It's been nearly two months since Sarah Palin officially ruled out a bid for the Republican presidential nomination, but with the 2012 race in flux, some of her die-hard supporters are still hoping she might reconsider.
According to Reuters, a police raid in OccupyLA is imminent as well.
Jesus, man, can't you get ANYTHING right?
Fresh from forgetting which government agency he would abolish and in which century the American Revolution took place, Texas Governor Rick Perry (R) has now forgotten the country's legal voting age.
Perry, who during a recent Republican presidential debate struggled for nearly a minute to remember the third agency on a list of three federal departments that he said he wanted to eliminate, slipped up just as he was wrapping up his prepared remarks at his third of four events in the Granite State. "Those of you that will be 21 by Nov. 12th, I ask for your support and your vote," Perry said to a crowd that included college students. "Those of you who won't be -- just work hard -- because you are going to inherit this and you're counting on us to get this right. The idea that you're looking at a $15-trillion debt, that you're looking at entitlement programs that will not be there for you if we continue on this path, is not fair to you and it's not right."
Voting age is 18 and the election is on November 6.
Gun-toting theocratic hairpiece.
One of the great triumphs of Republican spin has been their ability to convince their base that they don't work for the government. To illustrate this, let's look at the common Republican argument that government doesn't create jobs. They stand there in their suits bought with a government paycheck, in a government-supplied office, with government-supplied staff, telling us -- in all seriousness, mind you -- that the government has never created a single job. Meanwhile, Republican candidates -- at least, those who happen to be governors and former governors -- compete over which created the most jobs in their states. Cognitive dissonance rules the day, as Republicans try to live in what would, to any rational person, be a confusing whirl of conflicting messages and beliefs. Keep reading:
Nation's 10-Year-Old Boys: 'If You See Someone Raping Us, Please Call The Police'
Karl Rove On Barney Frank

Have you somehow forgotten about Arizona these past few days? Let's remember it all over again, for the holidays! Nothing says "mythology of the peaceful savior Jesus" like an Arizona gun club hosting a Guns 'n Santa family foto event. "I thinks it's going to be all in fun from those who support the second amendment and those who don't," a local gun nut tells the teevee news in Phoenix. We heartily agree! READ MORE »
A Pew Research poll finds that more Americans now disagree with the Tea Party, including voters in districts represented by one of the 60 Tea Party Caucus members who are now split on the movement. 27 percent disagreeing with the Tea Party now, an opinion that"has flipped since a year ago" when 27 percent agreed with the movement and only 22 percent disagreed.
Britain will remove diplomats from its embassy in Tehran a day after Iranian protesters stormed the British Embassy there, it announced today. Iranian protesters, angry over aggressive new sanctions put in place by the British, tore down the British flag, chanted "Death to England," and briefly detained six staff members yesterday.
Herman Cain about to quit because of practicing his love too much
Briefly popular ignoramus Herman Cain was already sinking in the GOP primary polls like every other random dingbat the party has puked up for consideration during this long, long 2012 campaign season. But the latest scandal, that he carried on a 13-year-long affair with a lady who was not his wife, seems to be enough to finish him off. In the "next several days," Cain will decide whether he wants to go back to being a simple millionaire riding around in limos with all his ladies, promoting his books. READ MORE »
WASHINGTON -- The Senate voted Tuesday to keep a controversial provision to let the military detain terrorism suspects on U.S. soil and hold them indefinitely without trial -- prompting White House officials to reissue a veto threat.
The annual pay of the 1% as compared to the rest of us:
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