receiving millions in bonuses from a taxpayer bailout.
Risk your own life to save others, and get rewarded with permanent, disabling injuries and hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills that will force you into bankruptcy.
Got it.

The net worth of members of Congress rose nearly 25 percent to $2 billion in 2010, according to analysis done by Roll Call. The totals "vastly underestimate" the actual wealth of members by leaving out the value of some assets and only focusing on their minimum reported net worth. Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), with a minimum net worth of $294 million, is the richest member of Congress.
9% approval rating.

Federal Judge Aleta Trauger ruled yesterday that Occupy Nashville protesters are "allowed to be on state property near the Tennessee Capitol at any time of day." The ruling sided with the dozens of protesters that police arrested over the weekend "for violating a recently created curfew."
A new study that was presented at a Washington, DC health conference yesterday found that children who have parents deployed in the military are "twice as likely to carry a weapon, join a gang or be involved in fights." The study comes as 2 million children had at least one parent in the military last year.
This is why climate change doesn't exist.
Police Use Bulldozers to Break Up Occupy Richmond
Dweeb Right-Wing Bloggers Fall For Clearly Fake #OWS Parody
The Internet has a very important question for us today: can whiny conservative bloggers even read? There at the top of this Globe and Mail article about Occupy Toronto lies the ominous word: SATIRE. Beneath it follows a series of mocking fictional quotes by protesters such as, "I have taken to doing the human mic as an act of conscientious citizenry. I went home to have dinner with my parents and when my mother would speak, I would repeat it so that my dad could hear at the other end of the table." The right-wingers were supposed to have a quaint laugh about it, protesters are so silly!, but the humorless mongrel abyss of their dark little souls failed to detect the comic hyperbole and instead sent them to work pooping out furious reactions, which in turn we may now laugh at. The cycle completes itself! What did they have to say?
The particular quote among many that seized attention was this one, from one "Jeremy, 38″:
"It's weird protesting on Bay Street. You get there at 9 a.m. and the rich bankers who you want to hurl insults at and change their worldview have been at work for two hours already. And then when it's time to go, they're still there. I guess that's why they call them the one per cent. I mean, who wants to work those kinds of hours? That's the power of greed."
And thus behold, from Mediate:
The "I Am The 53%" Facebook page posted the quote on Saturday and set off a string of comments that eventually led to people debating if morbidly obese people should get disability. Chris Future from FreedomBunker.com tore into Jeremy in a two-and-a-half minute video, based on the quote that he saw on Google+. Harris Kupperman from AdventuresInCapitalism.com passed it off to his readers as an "actual quote." And Rob Port of the Say Anything Blog tagged poor Jeremy under "a**hats," saying that, "Nothing undermines their own positions and philosophies so thoroughly as what they actually do and say."
Check your sources, kids! That one extra click on the original article does not cost extra! "To be fair," reading the entire story doesn't seem to have made much of a difference for the nutjobs who did, via TPM:
The blog The American Spectator had a post titled "Self Parody Alert: Occupy Toronto Doesn't Get It" by J.P. Freire, who wrote: "Those perceptive Canadians notice that a disparity of income isn't the only thing that separates protesters from the so-called one percent." In an "Update, five minutes later," Freire qualifies the quote: "Is this a parody? Maybe? In which case, I solicit our readers to offer quotes that are just as wacky but true."
IS IT PARODY? MAYBE? Like we said, "satire" is the first word that appears at the top of the article. Hurrrey for illiteralcy! [TPM/Mediaite]
VA GOPers Send Charming Halloween Picture of Obama Shot In Head

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