Already faced with growing threats that either the United States or Israel will attack, officials say Iran will face a new threat next week when President Obama unveils plans to sell thousands of "bunker buster" bombs to the UAE.
"More probably, these stockpiles will be ready for the US to use or to be transferred to Israel once they run out of the stuff."
Infamous ladies' man Herman Cain criticizes President Obama for retiring the Shuttle program thusly:
"When I'm president, we are not going to bum a ride to outer space with Russia."
--Black Walnut
Only, oops! It was Chimpy who grounded the fleet. Actually, Obama wants private industry to take on shuttling astronauts around space. Wouldn't wingnuts like that idea?
Former lobbyist, prisoner, and scandal Jack Abramoff says that members of congress bragged to him about insider trading. For the record, as a lobbyist Abramoff dealt mostly with Republicans and exclusively with conservatives.
Finally, Christian right nutjobs want Jesus to chase the moneychangers out of the temple. Oops! Misread that; they want Jesus to chase away the people chasing away the moneychangers. That's the beauty of the Bible -- it contradicts itself so often that you can get it to say whatever the fuck you want it to say. Sermon on the Mount? Shut up, you commie hippie!
The States Doing The Most (and Least) To Spread The Wealth
Herman Cain's God
This clown is leading the GOP field. Go figure.
"I prayed and prayed and prayed. I'm a man of faith, I had to do a lot of praying for this one, more praying than I'd ever done before in my life. And when I finally realized that it was God saying that this is what I needed to do, I was like Moses. 'You've got the wrong man, Lord. Are you sure?'" Cain told a crowd of over 100 people at the Young Republican National Federation…
Cain is probably telling the truth. What we're not understanding, I think, is that Herman spells God, 'K-O-C-H'…and there's not one God in Cain's world, there's two.
If there is a just and loving God, Herman Cain will be the Republican presidential candidate next year because if there was ever a time when Americans needed a good laugh, it's now.
Saturday quiz: Based on the quote below by a state representative, which of the two major political parties would you guess this person is affiliated with?
Personally, I don't trust one Muslim in our military because they're commanded to lie to us through the term called Taqiyya. And if they truly are a devout Muslim, and follow the Quran and the Sunnah, then I feel threatened because they're commanded to kill me.
And when asked if all Muslims should be forced out of the US military, the state rep. said:
Absolutely, yeah.
Easy one, isn't it?
Of course. Only one of the two parties consistently preaches hate, bigotry and intolerance to their followers. Only one of the two political parties consistently attempts to cloak their hate and circumvention of the Constitution with talk of national security ("Muslims wish to destroy America") or Christian bible chatter ("Homosexuality is an affront to God") – a political party whose members openly boo a gay man serving in the military while applauding the death of a young person unable to pay for health insurance.
The Islamophobic hate speech was that of Tennessee state representative Rick Womick – a Republican. Surprise.
It should also be noted that Womick was empowered and given a platform to spit out his hate by the people who voted for him. The label of bigoted vermin belongs as much to them as it does to Womick. And should one make the claim that they were unaware of Womick's views before casting their vote, then let them know that apathetic stupidity is as much an indictment of who they are as is bigoted jackass.
Robert Reich: A passionless presidential race.
Match the Republican Presidential Candidate to the Snark
This might be the only intelligent thing Perry's said.
Nearly 10 Years Ago Today, The U.S. Began Borrowing Billions To Pay For The Bush Tax Cuts
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