Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Headlines - Wednesday

NEW YORK — American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert has landed the cover of Rolling Stone magazine, where he talks about sex, drugs and his "Idol" experiences.
I don't recall the winner making the cover. Funny, that.

I continually underestimate the sheer mean-spirited lunatic nihilism that characterizes the right wing in America in its decadent decline phase.  Today the dynamic duo of men with boobs, Rush Limbaugh and Hugh Hewitt, called for right wingers to boycott General Motors in the hopes of bringing down the company in order to spite Obama.

In other words, Limbaugh and Hewitt so hate Obama, and so despise the United Auto Workers Union that they favor an outcome that will likely result in hundreds of thousands of Americans losing their jobs, their health insurance, and their future prospects, not to mention having the American taxpayer take a bath while the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation absorbs still more staggering losses.  What kind of people would root for such a thing to pass? 

I hope all of the GM employees and those employed in dealerships, part manufacturers and related businesses all take note of this wish for their mass immiseration by these alleged patriots.  

The GOP - the party of vicious abstraction triumphant. What worms.


Obama: Bush and  Cheney are American heroes

.... In other words, Obama just made goddam heroes out of Bush and Cheney. I've heard this lately even from people who were once opposed to torture and more or less convinced that it was unnecessary and never should have been done. But their opposition began to waver when the Democrat majority wouldn't allow Gitmo to be closed and now that Obama himself is doing everything he can to keep the whole thing a "state secret", that waver is turning into certainty that there must be great danger to Americans in that Gitmo crowd. Which, of course, is nonsense.


Obama shying away from a fight he's sure to win

"When Barack Obama sought the presidency, he pledged to reverse the 'Don't ask, don't tell' policy preventing gays and lesbians from serving openly in the U.S. military," according to a piece at TIME. "Yet on Monday, the Supreme Court rejected a gay Ohio soldier's challenge to the law - with the legal backing of none other than the Obama Administration."


Sarah Palin believes in a different kind of capitalism:

We are the only state with a negative tax rate, where we don't have any income, sales or property tax statewide, and yes we have a share of our oil resource revenue that goes back to the people that own the resources. Imagine that... a fair and equitable share of the resources that we own, and the people will share in those resource revenues that are derived.

Remember readers, socialism makes Jesus cry, but collective ownership of the means of production rocks!


Building a truly faith-based society

Lou Engle
International House of Prayer (IHOP)
The Call

Dear Pastor Engle,

I've been thinking all day about Gov. Huckabee's speech to the Rediscovering God in America Conference. He's right. If it hadn't been for the prayer assaults thrown by your organization, Prop 8 would not have passed. It truly was a victory for prayer.

And that got me to thinking that we are not relying enough on faith and prayer to do our nation's heavy lifting. I mean, hey, we have the most awesome power in the universe and we're limiting it's use to maintaining love segregation in a single state. There's something very wrong and wasteful about that, especially considering the problems our nation faces today.

Think about all the money that could be saved if we cut military funding by say 75% and instituted a draft for young Christian men to serve 2 year stints in a prayer corps. Seriously, can you imagine the power of 10,000 prayer warriors asking the Lord to smite Osama bin Sadam? He'd be dead tomorrow.

And that's not the only work we could give them. They could replace the Weather Service by praying that the good Christian states be spared drought, tornadoes, and hurricanes.

FEMA too. You know all the hurricanes are going to move up to those the gay states in New England, anyway. They won't bother us in the real America. So why keep FEMA?

And then there's Israel. We're giving them billions of dollars a year for what? That's God's land. There's going to be Armageddon there whether we pay them or not. It's God's will; nothing we do will change that, so why bother. I mean, wouldn't it be a better demonstration of our faith if we let Israel fend completely for itself?

I've just barely touched on the prayer and faith opportunities here, but you can see it's going to save us trillions of dollars. What do we do with that savings?

Well, of course, most of it should go to those who can invest it the most wisely - you know, the wealthiest 1%: people like Paris Hilton and that CEO from Countrywide. But we should also consider spending some of it on our spiritual infrastructure.

I think it's time to go from the mega-church to the stadium church. Think about it. Close your eyes and visualize 50,000 people
wearing rainbow wigs and holding John 3:16 signs. It'd be great. And we can afford to put retractable roofs on all of them so they're comfy in the Winter, yet available for Our Lord Jesus to descend into when he's available.

Isn't that a better use of our tax dollars than health care or education? I think so.

Heterosexually yours,

Gen. JC Christian, patriot


"Well, obviously. So, they intervene last fall in the bank crisis. No one has ever done it on that scale before. Now the automobile crisis."

— Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL), explaining on Fox News how the Obama administration "is taking us down the road to socialism," forgetting when exactly President Obama took office.


Factory Farming's Long Reach





The impact of factory farming upon the American land and native biodiversity is seldom discussed, but animal protein production has a significant impact upon the Nation's land and water.  The direct environmental problems like air or water pollution associated with large factory farming operations may be clear, but less obvious are the environmental impacts associated with the agricultural production of feed crops and other consequences associated with large factory farming operations.

According to the Animal Feed manufactors' Association, one third of the world's grains are fed directly to animals. In developed countries the percentage of grains fed directly to livestock rises to 60%, with 80% of the grains in the United States fed to livestock.  Since the United States is the leading producer of beef cattle in the world, it is also the top animal feed producer in the world, with more than double the acreage in animal feed production than its closest rival China . This means the majority of cropland in the United States is not growing food for direct human consumption as many presume, but is used to grow forage crops for domestic livestock, including chickens, hogs, and cattle. In fact, in the United States, domestic livestock consume 5 times as much grain as the entire American population.


if the cropland currently used to grow grain fed to livestock were directed towards growing crops for human consumption, we could feed 800 million additional people or more likely provide a descent meal for those whose diet is inadequate. 


Did Obama's new GM Chairman spy on Americans?

The newly announced chairman of General Motors, Edward E ("I don't know anything about cars") Whitacre Jr, led AT&T and its predecessor entities as chairman and chief executive officer from 1990 to 2007. His tenure completely encompasses the period when telecom companies illegally acquiesced to the Bush-era warrantless interception of Americans' communications.


Barack Obama may have no realistic plan for eliminating the deficit, but neither do Republicans. "Tax cuts" to "create jobs" aren't going to do it. George W. Bush cut taxes for the wealthy time and time again, and unemployment exploded under his tax policies. So can we please stop this "rich people create jobs" nonsense? They had eight years of paying ever less taxes and instead of creating jobs, they created bonuses for themselves. As for spending cuts, let's see Republicans come up with a realistic plan to eliminate the deficit. Elminiate Social Security and Medicare? Go ahead. Propose it. See how far you get, especially among families where one or both breadwinners are unemployed, the savings account they set up for the kids' college has been decimated by the economic crash and their parents have lost most of their retirement savings at the same time. Tell these families that their elderly parents now have to pay all their medical expenses on their own. Then if the other breadwinner loses his or her job, and they start sliding down into poverty, tell them there's no more SCHIP. No more food stamps. No more job retraining. Nothing for them, because "deficit reduction is the only important thing." See how that will fly.


Banks exiting TARP - follow the money

The Obama Administration is trumpeting the exit of ten banks from the Troubled Asset Relief Program as a success, but let's cut through the bullshit, shall we? There is one reason, and one reason alone, why the banks are so eager to get out from under oversight by the Treasury Department:
Wall Street firms have also complained intensely about the compensation restrictions associated with the program
In plain English, they want to get back to the system where the good ol' boys in the financial industry can set their own pay at stratospheric levels which have no relationship to the profitability or sustainability of the banks.

It is just one group of thieves helping another group of thieves to steal while their good buddies at the Treasury Department look the other way. As usual.


Looks like the terrorists won: Dr. Tiller's clinic to close


U.S. out of Afghanistan: we're slaughtering people for no good reason.


Matt Taibbi on Hank Paulsen:

Can you imagine what a craven, bumlicking ass-goblin you'd have to be to get a job working for the Wall Street Journal, not mention up front that you used to be a Goldman, Sachs managing director, and then write a lengthy article calling your former boss a "national hero" — in the middle of a sweeping financial crisis, one in which half the world is in a panic and the unemployment rate just hit a 25-year high? Behavior like this, you usually don't see it outside prison trusties who spend their evenings shining the guards' boots. I can't even think of a political press secretary who would sink that low. Hank Paulson, a hero? Are you fucking kidding us?

Keep reading:


Christian group annoints confirmation room hearing with oil and prays for a "truthful process for the American people."

Too bad they weren't around praying for truth when Bush was squatting in Al Gore's White House for 8 years.


At least 35 killed in market bombing in Iraq.

And, once again the SOFA is pushed back - this time until January 30, 2010. 

We're never leaving.

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